Ehm...that's Windows 10

Ehm...that's Windows 10.

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Why is Conan in Nippon?
Why did Nips host Conan in Nippon?
Why do Nips use Macshit?
Why do Nips use Win10?
Why aren't Nips using 20 year old NECs running Windows 98?

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Why would you buy such expensive hardware only to run Windows 10 on it? That's fucking stupid.

Because it's actually useful

>Why is Conan in Nippon?
He trying to compete with detective Conan
>Why did Nips host Conan in Nippon?
it's the other way around
>Why do Nips use Macshit?
Apple is the most popular PC brand in Japan
>Why do Nips use Win10?
I don't know

>conan's new japanese daughter
no way she is actually 12. looks at least 16.

>I don't know
Windows is the most popular OS in Japan


>Why do Nips use Macshit?
Because they like to meme Westerners.

>Why do Nips use Win10?
They still need to get shit done, so they need access to their old software they used to run on Windows 98.

>Why aren't Nips using 20 year old NECs running Windows 98?
The youth have stopped following the old ways of their workaholic dads.

>get the best hardware support in the biz with the best software support in the biz
literally win-win, poorfags not wanted


>get the best hardware support in the biz
>the best software support in the biz

>They still need to get shit done, so they need access to their old software they used to run on Windows 98.
Yes, they call them H-Games and VNs.

conan still exists?

No. of course not.


iMac user here: I too have bootcamped windows 10 and nowexclusively use it for 90% of tasks

However it's not the mainstream variant, I have the 2016 LTSB edition which only uses about 1GB RAM on boot and virtually 0 disk/network usage. The main reason I use it is because 90% of the software I want to use doesn't exist for mac os. Sorry guys, all the memes are true, mac os is pretty unusable.

Attached: feels.jpg (594x960, 54K)

>only to run
Who says they "only" run Windows on it? macOS offers an easy method to install a Windows multiboot setup and Apple provides decent drivers for running Windows on their system. At one point Macs were known to run Windows better than dedicated Windows machines.

Get a load of this poverty people

Posted from my iPhone XS

The hardware is ok but the cooling is a major concern. All apple products afaik have severe thermal throttling and overheating problems.

Because apple software just doesn't work. Funny enough, neither does the hardware

I have one of those imacs from 2012, 4gb ram and it runs win10 surprisingly well.

>mfw I can't find back the day Jow Forums got told

>Crashes during forced updates.
>Computer no longer boots to desktop
>Reinstall win 10.
>Doesn't include half as much useable software as fucking XP did
>Spies on you constantly
>Runs ads on start menu


Why do macs only have 1 button mice?

Don't they feel like retards? I mean ffs i love mice with more then 3. and that's a conservative estimate. The more the merrier. I love playing diablo2 with a 5button mouse, i never even need to use hotkeys.

Serious the first time i saw a mac computer in school i thought it was a computer for retards

>Well, If I pay that much for a Computer it may as well do the work I need.




Can't play eroge on *NIX.

>tags: rape, mindbreak, ugly bastard

Written by a shit-tier mono-corp that employs shit-tier coders because any company in IT employing any whites male is ...raysis, sexsis, missognisis... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.





You are the retard who can’t figure out how to press with two fingers simultaneously

Mac mouses don't use buttons anymore, as far as I know. It's just a clickable touchpad-like surface.
They weren't designed for games anyway.

That's because they're obsessed with building their products to have no fans, or at least be as passively cooled as possible, and as thin as possible.

This naturally lends itself to poor thermal performance. If they made their products a tiny bit thicker, and put a wide, low-rpm fan in, many thermal issues would be resolved.

The real problem is that he's isn't using a vertical taskbar.
>Clicking with two fingers
How is this better that clicking with different fingers? It reeks of the form over function bullshit that defines apple.

this hasnt been the case for literal decades

mactoddlers have defended this

Are you a bot, or are you actually the OP himself?

>At one point Macs were known to run Windows better than dedicated Windows machines
That was just one sensationalist media article. Maybe even shilling.

