Whats up poorfags ? ;)) hehe you ok? ;)
Look what i just got ;))))
Yep i only do high end luxury gaming
Ask me anything im a computer expert with luxury as a main focus ;))
How jelly are you in a scale from 1-999 ? ;)
Whats up poorfags ? ;)) hehe you ok? ;)
Look what i just got ;))))
Yep i only do high end luxury gaming
Ask me anything im a computer expert with luxury as a main focus ;))
How jelly are you in a scale from 1-999 ? ;)
Over 9000 lole
I'd take the book for 10$
PC gaming is for major fags and complete losers me I'm Xbox
get fucked nerd
How stinky are you?
>high end
>RTX card
Pick one.
>not a 4k bluray drive
poor fag
>High end
>Limited to 16 PCI-e lanes
>Limited to 64GB of RAM
>Impossible to get decent OC
Are you retarded?
where is the timestamp poorfag
Exactly. Time stamp or tramp.
ye. it's not like OP will post ITT again but oh well.
>not just buying a Mac
>RTX 2080ti
>Le premium tweaked ram
>no VR
>using huawei
Op is an obvious faggot.
You seem like quite the nerdy faggot too user
yeaah I didnt see the spacing
I am feish
I have nothing against nerdy fags
>Only 1 GPU
Fuck off poorfag
You could have bought a GF for the same money, are you stupid?
My opinion...
Fuck yourself fat ass eat a schnitzel loser
not based and bluepilled
woah, i though hookers were less than 100 euros over there.
go away, peasant. Buy a gaymen PC and we'll let you sit at the cool kids table.
I don't what those numbers mean lole
Should we?
>no case or monitor
>How jelly are you in a scale from 1-999
I don't really care but good for you. I'm satisfied with my current setup honestly and don't plan on having a high autism Lain PC room anytime soon.
Cringe. PC gayming becoming less exclusive each year as technology gets cheaper, smaller, and more powerful. There was a time when a terabyte hard drive would cost you something like 600$ but now you get get one for under 100$. Besides it doesn't matter if your console fags and PCfag so long as you have a life outside of your vydia.
>Louis Vuitton belt
Nah, I don't think he's interested in girls.
Do you know what a vagina looks like?
Probably likes elves
Nice furnace for the winter
I cant wait for you to not know why your computer isn't working in the next few days
oh, this isn't even a picture from OP
because only a retard would buy the 2080ti now
>snake oil gpu
>furnace by intel
>BD/DVD drive in 2018
>botnet chink phone
Try harder next time
You're honestly disabled if you ever even think about purchasing a core i9.
They're far too watt-hungry.
I don't like posting twice, but I also just saw your onions approved RTX 2080ti.
Fuckin' Dolt.
Only basedniggers ever buy hardware that hasn't proven itself yet
woah watch it there on the linus tech tips binge