You know this is the future right?
You know this is the future right?
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I make my own future.
Node is the present, although not in enterprises yet. Typescript is to allow retarded enterprise programmers to use JavaScript.
Node + typescript + Vue is the patrician combo of webdev
Every sane company is turning to TS because everyone and their mother now agrees that dynamic typing is retarded and prone to bugs
Its kinda unfair when the bugs are people not checking their code and not giving a single fuck
Dynamic typing was a mistake
no, dynamic typing is just fucking dumb
>b-b-b-b-b-but it's e-e-e-e-easier t-t-t-to l-learn!
how hard is it to memorise 8 fucking keywords lmao
If it was easier to learn, you retarded enterprise programmers wouldn't have to use typescript to ruin a good programming language and turn it into your beloved c#.
>sneakily steal backend market
nothing personal kiddo
Anyone can make a mistake, good languages should make programming easier and bugs less likely.
> good programming language
>Every sane company is turning to TS because everyone and their mother now agrees that dynamic typing is retarded and prone to bugs
I agree, only C++ is allowed to use auto as templates have heavy lisibility burden in complex programs.
shitty programmers are prone to bugs. Programming has been flooded with retards because of the massive demand so now we need to turn everything into retard-safe language to make sure when they copy paste random shit from stackoverflow, a little squiggly line comes up under the code telling them what to do next to make it work.
Yeah, mr. Egghead, show usn an OS kernel written in language with dynamic typing.
What if I told you every programmer writing enterprise code acts like a shitty programmer? They don't pay me enough to care about this shit
You haven't graduated yet. The discussion was about dynamic typing in an environment where it isn't necessary for performance.
I know, I am one even though I bag them. There are good enterprise programmers, and you are right, even they will write shit code. I write the shittiest code on purpose because I hate my employer and want to make sure nobody can ever maintain it.
>I hate my employer
Then why don't you quit?
except that every single useful library has no typescript typings, had to scrap an almost done vue project just because of that
because I live in a city in Australia where there are no real companies, just government employers. I would have to move to Sydney, where houses cost $1million and it is an overcrowded shithole.
There's a time and place for dynamic typing, where exactly? god knows.
Hell even typescript allows for dynamic typing with [any] that you can slap on everything
let faggot: any;
but having some semblance of structure helps in most cases
I usually just fall back to putting
declare var function_name_here: any;
in the definition file
Node has no future. It is slow and can't handle multithreading
multithreading can be solved on some levels.
slow, yes and no.
nice to play with yes, that's the only reason why JS or TS is adopted so freaking fast, you can do things in no time, compared with other languages. I guess in the end that's the essence of programming.
>dynamic typing is awful dude
>slaps "any" on every variable and thinks that automatically makes it better.
Dynamic typing is perfectly fine when you actually document your code and put in expectations. Like the other user said this is a shitty programmer doing shitty things like taking his prototype and throwing it into production.
What if instead of documenting the code you just put there the type of the variable ? Less problems, compile errors instead of run-time errors and no need to type even more documenting shit that should be obvious
>ruin a good programming language
JavaShit was ruined from the start.
>and can't handle multithreading
This is the worst fucking meme
I can't drive my bike without training wheels! I am not ready yet! Gimme my types back mom!
>thinks that automatically makes it better
No it doesn't, but it sure as hell beats defining for variables and functions that you didn't write
>actually document your code
If that was true in the real world, typescript wouldn't have been conceived. besides ts is also there to manage the shit loads of es standards, the idea of code once and transpile into different targets is convenient.
The truth is there's a need for a mix of dynamic and strong typing for the front-end, small projects may not need strong typing but when it comes to web based applications like GIS for example it's a time saver to have a defined structure to work with.
Typescript is pretty based. Should be supported natively by browsers
Static typing is overrated. It is no guarentee your program is correct, it is just one more invariant in your toolbox. Good tests should catch type errors as well, and if you don’t have good tests you are already fucked.
Dynamic type system doesn’t mean no type system. Languages like common lisp and julia have very powerful type systems while being dynamically typed. Dynamic typing doesn’t even mean you don’t have access to static analysis, see Flow.
