Just use GIMP, it can do everything photoshop can!

>just use GIMP, it can do everything photoshop can!
>even though a 20 year old photoshop version is still better than 2018 GIMP
GIMP meme needs to die.

Attached: .png (345x255, 23K)

something that can't be done in GIMP probably doesn't need to be done

That's why krita and inkscape exist. Photoshop is essentially all 3 in one.

>better text handling

But what if you want an image that has all 3 in one

No one doing actual photoshop related work is using freetard shit. It's not gonna change.

GIMP is great at what it does. It is not meant to do everything. Use Krita and Inkscape too.

you don't use it, do you?

If it is not suitable for your need then don't use it, and stop whining

listen fucko, nobody uses free software like that professionally. average user is just fine with gimp. nobody in their right mind would subscribe to their gay programs unless it was their job.

You a faggot retard use Krita.

I would but why the fuck does it need all these packages?

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-11-29 14-08-21.png (635x417, 14K)

If you want gimp to improve faster, implement the features yourself, or pay someone else to implement them. I say this every thread and it never changes. Making good software takes time and money.

Then you switch between gimp and inkscape/krita, it's not that bad.

Yes they do, a lot of professional work has been done in inkscape and krita. Of course use is not as widespread as photoshop/illustrator but mainly because everyone is already familiar with adobe products.

KDE makes their own libraries because GNOME is evil and there are no good alternatives

I remember when photoshop unveiled smart fill or whatewer it is called and everyone was like "bitch, gimp had that for ages! Are you even trying?"

so what? photshop is on linux

Gimp is better though

green is my penis

paint.net with a plugin pack, retards

Sour grapes as usual

So why do people consider open source software viable still?

>something that can't be done in imagemagick probably doesn't need to be done

all i ever used photoshop or gimp for was resizing images

Viable for what?

Why is Gnome evil?

>this GIMP meme needs to die
Improve it you nigger

This. You can't even draw a circle in GIMP

GIMP is terrible and nobody actually pays for photoshop anyway. Only people who use GIMP are autistic nerds and GIMP devs. But I repeat myself.

Ah, the go-to defense of freetards

you can, but not a perfect one (with AA)

It is the same case with shotcut, I downloaded it following the recommendation of the Jow Forums wiki, and it is trash. I rather pirate sony vegas or premier

holy shit I just installed Krita and it just let's you do things. I can't believe I wasted so much time trying to squeeze usefulness out of GIMP. fuck GNOME and long live KDE

The Gnome plus Redhat cabal does not cooperate with 3rd parties, and occasionally makes changes that seem to target competing desktop environments. For example, it's currently unclear what is happening with Wayland window decorations, and RHEL is dropping support for KDE.

full 32bit support: gimp 2017, photoshop n/a

something that can't be done in MS Paint probably doesn't need to be done

Because their use-case can be filled with open source software. Maybe yours can't but I'm guessing it can be, since you're most likely just making spicy memes that even MS Paint could handle. GIMP has like ten times the amount of features a regular home user needs. They just need to learn the UI to get started.