Damn! Windows 10 looks like THAT?!?

Attached: classy.png (2256x1504, 2.07M)

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Wangblows 7, 8.1 workss better
Riced loonignog still look better than this unfunctional trash

>be multibillion dollar company
>have the leading marketshare on desktop os
>copy a literal hobby project designed by neets and funded by communists thats kde

This is so that the alt-right will stop crying about Windows 10 being “reverse racism.”

All Windows 10s Matter

I unironically like it.

I really hate that start menu. The one in windows 7 is still the best. Screw that tile shit.

I've always preferred light themes over dark themes. So far I've hated Windows 10, but If this is actually what it will look like I will seriously considered upgrading.

now if it only worked.

micropenis winshit10 botnet edition.

looks like fucking trash

You can have it right now by setting your accent color to white. It's just a marketing ploy, because they cannot even get the OS to have a dark mode, since 80% of all programs (including built in ones) don't work with the black tinting.

>game bar being cut off by search box
>search box has no border

triggered like a MF

It's literally KDE 5.

looks like shit.
WIndows 95/98, now that was pretty.

>tfw have to use dark theme for everything because eyes got fucked years ago

>game bar being cut off by search box
it's a scrolling list, what's weird about that
>search box has no border
it's not supposed to, that'd look wrong

Windows 10 only released a few years ago and it already looks outdated

Guys, how do I get this? is it an official microsoft thingymajig? I have all the updates already but I dont have this thingy UwU


It's a part of the latest insider build. You'll probably have to wait until the next big update for it.

God that looks like fucking ass.

>he doesnt have the exclusive Microsoft™ Windows™ 10 Pro™ White Theme™

Attached: image.jpg (2227x1484, 766K)

Wtf? They're literally just copying KDE now.

Attached: jpg.jpg (399x388, 18K)

Looks like some cheap Linux ripoff

It is in fact Windows 10.

>doesn't start typing as soon as he presses the launch button

That looks worse than a hobbyist distro.

they've been trailing behind linux shit for awhile copying what they can.. hell they even implemented bash shell into their botnetos.

Absolutely stunning.

How do I update!! :)

how do I get this insider build thingy VwV

Settings > Updates > Insider > Become insider

Ubuntu 18.10 is far better looking than Windows

woah that is just amazing where can I buy it?

>it's a scrolling list, what's weird about that
My Autism can't handle there is no visual transition between the 2 sections.

>it's not supposed to, that'd look wrong
No, it would look normal and give a visual hint that there is a reason half the icon is missing. It looks like a graphics glitch the way it is. There isn't even a space in between.

Attached: W7.png (327x234, 11K)

The new UI isn't great but I don't think we should be looking back to older versions of Windows for inspiration, they are pretty terrible looking.

KDE looks more like MacOS tho.

Attached: kde430-desktop[1].png (1280x800, 467K)

That looks like trash, fuck off shill.

Why are you still posting KDE4 of all fucking things

MacOS 10.1 maybe, damn KDE looks terrible

Because searx.me is shit and that's what I got when I image searched searched KDE DE.

It might be because it's technically called Plasma Desktop now, it just runs on KDE Frameworks

Attached: plasma-5.14 (1).png (1600x900, 470K)

Such bad KDE clone.

There seems to be a lot of panicked GNU/Linux posting in this topic. Are you scared that you're going to lose 50% of the GNU/Linux install base when the 2400 people that switched to rice their desktops return to Microsoft's warm tender bosom?

As GNU/Linux used I find it extremely funny, how KDE was cloning Windows Vista, and MS trying to clone KDE.

Looks pretty good, should have started with white theme, and only then build edgy dark shit

Looks awesome OP how do I make the text black after changing the color?
And its says most lighter colors are unavailable when I try to customize my color like yours, how do I tell it to suck my cock?

That's literally just KDE 5

Maybe it's wallpaper dependant, why don't you try brighter wallpaper

You know how when you want to install a software some of them have the "ubuntu" option. Would clicking that work on Linux Mint, or would I have to go to the compile from source option?
Apologies for the brainlet question, but from all the distros I looked at, Linux Mint seems to be the most pleasing. Ubuntu looks ugly af.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (869x467, 76K)

>panicked GNU/Linux posting
That's an odd way to write entertained. It is quite funny how the worlds biggets software company have to copy KDE because they can't come up with anything original.

I already use KDE5 though.


Attached: PERFECT.png (860x736, 258K)

the answer is typically yes, linux mint is essentially just ubuntu with a different pre-installed wallpaper. there's some other minor differences but you get the idea. if you mind that ubuntu "looks ugly" then you don't really need to install another distribution, you could change the wallpaper (and icon theme, window decorations, whatever) on ubuntu.

