I just fucked up my relationship and was too stupid to realize until it was too late

I just fucked up my relationship and was too stupid to realize until it was too late.

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Did you make her cry

kot id check it

were you the brit who broke his gf's tv during an autistic fit?


don't be so ambigious. if you're already blogposting, tell us the whole story

I acted in ways that I was too autistic to realize was a bad thing until afterwards too much.

Buy a whole page in your local newspaper where
you basically write a whole love story about how sorry you are and how pathetic you are etc etc. After that you
call everyone she knows or send them actual handwritten letters,
asking them to tell her that it's her fault and how they can't believe
what a stupid bitch she is.

The next step in the plan might be a bit tricky, but if you want this relationship
to work you might just have to do it. Buy rope, lots of rope. Like a ridiculous amount of rope. Bring all the rope and go to the street outside her house, tie some of the ropes together and
spell out "I LOVE YOU" or "I'M SORRY" or something like that on the street and then tie
that together with like another 100 meters of rope that goes along the street to a big tree,
now you need to get an anvil or something heavy like that tied to the end of the rope, and it has
to be placed high up in three tree and then I don't know where I'm going with this guys please continue

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you are acting autistic right now, just tell us already

Ok, basically
>relationship was fine up until about 2 weeks ago
>can't see her for a week straight because of her family
>when i next see her she is with one of her friends and I make things really awkward for them as her friend was really shy
>realize way too late and walk away
>try to make more plans with her but her family gets in the way
>everything is fine until yesterday
>I'm talking with friends online late at night
>tell her to join
>she assumes since its late its important
>she cant speak and asks me to explain why she is leaving the call.
>explain really poorly and it makes her look stupid
>she gets mad at me, I apologise and say good night
>Get a text at 8AM today to meet her.
>She finds me and says the whole "this thing is working between us" and gives vague reasons why.
>Feel like I fucked everything up
>send her angry message
>realize that was stupid so i deleted it before she could see and apologised in case she saw
>make this thread

but, who are you quoting

Am I fucked?

wait who are you quoting in all of this...?

are yuo monky?

stop apologizing so much, its weak

with that autism yes regardless of wether she breaks up or not

Are you guys 15 years old ?

this is Jow Forums so take a guess


Don't be a faggot, shit never happenned the way you are telling it

I don't see any sentences involving spaghetti.

That's gay

Im sure there are hundreds of songs about this same situation. ProTip, Rope and a tree.

Are you a pedophile user?