>1500 shekels
have they lost their minds?
1500 shekels
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Stop kvetching and pay up.
>brand new top-end enthusiast grade device of a very niche, low-saturation market costs a lot
wow, who could have thought
Shits not that expensive to make tho. Theyre trying to recoup all those shekels the spent shilling the technology.
>Company include R&D costs in price and not just raw manufacturing
WOW NO WAY WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you retarded? for this price I get top grade 4k 32 inch monitor and 6 blowjobs
Why do they make VR headsets with integrated headphones? everyone is going to use their own. Just give us the damn 3.5mm port.
>but muh R&D costs
lmao, good goy
>Shits not that expensive to make tho
nothing is, but no matter how you look at any company their most important goal is making money
And it's not like they're going to sell that many units - it is a top end option after all
I don't really see the problem with pricing even though i wouldn't buy it
Brand new technology was always super expensive - and lost most of its' value shortly after catching on due to being replaced with cheaper models
If this costs too much, give it a year or two
wtf I love overpriced ink cartridges now
>are you retarded? for the price of a single car i can get seven truckloads of carrots and a rabbit
why are you comparing two entirely different things, only common point being having a screen on it?
Do you also compare cars to bicycles because both have wheels?
I put the value into perspective. if it doesnt deliver enough bang for the buck then why would I pay?
nobody's forcing you to
all i'm saying is that $1500 for a high-end piece of technology in its' infancy that barely has any presence on the market isn't a highway robbery
you might not see value in it, but people interested in that sort of thing will
just like with audiophile market
800 shekels increase in price from the vive is high way robbery
The buzzwords "Virtual Reality" and "Artificial Intelligence" were used since the 80's. With that price tag, I get the impression that I'm paying for 3 decades worth of R&D.
Yeah, just buy it stupid goy
As usual, people who don't know what they're talking about. The Vive Pro is just a minor iteration on the original. Pretty much all they did was stick new panels in there. You can't justify the price of this thing with R&D costs. It's absolutely overpriced, because they're mostly targeting businesses and enthusiasts.
>businesses and enthusiasts
That's just what you say when you know your shit doesn't have a fucking market, so you expect businessman and enthusiasts to invent their own use for your crap you peddle on them.
Nah, VR arcades are pretty popular right now.
You say it like it's surprising that nobody is willing to fork out 1.5k for this POS, so everyone who is curious about VR goes to places they can try them at.
Yeah, the VRcade thing is probably a bubble. I don't even know if the move paid off for HTC. I doubt it. Everyone was scratching their head when they released this thing.
>bought 50€ on craigslist
Good goy stop kbetching
>paying $1500 for screendoor effect simulator
You should know, whoever owned that, probably rubbed their cock around the face bit before selling it to you.
the real question is what porn is like on that thing
It's for businesses, like real estate, not children who want to play COD.
I want one for VR Kanojo and the inevitable future superior titles of the same genre
VR is not for poor people. Why is that a problem? Do you have any idea how awesome the internet was before every room temperature IQ jack ass could get on it? Well VR is the closest thing we have to that now and it's fucking glorious.
you mean you can watch anime tiddies in public places and now can see it?
If you want to why not. It's your time and technology. Anime tiddies are more interesting than 99% of the shit you see out in public anyway.
jesus, you can buy the vive for $300 on craigslist used.
Still worthless. Figured by the second gen they would at least be at 120hz. The bump in vertical resolution is a lot more tolerable than the last gen.They also need to make this to go around headphones and not have the built in trash.
Still too much for not very high end specs. Give me 120hz to 240hz with dynamic strobe or just gsync. 2160p to 4320p vertical res. Plugnplay monitor replacement software built in. And a price tag sub $5k unless it offered a pro monitor option with colors to ansi standards.
Why is 90 not enough for you?
It's an eternal waitfag, ignore him.
Because 120hz is really the bare minimum for extended viewing sessions without eye strain. Keep in mind this is a topic where 99% of posts is just out of pure ignorance like At least you ask why.
It also gives you a nice buffer for fps dips. Which, is nice with the current state of minimal gpu performance increase increments. A static 120fps is tough.
Yeah, 60 fps ASW would be better. But I don't get any eye strain from my Rift, and I've played Elite for 6 hours at a time before.
I'm talking about with strobes.
>"virtual reality"
>just lcd screens 5 inches from face
Wow much reality
That just makes it worth more
The Pro really isn't meant for consumer market. It's meant for companies, VRcades, VR training, industrial use stuff. The more realistic way that most consumer owners will get it is early adopter nutjobs like me buying the headset standalone to upgrade an original Vive setup.
Reminder they've been trying to push this VR bullshit since the 90s
It will never ever be a thing.
