Why the fuck hasn't dx 12 and vulkan taken off yet?
Why the fuck hasn't dx 12 and vulkan taken off yet?
Imagine if someone came in saying you have to rewrite your whole engine for a small percentage of gamers who have cutting edge graphics cards and keeping 70% of your customers from playing it.
Dx12 and vulkan implementations would make games easier to play for people with less powerful hardware, you idiot.
sigh... it's because the majority of game engines were already built when these APIs came out. you can't just rewrite your whole back catalog when a new graphics implementation comes out.
just use some common sense
Rewriting everything takes a big investment of time and money
Besides it is very likely that your program is already written to not have so many draw calls in the first place, which means that any benefit would be really minor in the first place
Big AAA need 5 to 7 years developer, studios don't rewrite engine in middle/late developer cycle.
New API don't get full support until 5 years late, like DX9,DX10,DX11....
>cutting edge graphics cards
Vulkan is supported even on GeForce 600 series
and poorfags would ESPECIALLY benefit from more performance.
Did you forget how long it took devs to even use dx 11 did you forget how long it took to be used well?
Yet they have been out for years with a handful of games supporting it and they all have benefited from it
Have you used vulkan? its a mother fucker. durp de hurp physical device management this logical device that selecting appropriate features, coding up 500 validation layers just to catch errors because anything goes apparently.
it will by the time next gen consoles come out. I remember when games like half life 2 came out still supported dx8 and dx7 despite dx9 being fully out by that time.
because, it requires time and effort to implement. Guess what gaymen devs lack.
DX12 is tied to a shitty windows.
Vulkan on the other hand at least have one big title behind it that completely takes advantage of the thing.
Perhaps these were cases where:
1) There was a significant improvement to be made
2) It was decided it would be worth it to implement it
3) It was implemented in time
4) It was put into production and decided that they would keep supporting it
Except it's wrong.
Most games have shitty framerate or spike using vulkan/dx12 backend.
Especially on gtx hardware which is dominant at this point.
Doom is the only patrician game that is also a demonstration of what you can do when you actually employ real graphics engineer.
This is why you build engines around lower-level apis, you dipshit.
Noone writes fucking opengl/directx program except if you're utterly retarded or love throwing money out the window.
Fat chance, buy a better computer.
yea but people with shittier computers don't have support for vulkan or dx12 lol
>well heres the GPU user have fun, hope you have a few years spare and some mathematicians or Phd's on quick dial so you can implement basic boiler plate 3d features again.
>yea but people with shittier computers don't have support for vulkan or dx12 lol
Shittier than what?
Because games are made for PS4.
"shittier" in general
vulkan support on GPU is only pretty recent.
I don't see how this is an issue, if anything, games made with the vulkan in mind are easier to port and optimize on PS4, as it has a big collection of shitty CPUs.
>vulkan support on GPU is only pretty recent.
Do you ever read a thread?
1080p and anti aliasing memes
Geforce 640 is too recent?
Sony has their own in house APIs for PS4.
1. No one likes Windows 10 in the enthusiast community.
2. People already use Direct X.
Yes, they do, but it's not this the point.
If you do a DirectX11 or Open GL code on PC, you will do all the graphical code in a single thread because its all you can do.
And when you try to move this code as it is to the PS4, you will without any doubt overload one of the shitty jaguar cores and get an awful frame rate.
Now if you code was made on top of vulkan, you can spread the graphical code across several cores, and when you do the port, it's already ready to deal with the PS4 bullshit, as not only you take advantage of the masses of CPUs, as the sony API also allow multithreaded graphical input.
>cutting edge
>since 2015
>supported by phones and intel IGP
>keeping 70% of your customers from playing it.
Stop pulling numbers out of your filthy ass.
89.86% of Steam users have DX12 compatible GPUs.
Lazy devs haven't updated their engines yet.
Doom 2016 ran great with Vulkan, although I had some texture pop-in issues on my nVidia card.
Wolfenstein II was a bit stuttery with Vulkan when it came out. But my last play-through last month was buttery smooth. I guess nVidia improved their Vulkan driver support within that time span.
New APIs take a while to get going.
I'm working on a Vulkan based indie game,
because it's the only cross-platform way to support macOS.
Is there any advantage of dx12 over Vulkan for both consumers and devs?
You cant move that code to a ps4 anyway. It has an older, even lower level custom API that was present long before mantle was even conceived
>Is there any advantage of dx12 over Vulkan for both consumers and devs?
Yes, you can't directly "copy and paste", but there's a lot of structures and shit that comes before the talking with the graphical API that need to be made either for the monothread or multithread models.
For a long time vulkan was a good year behind DX12 for documentation - I have no idea how good it is now but that was a hurdle for many.
>better performance than any other API
>needs a cutting edge graphics card
that's fucking retarded and you're fucking retarded
Vulkan is being used already. Linux supports it, people are implementing DirectX translators in Vulkan.
It's awesome.
Your average novidiot everybody.
>Big AAA need 5 to 7 years developer,
So we are going to see rtx in full use, next decade.
Regardless. Everybody has adopted vulkan and dx12 by 2016, especially the mobile market, only novidia waited until 2018 to support it in barelyworks
Even some smartphones as well.
I like how none remembers dx11 taking a good 5 years to become the primary tool chain.
It will still be a few years yet for vulkan (dx12 is DOA though).
the amount of tech debt these big studios have is hilariously high
only companies with competent engineers like iD and Epic can pull off keeping up with and contributing to new standards like this.
Other big publisher companies and even hardware companies are holding the industry back- check the recent Hitman 2 that doesn't even have DX12 support. It got pulled because Intel paid off IO Interactive so that Nvidia and Intel would keep the lead in performance against Ryzen.
