Is the defacto python 3 yet? or is it still 2.7?
Is the defacto python 3 yet? or is it still 2.7?
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which version of 3? cause not all of them are compatible with each other too
>not using the unreleased Python 4
imagine knowing this little about the quantum web
Python is a fucking meme because of this. Stop letting 2.7 drag you cucks down.
Try running 3.6 scripts on 3.4. I love python but they should come up with some standard or something because this is ridiculous.
Yes, the defacto standard is finally 3 now.
>being worse than androids fragmentation
pretty pathetic really.
I started using PHP in place of python. it's faster now and runs just as easy "php script.php" "python3" same shit. 30 year old php scripts run fine
Yeah, I consider learning Ruby because of this. Sadly there is no replacement for Python when it comes to NN.
Nah, I mean there are countless libraries backed by tech giants like Google for Python. These libraries are kind of an industry standard.
oh yea no arguing that
and you get to install a different version for each one! yay
Next you'll wonder why C++11 doesn't work if you try to compile it with C++03 compiler.
Well, you can set up a virtualenv for Python but I'd rather have one version of Python than several.
Implementing new features is fine as long as you keep the old ones.
If you use 2.7 you're a nigger and should stop programming
Imagine breaking thousands of codebases once just to require parentheses around a term you are printed ting, then breaking them all again when you change your mind. Power of progressive thinking.
FUCK im a nigger, but why change?
Not comparable, python is interpreted. More like comparing programs written in a language not working after a Windows update
People dont even know what the difference between Python 2 and Python 3 is. The ONLY major difference is that Python 3 uses unicode strings. The fact that Guido is really a shitty language designer who is given total control of the language design means that Python is full of very stupid language decisions. Making an entirely new non-backwards compatible version of Python just to support unicode was stupid. A lot (most?) programmers dont need to switch their code base so they wont. Python 2 vs Python 3 is here forever, anyone in this thread who says it isnt is shilling/memeing.
For me, it’s Perl 6
It isn't Guido's fault that so many people look to him for answers. It's an open source project and people can take it in whatever direction they like.
2.7 is it.
3 is literally broken by design, you might as well wait for version 4.
>2.7 is the standard for stuff already running in prod.
>3 for anything new being developed.
tensorflow is dogshit though, pytorch is where it's at. You can use torch with lua which is actually pretty good from personal experience but I think the devs are now focusing on the python version which is sad.
As for libraries of existing models on cpu (e.g. scikit-learn, opencv), that's available in basically every mainstream language so it's usually not that bad.
c++03 programs compile fine in c++11 compilers. python2.7 programs don't work in python3.