I finally understand why iShits are so garbage now.
I had to get a new phone since my trusty OnePlus3t bricked beyond repair yesterday, and my roommates convinced me to try the new iPhone so we can all have an iMessage group.
Good god this phone is like a child's phone. After 7 years of having only Android phones I'm shocked at how little customization and freedom there is available in iOS.
It feels like its a big colorful toy that can do like 5 things. I get that they're going for the whole like "space age" design with their OS, but like does that require dumbing it down so much?
The design is alright, and the gestures are pretty cool, but like why is this phone so popular? Why would anyone willingly pay so much to cuck themselves with iOS?
At least I don't have to worry about upgrades with Android. On iPhone I'm having to upgrade to new versions of iOS at least twice a year. Fucking hate that.
Ayden Edwards
That's why after years of using them I bought an S8. Even for the basic stuff, like texting, all I wanted was a dark theme that didn't reverse the colors of everything else, like images. How difficult is that?
It is strange to me also how very simple customizations that a lot of people would like are overlooked, not just "ricers" looking to change everything. Just introduce a LITTLE flexibility, for fucks sake
Liam Wood
It is children that want to customise their phone in millions of ways. Adults just buy, you know, a phone that works.
Logan Foster
it's not a million ways just a few basic ways that should exist but don't
>security updates are a bad thing The fuck? At least iOS devices are guaranteed 5 years of updates, most android phones are lucky to get 1 or 2.
Nicholas Lewis
Henry Martin
I prefer to upgrade the OS myself. Too bad the CPU can't deal with most of my hot code.
Connor Clark
>Why would anyone willingly pay so much to cuck themselves with iOS? Its made for women, children and gay men. The other 45% own real phones.
Adrian Young
you'll have a better social life with an iphone
Sebastian Gomez
i love my iphone xs. are you a fat fucking retard by chance that needs to customize his phone because without it he has no reason to own one?
Jose Cooper
Street shit harder iPajeet. iOS is a fucking joke and shits the bed after its first """""""update"""""""". Meanwhile androids get security updates for 5+ years that aren't tied to system versions.
lol says the guy who likes customizing gui. you are like the guy who puts spoilers and decals on your car. people want mass market well designed hardware and software that do the job and have a nice ux experience. some of these terms are subjective but overall apple delivers a complete experience better than any other company by far. wanting to customize your gui is for children.
Nathaniel Lewis
>people want mass market well designed hardware and software that do the job and have a nice ux experience This. No one wants lagOS fruit trash that can't even handle the simplest shit without completely shitting the bed.
Austin Wilson
how is he going to get by without torrenting chinese cartoons on his phone, and no file manager to organize all his uncompressed anime soundtracks.
David Miller
It's literally made for kids, women and people who don't want to learn anything about their device. Android can be like this too but it's not dumbed down by default
Jackson Rodriguez
I've never understood this argument for iOS. Every time I've had to help someone with an iPhone it's been the most fiddly fucking thing. My personal trainer, who I consider a good example of a general 'just werks' user with slightly more advanced tech understanding, had to spend three hours mucking around with backups and iTunes to get his stuff across to his new phone. I bought a $250 US Motorola midrange thing to replace my old Sony last week. It took one NFC tap and about five minutes to get logged in and set up, within two hours I had everything I needed downloaded and I was 100% ready to go. I think everybody wants a phone that 'just werks' to some degree, but I'm not convinced iPhones can claim to be the answer.
Anthony Adams
Because android phones shit the bed after a year, with all the “extra customisation” comes rapid slow downs and crashes, I’ve owned more Android phones then iPhones and in every occasion they’ve become slow and shit after a year or two, the only exception being my Nexus 4 which was great but nowadays the pixel 3 is your only stock google option and that phone looks like garbage lmao
iPhones run well for 3+ years, get constant updates from Apple, are better built, more compatible with apps (looking at you Snapchat) and after all is said and done you can sell it for a much higher price then a typical android phone that’s 3 years old.
Android has its merits and customisation is great but the two times I’ve had ios I’ve never had any issues whatsoever, whereas my android experiences are like 60% fantastic and plagued with issues the rest of the time.
Colton Kelly
apple's ability to control the hardware and software of its entire ecosystem and make app devs bend to its well is good shit.
even with all the bonuses of buying an Android phone, buying an an android phone in 2018 and never knowing if it's even going to get an OS refresh the following year is bullshit. App devs care more about iOS apps than Android apps. being able to stroll into any apple store and walk out with your screen or battery fixed instantly is convenient as hell. Those are the facts of the situation.
i don't even get who these threads are directed at. it's like the threads in Jow Forums that bitch about jews and black people. there are no jews or blacks who use Jow Forums, so what the fuck is going on?