>mfw applel copies the app store
>mfw winblows copies virtual workspaces
>mfw applel copies the dashboard
>mfw windows copies breeze theme

Companies worth six-gorillion and they can't come up with ideas themselves.

No, it generally look like this.

Attached: win10.png (1024x608, 134K)

Microsoft owns Canonical so they basically invented Linux

ugh my autism... it hurts so much. I'm getting light headed and nauseous just looking at it.

just use openshell and set your own colors

I'm pretty sure this is KDE with a Win10 theme


>Apologies for the brainlet question, but from all the distros I looked at, Linux Mint seems to be the most pleasing. Ubuntu looks ugly af.
Mint is godawful and you'll rather quickly make a system more broken than a windows install.

I recommend the Fedora spin you find post pleasing or Solus.

Nah thats IBM who now owns redhat.
They collectively contribute near a majority of the changes made to kernel now.

Windows 10 doesn't show the new unicode 11.0 emoji to me :(

that unironically looks like cr*p

Attached: 1540728263650.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

Imagine spending so much time """"ricing""" windows 10 but forgetting to install https-everywhere or enable https redirect in 4chanx

really nigga? do you really think microsoft gives a shit about irrelevant kde with its ugly interface? most likely kde stole the windows 8 design and made kde5.

i tried autohide taskbar for a week but didnt like it to be honest. i prefer knwoing what programs are curettnly opened at all times.


degenerate good goyim

Compare windows 7 to KDE4.

Apple and MS take inspiration all the time from Linux. I already mentioned the app store, dashboard and virtual desktops being done for years before being adopted by Windows and OSX.

i don’t use 4chanx desu

i just do it for screenshots


just like a flashbang in the eyes

Literal placebo snakeoil

>do you really think microsoft gives a shit about irrelevant kde with its ugly interface?
I think they do, because they copied it, among other things. KDE Plasma 5 was launched a year before Windows 10. See for yourself:

Just admit that every de for linux looks like shit. Even kde5 looks like shit, and it is the decent one. No way microsoft takes inspiration from them.

but communism never works amirite?

what is windows 8, which was already far ahead of the kde 5 design?
and tell me one thing microsoft copied from kde5 for windows 10.

I have had windows 10 for 3 years now. It's always looked this way. What the fuck are you retards on about?

>what is windows 8, which was already far ahead of the kde 5 design?
It's personal preference.
The taskbar, I mean, it's obvious.

>Windows 10 Enterprise
>still comes with shit like "Game bar" installed
why do they do this?

what I mean is that windows 10 based on window 8, not kde5. microsoft doesn't even know kde plasma 5 exists.

This is a bait

Show me something that is better looking

windows and mac os.

I can agree with MacOS, I was mainly asking what DE is better looking than Ubuntu's implementation of Gnome in 18.10 though

> No way microsoft takes inspiration from them.
Right, because microsoft's designers are masters of ui design.
Just don't look at the 5 different styled menus.
Just don't remember Vista.
Just pretend windows 8 didn't exist.

Pic related is the absolute zenith of dark-themes. You can't make a dark theme that looks better than this, I promise!

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 453K)

I miss 7.

Serious answer?

Budgie, KDE Plasma 5 and xfce4 if you rice it properly.
>"inb4 buh gnome looks better OOTB"
>imblying you can customize Gnome in the slightest

nice what’s the name

>microsoft doesn't even know kde plasma 5 exists.
And you know this how?

>different style for icons.
>different style for window
>different style for panels
but windows is inconsistent!

Why wasn't this called a dark grey theme?

I fucking hope not

Because it's irrelevant. Not that they don't have knowledge about it, is just they don't give a fuck about plasma and horrific qt apis.

>different style for icons.
>different style for window
>different style for panels
Good thing you provided a screenshot to go along with this.
You repeating it over and over again doesn't make it true.

Thats only if you use different gtk and qt themes.
You're at least given the option to configure it.

>Imblying Windows Task-View hasn't existed in every Linux DE for a decade.
>Imblying Winblows didn't copy synaptic and applel app stores

>he thinks this looks good in the slightest
take this 2006 rice back to the recycle bin

He doesn't, he was being facetious.

I'm fine with the look, other than some of the menus. The default photo and video apps are sufficient, too.
But it has too many fucking bugs.

Kek. You're right.

My bad this is the actual official windows 10 dark theme atm

Its worse than the shit deviantart ricers make

Attached: file.png (1600x1066, 653K)

it looks bad