This. It's objective tested and verified fact that PCs run macos better than macs. Not that anyone would ever want to run that clusterfuck abortion.

yeah i also bootcamp it with windows 10
osx feels like the version of linux de copying

I've found the opposite. Windows is horrible for any task I've tried. Getting any shell, compiler, text editor, filesystem, utility, or CLI software is painful. It also has trouble transferring files over networks, cloning disks, and doing many other simple things. The only thing I found easier to do on it than Mac OS or GNU was adjust monitor settings.

That's why WSL and powershell exist you mong.

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They are both horrible. One is a crappy compatibility layer that is totally useless for any actual work and the other is a cobbled together, inefficient mess.

Maybe their needs changed. I didn't intend to run OpenBSD on this iMac when I bought it but here I am

And? Mac has the best hardware, Windows is the best OS. Match made in heaven.

>"I'm too stupid to use something simpler and easier to use than python"
>"Wah, it suxs!"
And this is coming from someone who uses his pc as hobby, I don't even work in IT.

iMac maybe, but all of their laptops throttle to like 1 GHz.

>Mac has the best hardware

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We are all bots user

>you think something is bad
>you must be bad at it!!!
Good one, kid. Do you think all shells are equal and any difference is based solely on the user? You are clearly just a fucking retard.

Nah, you're just as stupid as the average macfaggot.

t. sysadmin


ironic post, fits perfectly with the emoji bar on your mactrash

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Enjoy your non-POSIX trash, pajeet.

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And now we spam anti-X images back and forth and you'll feel smug superiority you btfo someone on the internet for talking trash about your frisher price toddler toys. You did it champ, you won at life.

>calls other things toys
>uses wangblows
Oh the irony. I bet you have Steam installed, too. LMAO.

Attached: wangtoys.jpg (952x525, 120K)


"It's a UNIX system"

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>what is LTSC

A meme that wangtards use to try to deflect criticism of their precious toy OS. So you don't have Steam installed, Wintoddler?

So windows can be used for both work AND entertainment. And that's bad?

Wait, then why did you try to use toy as an insult if you play with video games? Those are toys, you moron.
I don't know why anyone would ever use wangblows for work, it can't run any good software. It is just garbage. GNU is so much better that it is laughable.

>it can't run any good software
Are you for real?

Yes. No one bothers to port the good software to that heap of garbage. All it has is bloated pajeetware.

I've read a lot of stupid shit this week but this takes the cake.


there's nothing gnoo slash loonie tunix can do that windows can't

Be usable would be one.

YES. Both my macs do not run fischer price OS. I use Linux and Windows to get shit done.

> another software licence for another OS
nah ill pass thanks

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I'll bite. What makes windows "not usable"?

I already said why, scroll up. It is a mess.

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Try something that applies to real world

>real world
Like epic Steam games and pony videos?

I'm sorry I don't understand your point


Is that what the "real world" is to you? Playing with toys and watching cartoons?

You're the one who brought those up

Not any of them, but jesus christ you're one hell of a delusional faggot.

Then what is the "real world" to you, gamer?


post of a clip of this

So by your logic because it CAN BE USED for gaming and whatever else you posted, it's unusable for anything else?

That's all you can say, which is pretty indicative of how stupid you are.
But you're probably enjoying all this since some people are acknowledging your existance for once.
Pretty sad.


Just call it "playing with toys". I'm sure it's unusable for everything, toy players just suffer through it.
So you make a no-content shitpost and expect others to seriously reply? You're delusional.
Good one.

>I'm sure

She is in her twenties. If she's a teenager then I am Mickey Mouse.
>Most popular PC brand
Japan doesn't use PCs. Everyone here uses cell phones. Every company I've worked with uses cheap laptops.

This has never been true. In fact Amigas ran MacOS better than Macs.

This was an issue ever since the Apple III. Steve Jobs is dead, guys, he can't yell at you anymore, you're allowed to use proper cooling solutions now.