Christopher Phillips
I work in sales, and part of my job is tech support. Every time a phone just randomly shits the bed, can't make calls, can't hear caller, receiver can't hear you, speakers don't work, home button stopped working, etc etc etc, it's always a fucking iphone.
Its faster than lagdroid and has a nice display. Id buy one but ios is shit so i stick with samsung because i want clover and webm support
Charles Gomez
>I fell for the trap >I finally understand why iShits are so garbage now. It means you have a functioning brain capable of independent thought and critical thinking. NPCs just believe whatever horseshit their TV tells them to believe and continue to believe it even after experiencing the reality of iTrash for years.
it's weird that the pixel's claim to fame is "no erroneous bullshit you'll never use". like all the android oems are compelled to add stupid shit to their android versions to differentiate them, but it's never to anyone's benefit. nobody likes or needs or wants bixby. it's odd. "hey we'll take away your headphone jack, but here's a bunch of shit you don't care about using up precious resources on your expensive phone!"
Brandon Harris
>lagdroid >Samsung
no wonder you think android is slow when your using samsung bloated android. get yourself a stock android device and you'll be surprised.
Angel Ward
can indians even afford apple shit whenever i watch a youtube video about an iphone, the comment section consist of indians bitching about how they will never buy one because of the price (ostensibly a 1000$ iphone is a years salary in india)
Thomas Davis
this. exactly.
Almost everyone i show my pixel 2 xl to wants one of there own. mostly samsung and iphone users. if pixel was available thru all the carriers more people would buy them.
Nathaniel Bailey
I run clover and youtube on an s8 its fast as fuck for my usage
Hunter James
>ostensibly a 1000$ iphone is a years salary in india Who do you think keeps bragging on Jow Forums about being able to """"""""afford""""" iTrash? Certainly nobody in a first world country considering a teenager can work a few weeks in summer at any McBurger and buy one with cash.
i call major bullshit. compare it to a pixel 2. the pixel will be so much faster.
Dominic Brown
It made more sense when Android's stock UI was kind of trash, like back in the 2.x days when you really needed HTC Sense or TouchWiz to smooth things over a bit, plus it gave each company an easy way to make sure that their software was distinct and a little 'unique' for branding purposes. These days I think it's mainly a hangover, plus businessmen going "but then how will they know it's OUR phone when they're using it? they'd be able to buy a different new phone and have it feel just the same!". I'm glad that more and more companies are either leaving Android stock or aiming for a fairly stock feel. Between you and me, I even like the moto gestures and smart lock screen stuff that Motorola add.
Chase Murphy
Faster at what? They both run the same cpu and os. >but muh touchjizz
Christopher Hill
A better social life full of endless scrolling superficial mombook Tyco judgmental cucks who don't realize how much of a herd they are to reverse the content of their character into a simulacra symbiotic of versimilitude playing on insecurities of imaginary social statuses preemptively nonindicative of wealth
Caleb Perez
That image still baffles me. Who the fuck buys a bunch of silver just to have it? But yeah, you make a good point. A lot of luxury or hobby stuff here in the west tends to be more a question of spending priorities than actual outright affordability. If you're supporting a family on a single low income job or something then sure, but for most of us, that $1k phone or $600 new GPU or whatever is more a question of if you can justify it and if you can free it up. I'm sure that 99% of people that want an iPhone in the US or Australia or wherever could afford one if they really considered it important, especially with carrier financing. It's not a binary 'cannot afford this luxury' thing.
Kayden Morris
Imagine literally PAYING for google to spy on you
Nicholas Murphy
and apple doesnt spy on anyone who guys their products?
iOS is a $6 Casio with basic arithmetic, square root, and percent. Android is pic related. Normal people don't need pic related, they just need something simple and "easy" to use.
i have the same experience as you OP but not with the newest ishits
switched from a samsung a5 to an iphone se. i loved the iphone's size, and it was genuinely faster and smoother than even my older s7 edge but i hated feeling cucked by the limited OS, the inferior apps (except normie apps like fb and snapchat).
lasted 2 months with my iphone and switched back to my a5
also i had a dead pixel 1 month into using the iphone and thought it was a spec of dust lol
Isaac Rodriguez
I've used android except for my first smartphone which ran Windows CE. I also have and use a HP 50G. My only iOS device is a 2nd gen iPod touch and that was the reason I'll never use an iPhone.
Anthony Russell
>He says this >On Jow Forums On an unrelated note, how big of a piece of shit is your house and car?
Anthony Hall
That is because they are the best selling phone you intellectually disabled retard. You can't even understand probability and maths.
Josiah Reyes
Who cares what you are convinced about, it is the reality. I don't care about your stupid story. iCloud does everything automatically, you don't have to do a single thing.
Easton Torres
we got an angry poo mathematician here people! western academia better watch the fuck out!
I bought an iPhone recently after using nothing but Galaxy phones for years, simply because even if Apple might be a botnet, there is no way it could even be remotely as much of a botnet as Android/Google in general.
