>doing cs
>discrete math exam is in 4 days
>barely understand half the content
>don't understand the solutions to problem sets either
explain to me how I will ever find a use for solving a recurrence relation or finding the number of ways to put balls into boxes
Doing cs
what about you put this
*unzips dick*
Discrete math is the class I enjoyed most out of any math class I've ever taken. And computations and permutations*putting balls into boxes) is necessary in literally countless things, cryptography, probability, graph theory. If you don't enjoy discrete math you really should not be a CS major.
Its useless and it won't help you get a job. Just wank snobs think they need to learn. Go do actual programming if you want a job.
there are jobs where performance is critical or at least a priority.
knowing how to pick the right algorithm for the job or modify it to be better with specific dataset is essential there.
Easy. Just remember the whore pays first.
>study something for two years
>it's okay
>third year rolls around
>hate it and don't want to spend 40 more years doing it
>finish degree and start another entirely unrelated degree in a completely different domain
>have done this twice now
I guess it's the rope for me.
now make something combining those two fields
>how I will ever find a use
You will if you study subjects like automata/computation theory and linear optimization
How much debt do you have, Jesus Christ
It's actually cool how much of discrete structures relates to actual programming but professors hardly ever show application. I struggled with disc. as well and ended up with an A- because the grading system was a joke, as was my professor.
Good luck user, try tutoring
Is discrete math really challenging for people?
you retard 4th year is where the fun stuff happens for all majors. Once you know the “boring” stuff you move on to cooler things.
short answer is you won't use this information if you have no intention of using it
long answer is that this is your field of study and learning this is exactly what you signed up for. The "ill never use this" excuse is really just for brainlets diverting their attention from their own incompetence
Theres hope though, just pay attention in class, do your homework, and actually read the textbook. Nobody who does this fails their classes, yet somehow people can't figure this out
you can't magically know ins and outs of any subject, you gotta actually put an effort in to learn it
If you becomes a programmer, this stuff is very useful. If you know how to solve recurrence relations, you can use that technique to optimize recursive functions (trivial example: computing Fibonacci numbers). Finding the number of ways to put balls into a box will help you in e.g. writing test code where you want to test a function (your box) and you want to test it on all possible combinations of inputs (your balls).
>at the gym
>barely can lift any of the weights
explain to me how I'll ever find a use for a bench press
>long answer is that this is your field of study and learning this is exactly what you signed up for. The "ill never use this" excuse is really just for brainlets diverting their attention from their own incompetence
I've been a professional programmer for 30 years since my college days. I have built games, stock trading systems, battle simulations, sales forecasting and inventory tracking systems, and a ton of other random stuff. Never in any of those projects did I have to write linked list code or binary search tree code or do anything with BNF stuff. A lot of the stuff I learned in college I have never had to use, and I've been quite successful in my career.
You have to learn all this math because you are studying computer science.
You are not studying "dead-end IT job".
You are studying to understand how computers work, how they are capable of computing, and how we can improve the computing. You are studying the theory behind computation. The applications are numerous.
Larry Page, when he was a PhD student in the field of Computer Science, used his mathematical knowledge to develop the Google search engine.
Sure, Google.com isn't a complicated website. With some basic PHP, anyone can whip up a search field where you enter a word, and it will return a list of some results.
But the part where you get those results using complicated math, that's the important thing.
combine, or suicide.
if none of them is tech related, suicide
Discrete math is pretty much CS which is what you are actually studying you gorilla nigger
You don't have to ever write a list, a BST, or any of the actually useful data structures. The idea is that you'll have a much deeper insight into whatever you're doing if you actually understand how those things work instead of treating them like a black box. This applies to a lot of other subjects, e.g. it's likely you'll never have to write anything in C, work with networking etc., but there are things you wouldn't notice or understand without this basic knowledge.
Also discrete maths is required for statistics which is required for meme learning, so I'm pretty sure a lot of your peers will need this knowledge, even if you don't.
You dont need it because some really smart folks already implemented the libraries
The difficulty and even the material varies a lot I think. For me Discrete is much harder than Calc 2.
Wait until you get into continuous distributions. Oh boy those are fun.
Keep getting more degrees and when you have like 5 apply for management positions. You'll get good pay and will not have to do shit.
Go to doctor holiday and start learning now for the repetition exam.
All you gotta do is take notes and do your homework user. That's what I did.
If you got questions just ask That's what I did anyway but I only found calc 2 difficult from the math courses.
thats not the point, if you choose to study "computer science" you will learn about "computer science"
its the same for every field of study, in a professional setting you'll only use a subset of what you learned
I did a course on automatas, turing machines, etc and didn't use any discrete math. I didn't understand the proofs that everyone who did has most likely forgotten already anyway though.
try jiffylube they have jobs