John McAfee decides to buy Jow Forums off of gookmoot and spend the remainder of his years doing coke and stewarding...

John McAfee decides to buy Jow Forums off of gookmoot and spend the remainder of his years doing coke and stewarding this fine community of... people.

How much of a ride would we be in for?

Attached: John McAfee escaped police and lost his fortune_ Now he's ___.png (1024x576, 902K)

Who? The snakecoin salesman?
Does he have enough real money to buy it outright?

It will one lucid dream. Ending with sudden realization that everyone is dead and only you remain

At this point, probably not. But I'm sure he's loaded up on crypto.

Jow Forums pass is now free as long as you enable a miner that only works when you use Jow Forums


Jow Forums pass is now free as long as you snuggle coke up your ass on an international fight

Attached: john-mcafee-things.jpg (3000x2181, 1.83M)

>every board will be NSFW bbw enabled
im ok with it.

Snakecoin? Haha thats a good name for a new coin

Is he gonna fake another murder attempt to promote it?

mcafee is a retarded hippy con artist

He can't. Dr. Pavel already on it

Attached: 145928.jpg (655x916, 211K)

It will be like having your original dad transitioning into a woman and abandoning you to the Yakuza who sells your anus to faceless salarymen and then running away to live with your crack dealer.

Would be so fucking cool

>bans you permanently
>reason: CIA Spy

Black BBW enabled, you mean

I wish

Is he the guy who make the videos with the girls in lingerie?

/b/ all over again
not that i would mind. i always liked /b/ more than Jow Forums

You are on 4channel, idiot.

Well, faggots generally have a hard time on Jow Forums

Was there more than one? I know his real life is full of random hookers.

Well, I remember one about him telling him how to uninstall McAfee, but there was something going around when he was running for the Libertarian nomination.
Imagine if he got the presidency instead of Trump

>Well, faggots generally have a hard time on Jow Forums
Jow Forums is full of boomers, normies and /v/tards since the election. fuck em.

I remember he made some announcements on the roof of a strip club

Jow Forums pls


McAfee's full of shit my dad used to do his finances he lies about everything. He hit on the chick at the front desk, she turned him down and he pulled all his investments like a bitch.

I would wear skimpy clothes and call him Daddy.

it would get hacked immediately like his shitty wallet