My personal pros cons: Pros: Phone is very snappy, didn’t even realise how laggy my Android phones were in comparison. Multitasking is very easy and smooth, including sharing images and such tasks. General UI/usage is very quick to pick up and understand which I thought would be confusing as a long term Android user. General experience is just much more enjoyable.
Cons Almost no customisability whatsoever, no haptic feedback for keyboard (even though I’m somewhat glad I was forced to get used to not having it because it’s a massive battery drain), can’t change the notification sound for Messenger on iOS, can’t separate audio volume for different functions (aka, low text notification audio but high for call or alarm), back button being top left instead of bottom right is really inconvenient and the lack of a Jow Forums app is really frustrating.
Overall, I do enjoy iOS a lot more, and if it had just basic customisation I would not have a single reason to get an Android ever again.
Zachary Perez
Because it works for browsing Facebook, Instagram, snapchat and YouTube.
Oliver Collins
if you're in any year level above 7 than you need pic related
Angel Phillips
Over half of the phones in america run android you retard.
Luke Taylor
>ux experience I don't have a brainlet enough picture to describe you.
Owen Myers
>even if Apple might be a botnet, there is no way it could even be remotely as much of a botnet as Android/Google >as much of a botnet The absolute state of Jow Forums. Thanks for the review, faggot. I found that quite helpful so I'll leave you a like.
Liam Myers
>At least I don't have to worry about upgrades with Android. On iPhone I'm having to upgrade to new versions of iOS at least twice a year. Fucking hate that. Yeah. And you get to experience battery throttling or random shutdowns with your wonderful updates. Any developer friendly Android device will be supported for fairly long time, but with the added benefit of no battery throttling among other things.
Robert Taylor
Fuck off Anjeet, Googles entire platform has always been selling user data, Apples never has, but there is no confirmation they aren’t doing it on the side.
Sebastian Collins
iPhone is the best selling phone. This retards brain sees the phone manufacturers because he is dealing with hardware issues.
Matthew Gonzalez
impressive, very nice
Nathaniel Russell
Jow Forums is to autistic to understand this
Ian Watson
No need to artificially throttle if your chiplet can't even use basic apps without choking I guess. Reminder that snapdragon's newly announced top chip is still slower than the one in last year's iphone 8 lmao.
David Rodriguez
Cool blog post Mr. Reddit spacer.
Carson Garcia
Get your head out of the sand. There are almost as many Samsung users as iPhone users
Liam Clark
The Jow Forums sticky uses spacing.
Stupid Zoomer!
Christopher Martinez
This. I switched from an iphone4 to a nex4 and then a nex5, installed cyanogenmod and nova, etc. But at a certain point, there was just too much shit that just didn't work and constant battery life woes. I don't remember if the final straw was when I missed a thesis meeting because it had randomly decided to stop syncing my calendar the day before or when a random update disabled the microphone in my phone, making actual phone calls impossible. So I finally gave up and bought a 6s, and it's still chugging along fine 3 years later. PS I'm still pretty sure they're huffing glue if they think selling $1000-1500 phones is a viable long term strategy.
Adam Stewart
a11 and a12 are faster than any qualcomm chips. android is literally third world 'ad' OS put together by an ad company
Charles Phillips
Nice get Also most phones are Android and there are as many Samsung users as iPhone users. So no your claims are wrong.
David Ortiz
>No need to artificially throttle if your chiplet can't even use basic apps without choking I guess. Reminder that snapdragon's newly announced top chip is still slower than the one in last year's iphone 8 lmao. Sure thing. youtu.be/omto9Q-eS_Q
Blake Rodriguez
>another """"""speed test,""""" which is literally just an animation speed test
Samuel Cox
Yes this exactly. It's why the majority of silicon valley software engineers (yes, even back end) use iPhones: they're already sick of tinkering from work and the last thing they want is to have to deal with that shit on their damn phone. They want a phone to *use*, not be their source of technical amusement.
Android users who use it for its customizability are either college students and GNU/Basementlords, both of which have too much time on their hands, or those who work in non-technical fields and aren't already tired of tinkering from their jobs.
Owen Jackson
Nice reddit spacing. I think it's time to go back.
Tyler Anderson
Newer iPhones (I think maybe iPhone 8 and newer) offer to transfer settings, data, etc automatically during setup via NFC and ad-hoc WiFi, so this shouldn't be a problem going forward.
Kevin Williams
Correction, it's iPhone 7 and newer
Jonathan Flores
Since we're talking about phones here, I figured it'd be better to ask here rather than make a separate thread.
Is it possible to use android tethering without letting a carrier know you're using it as a hotspot? I remember this not being much of an issue between 2010 and 2014, but then they started cracking down on it and made it a chargeable service. Been thinking about getting a new tablet this coming Black Friday.
