It's no longer safe to use Tutanota

What's the decentralized email? is a nice alternative, even lol, just don't trust the companies that claim that your email is encrypted 100% because you don't have control over the secret keys, happens everytime.
If you want to encrypt email, set up your own private keys and encrypt the emails you need to.

What about proton? I read it's also not reliable. What is as an alternative?

it is open source, audit it if you want
is open source?
is open source?

literally any mail service with your own pgp keys. is open source is for shitposting in the mailing list so I don't really care.

Maybe email itself is an outdated concept

>If you don’t want to use the recovery code, you don’t have to. But you can’t restore access to your account if you lost your second factor or your password in that case.

So it's just nagging you or what? Also let's be honest, what kind of shit would you need an encrypted mail for in germany? Posting Swastikas and calling people niggers on Jow Forums is illegal there, but hardly a reason for die Bullen to get off of their chair

same with proton mail, the frontend is open source, but I don't think the backend is.

sucks... you might still tell if data is decrypted on your end or not