It's always about politics and money. Fortnite runs well in DX12 and Vulkan because they have an incentive to get it out to as many devices as possible and both of these rendering engines squeeze the most out of the hardware.
But when game companies team up with hardware companies shit goes sideways and you have backroom deals to bundle games and do weird shit to shut out competitor hardware/software
Holy shit just use Unreal Engine or Unity or something you fucking faggots
>can't even handle 64 bits
Watch RDR 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 be on DX11. Lmfao
>Holy shit just use Unreal Engine or Unity or something you fucking faggots
No wonder 95% of games are clones of each other.
>whining about hiring mathematicians
>complaining about bit width
holy shit maybe the majority of these games shouldn't even exist if they can't modify an existing, exteremly versatile engine to provide a sufficiently unique experience
The videogame industry is in such shambles right now due to oversaturation that I'm surprised it hasn't shrunk
Unreal Engine might as well be Nvidia only and with AMD in the consoles it has fallen out of favour.
You can make a good and/or unique game even in a fucking RPG maker, that's entirely up to game development being more accessible now.
This game is still one of the most impressive technical feats I've seen in years
this was two years ago
it's a shame that Vulkan explicit multi-GPU hasn't taken off- making gaming computers out of older hardware would be so much easier
This. the next game engines will incorporate Vulkan/DX12 from the getgo but current gen engines have that shit bolted on.
gotta wait a few years and be patient brah.
ID tech already does it a lot, at a point vulkan is pretty much a saving grace if your CPU sucks on doom/wolf 2
Yeah, but they're not supported by the respective consoles that are out now. Same thing happened with DX10 adoption, i.e. none, while DX11 is standard now, because it was supported by the PS4/XBONE. In other words, wait for PS5, wait for Navi, JUST WAIT
Unlike DX10-DX11, there's no hardware difference.
Vulkan/DX12 is supported by pretty much any DirectX11/OGL 4.5 compatible hardware, which means PS4,Xbone and the switch can use it.
They don't because they use proprietary garbage that does pretty much the same job, but they could.
Lazy devs
OpenGL is the best of all.
>just use some common sense
99.9% of Game Developers are already dog shit at optimizing for OpenGL and DirectX11; what makes you think that putting MORE responsibility on them to optimize the data flow is going to be a popular idea?
>No one likes Windows 10 in the enthusiast community
What the fuck is enthusiast community. It's currently the most popular OS on Steam
>having a steam account makes you an enthusiast
They already have to deal with it when programming for the consoles.
Vulkan is literally "console sauce for computers".
>rewrite your engine
No, he would just need to adress their render calls to vulkan API. God, when DX9 came out it was easy to see PS2 games having more post processing than its PC port because DX9 you had to tell microsoft hey, this shitty API can't do that. We ended up having over 30 versions of DX9, and this carry on all the way to DX11.
No. But you can buy game, that's all what matter to game devs.
There's a reason why the AAAest of AAAs and the company who made the consoles are the only one who make console games that aren't dogshit. Everyone else is just buying an engine from someone else and putting a square peg into a Y-shaped hole.
Wrong. The increase in FPS would be percentual, from 3% to 12%ish depending on the PC. They wouldn't even notice, also, the CPU could go 100% and the system would easily hang.
save us dxvk
IO went independent and needs all the money they can get.
It's a bitch to get up and running but it will be fine once I do r-right?
t. amateur Vulkan dev
Because (((Nvidia))) can't take advantage of neither.
Literally all NVIDIA cards since march 2012 support Vulkan.
Any Nvidia or Amd GPU bought since 2012 supports Vulkan.
> check the recent Hitman 2 that doesn't even have DX12 support. It got pulled because Intel paid off IO Interactive so that Nvidia and Intel would keep the lead in performance against Ryzen.
You have to source me up here senpai
There aren't any games on PC that look good enough to require 26 million draw calls. Let's say each object require 24 calls for mesh, textures, and shaders. That's still over 1 million unique objects. No game, not even 1st party Sony exclusives designed for the PS4 Pro would have that many unique objects.
Try writing something in Vulkan and you will know the answer.
If you pay me and give me a deadline nothing is out of the question. The OP may be in over his head but he's right about pro studios not moving, sort of. But I really don't think it's necessary for most if not all PC/multi-plat games.
> PS4 Pro
You mean the PS 4frames?
>OpenGL is the best of all.
Yeah, for single core CPUs
>small percentage
>consoles can run dx12/vulkan
>steam use reports over 80% with dx12 compliant tech
>nu-doom was entirely rewriten starting in 2011 by a bunch of new people and released in 2015
It supports vulkan and runs amazing on modest hardware while having some of the best graphics to date
The only excuse for its lack of adoption is lazy devs and or shitty execs who only care about profits.
> shitty execs who only care about profits.
It's 98% this most of the time
I want to make something with vulkan that abstracts this bullshit. How abstracted do I go? glfw already lets you use vulkan so it would have to be lower than that.
>runs amazing on modest hardware
Because it looks mediocre and 99% of the game is small rooms and occasional multiple small rooms
>I want to make something with vulkan that abstracts this bullshit
>winds up reinventing OpenGL
OpenGL requires you to use a single thread (basically) though. Also that chart is kinda bullshit. Nvidia already came up with ways for devs to do near 0 overhead openGL
I'm a brainlet but I feel like doing this. It won't get used by anyone so it's fine.
Game development is for the lowest of the low. Anyone with actual talent gets picked up by movie or TV studios if they're CG artists, or by B2B firms if they're programmers. Your average game developer, even your well-above-average game developer, is the bottom of the barrel in the big scheme of things
A thread-safe, very compatible version of OpenGL 4.5 that runs on top of vulkan and supports precompiled shaders would be a godsend.