Memes aside, android phones have also turned to shit. Not as bad as iPhones, but still very noticeable.
Ryan Clark
Meh. The only reason I don't support apple is their horrible anti-consumer practices, their products are pretty good. I have a 2010 MacBook pro (which was given to me last year) which works flawlessly, but I would never give money to Apple because of all the shit they pull.
William Sanders
It was pretty hilarious to watch him suddenly pretend he wasn't a week before the election, and then immediately drop it all the day after. Remember the migrant caravan? Me neither. At least he's smart enough to realize how retarded his supporters are.
I feel Apple is slower due to the workflow. You don't really have true multitasking (no dual window),everything refreshes when switching apps, phone is useless without internet due to iCloud, can't update the software unless you're on wifi, battery life isn't good at all and GPS will eat through the battery within 20 minutes, no file management system (files was false advertising), can't sign documents, no stylus support and quick toggles do not shut off WiFi or Bluetooth. Also, the pretty animations are just there to hide the lag and the supposed yearly updates always turn out to be buggy or neutered to force you to buy the latest iPhone. (Animoji, AR)
Chip speed doesn't matter when the software is slow.
Jayden Torres
>a11 and a12 are faster than any qualcomm chips You're cute. youtube.com/watch?v=tz_NQqYmY1M youtube.com/watch?v=omto9Q-eS_Q >android is literally third world 'ad' OS put together by an ad company Do I have to remind you of the 1971 exploit, fingerprint attempt overload exploit, the waves and waves of iCloud leaks? So much for a "first world OS" and that's not even scratching the surface.
Blake Gomez
comparing weight/size iphones have best performance and engineering per square inch. you are literally listing features found in a desktop computer. this is not the final goal of mobile phones. phones are media consumption device + cellular communication. If you want desktop environment with file management why do that on a small ass screen and get a proper laptop for the job. why not ask apple to put a full desktop environment on the apple watch while youre at it
Nicholas Martin
>iCloud does everything automatically, you don't have to do a single thing. It also automatically exposes and upload your data for (at this) point anyone to dox.
Caleb Jones
why dont u post a proper review instead of an indian guy opening apps. is that suppose to be objective?
enjoy your third world ad os and chinese spyware phones subsidized by the chinese gov
Jeremiah Turner
>Because android phones shit the bed after a year, with all the “extra customisation” comes rapid slow downs and crashes, I’ve owned more Android phones then iPhones and in every occasion they’ve become slow and shit after a year or two, the only exception being my Nexus 4 Congratulations, everything you've described was due to 32bit CPU architectures and you're concluding nothing has changed since you've used a 6 year old device. Also, there are more Android devices than Nexus/Pixels. >iPhones run well for 3+ years, get constant updates from Apple Yeah, and those updates include battery throttling or random shutdowns otherwise. Great updates. >are better built Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we? The iPhone 4 - you're holding it wrong (network reception problems); iPhone 5 - flimsy low quality power button which often failed; iPhone 6 - touch IC failure, etc.
Cooper Russell
>People think it's a selection between "it just werks" vs having customization
Android phones "just work" as well, but they give you more choices to boot. I like being able to throw my files back and forth over bluetooth or USB (my choice) using my computer's native file explorer. I like installing apps without an app store (and no need to resign every 7 days without a developer certificate). Maybe apps like The Chan would still be available by the dev if they weren't at the mercy of Apple and iOS.
congrats on the hypocrisy within 3 paragraphs. asks people to forget about android mistakes from years ago. brings up apple mistakes from years ago whenever you feel it benefits your argument. the truth is android is a shit tier product installed by shit third world phone manufactures
Jackson Ward
Bwaaaa I can't rice my home screen so this phone is shit
Grayson Rivera
ironically apple has a hard time in the indian market
Caleb Hernandez
>what are custom ROMs >what is microG >what are FOSS alternatives
>why dont u post a proper review instead of an indian guy opening apps. is that suppose to be objective? >benchmarks >proper "reviews" You seriously don't know? bgr.com/2018/09/07/huawei-p20-pro-benchmark-cheating-practice/ bgr.com/2018/09/07/huawei-p20-pro-benchmark-cheating-practice/ digitaltrends.com/mobile/oneplus-meizu-benchmark-cheating/ Virtually every manufacturer has been able to cheat benchmarks since the early days of Android and this method is fundamentally flawed. I also love how you're bringing up the ethnicity of the reviewer - surely has everything to do with what we're discussing. And yes, opening and closing apps is what most people do, right? Not running benchmarks every time they unlock their phones I'd assume. >shit shit shit shit shit >shit manufacturers Yeah, you know what you're talking about.
Luis Moore
>tfw I got through all my lower division calculus as well as probability and statistics with a TI 30X Graphs are for the weak and the feeble.