Strong typing != static typing.
Static v.s dynamic means that types are checked at compile time v.s. runtime
Strong v.s. Weak has to do with type coersion. For example: Smalltalk has dynamic, strong typing.
It only compiles to js?
No it isn't. Go ahead and solver an optimization problem like TSP with parallel execution in node. You can't.
What he means is that TypeScript should be compiled directly by the browser/Node JIT compiler, rather than being pre-compiled into ES5.
>he requires his language to throw an error when using the wrong type because he's too stupid to manage types on his own
You are the problem. You will be the first to be wiped out when the revolution comes.
>Dynamic typing retards actually believe this
Hot keke. End your career now and go back to Geek Squad or McDonald's, your kind are destroying the field with your vast ignorance.
fucking pathetic webdevs lmaoooooooooooooooooooo
>this.var1, this.var2, this.var3 all along the class...
>can't even figure 'this', lambdas have to be written in the verbose form: () =>
I had the disgrace of having to use this shit for a few months, and when I came back to Java I found myself typing 'this' everywhere.
Yeah, right.
No, it's the present. The present state of JS is based around the fact that Google made v8 and now JS can run everywhere and run pretty good at it and everyone else has had to choose between the two. But shit like LLVM, WebASM, and Docker are the future. Pretty soon the entire universe of runtime environments are going to be language-agnostic so there's no point in sticking with a historically-muddled lemon like Javascript
Type-safety isn't for run-time safety. It's for pressing tab->dot and then immediately getting everything you could possibly want to do next and then pressing g tab dot and then moving onto the next line of code and then right clicking the var and immediately going to the class you're using so that you can edit the next property. I guess JS users have never experienced the productivity of using a real code editor.
I used Typescript for a brief period of time, viewing it as a hazmat suit for the toxic stew that is Javascript, but after a while, I realized something... If I was going to wear a hazmat suit, numbing my senses to the intricacies of the language, I might as well be piloting a fucking mech while I'm at it. And that's why I use Kotlin. Because in what rare occasion I have to compile something into web-runnable code, I can do so without sacrificing my first born son to the gods of "god-damn fucking terrible language, how can anyone defend this piece of fucking garbage who doesn't for fucking retarded reasons feel bound to it, I mean I know a few decent things have come from it, but they have nothing to do with the core of why this clusterfuck of a garbage language is so fucking god damn awful."
tl;dr: Use Javascript because you have to. Use Typescript because you're a Microsoft shill who refuses to acknowledge that there are other options.
Do you even Kotlin, bro?
I wonder what your kind is? Why don't you tell me about yourself user.
imagine being such a faggot that you use classes in TS lmao
>I need a type system to hold my hand, I'm too stoopid to code properly, wahhh
It's RAD
Easy to deploy
Easy to code and mantain
Blows nodeshit performance by a fuck ton
My kind can be formally validated because I'm statically typed.
You on the other hand...
I'm waiting for this
Wow so you formally validate your code and then it has no bugs? So your kind is a first year university student?
Your kind sounds really jewish to me.
>program in years with various languages
>like web programming
>like javascript and node
>program in javascript and use node
>enterprises like Microsoft decide they want to turn javascript into c#
>have connections with standards body so will probably get types included in javascript
>guy on Jow Forums says "you are fucking up our industry" while trying to turn the languages I was happily using and minding my own business with into a fucking statically typed piece of shit.
You can do this in vscode with javascript. It just guesses instead of being certain. It is about 90% of what you get from a statically typed language. More importantly, working in javascript is much more productive than working in something like c# due to the dynamic typing.
So overall, your argument that you are more productive in visual studio and c# than in javascript and vscode, is really just bullshit.
types and classes are deprecated. everything i use is in a JS object which i can access the same way consistently wherever
{"token": "xyz"} >>> oh fuck i gotta create a token class and think about what accessor/getter inheritance bullshit
nothing like returning to a thread to see your day-old shitpost has attracted a whole bunch of (you)'s
so this is what it feels like to have a passive income...