>complains about virtual reality not being real
If it was real, it wouldn't be virtual. This shouldn't be too hard to grasp, even for a fucking retard such as you, who despite being a *fucking* retard, is actually still a virgin.
>tablets failed two decades ago, they will NEVER EVER take off
VR will need another two decades too. That's guaranteed. Until then you can enjoy the full current experience with google cardboard and VR porn.
>what is opportunity cost
Econ101 fag.
the vive pro is for fucking arcades
it has the same stats as the consumer model, its just a lot heavier and durable to be put on 30 different people a day
Cardboard is shit. Go play Robo Recall in a Rift before you speak, faggot.
I really do want tablets to take off but i agree its gonna take a while
That's actually not much considering most of us won't buy it.
The prices of the old model will have to drop, so here's a pickup if you want to give it a go with development.
I had access to Vive on my previous job, tried out some games and simulations and we made a simulation for the town. It's kind of fun to make something for it.
A matter of time when a JS framework comes out that will be a VR game engine and will build executables... And then another one in a week, 3 more in a month after that and then each of them will get their own conventions...
VR is for porn
It has a higher resolution (very important) and better trackers but that's really it. Also they're working on finger tracker controllers with it so that's interesting to say the least.
Well, you haven't seen good VR porn either until you've seen a 6K video on a real headset.
They literally fabricate their own components because no-one else in the world makes shit for tracking accurate enough.
Not only did they have custom silicon spun, but the optics in the lighthouse are 100% in-house valve made
fuck i really really hope vr bubble bursts hard and valve goes bankrupt
fuck gaben and his fat money grubbing ass
> R & D costs
> slightly higher res screen
> headphones(?)
Wow, definitely worth the ridiculous price hike, must've taken them years to think of those additions.
What justifies the price leap from the predecessor?
Standard edition has a 3.5 mm port instead
they basically only made this setup for BMW Germanys design studio so no not really.
is buying a (regular) vive a good idea? or can we expect a price drop soon?
Go read about HTC support on Jow Forumsvive. It's the worst of the worst. I suggest you go Rift and just buy non-exclusives on Steam. The touch controllers are way better than the wands. You will need a 3rd sensor for solid 360 tracking, though. But seriously, don't go Vive.
There are rumors of Valve maybe coming out with a headset, as well as an updated Rift in 2019. Nothing definite, but might be worth sticking out for a bit. Not sure about Vive, but I doubt the current Rift will drop any more than it did last black friday.
>don't go Vive
Bullshit, the vive is better than the current rift and always has been.
That said, don't go Vive, but don't go rift either.
They're both years outdated and you won't get value for what they're currently charging.
Valve's making their own headset, totally in house, and will release at some unknown time, along with Half Life VR (HL:VR), if all current hardware (Rift, vive, vive pro) is considered first gen, this will be the first 2nd gen headset.
Wait, and if you can't wait get a vive as cheap as you can. The tracking on the rift is fucking garbage.
What part of "pro" don't you get? It's not meant for consumers, that's what the regular Vive is for.
>Bullshit, the vive is better than the current rift and always has been.
Read my post again. You could argue which is better than the other. I think Rift is better, but whatever, the Vive is a fine headset too. The main sticking point is HTC's awful fucking support. Just go read the stories.
Get a job you fucking NEET?
Valve is shit but they're a necessary evil, considering their competition.
the base stations are different, the headstrap is completely changed to a design based off the deluxe audio strap seemingly, the IPD adjustment knob seems different and it has two cameras on the front instead of one, presumably for augmented reality. to say they only changed the screens is kinda ignorant here.
the controllers look exactly the same but i do hope that they fixed the issue people were having with the touchpads. i had the same problem with mine. they just needed to use some higher quality material inside to pad the button.
I think vr needs another decade but its kinda cool to see actual progress. As a layman, it seems pretty important that companies are getting rid of the cables and shit at least partially, which kept me from actually buying a vive earlier this year. Also I really dont have enough room to walk around and shit and was afraid I'd end up with 800 dollars in shit I cant really use.
>Built-in headphones
Just no.
>releases new even more expensive model targeted towards an entirely different market
>t-t-the old h-home model w-w-w-will be c-c-c-c-cheaper guys
Retard. Do you see price drops on GeForce graphics cards when new Quadro cards release too? No. Hard pill to swallow, but this thing is actually not for home users despite what "pro" has come to mean in product names nowadays.
Why anybody would buy a vive pro when the valve vr headset is looming is beyond me, even as somebody who owns a standard htc vive.
the rumours and implications of the leaked images and shit in the steam vr software is that the valve headset
>has better controllers
>lighthouse 2 spec tracking
>higher resolution display than even the vive pro
>higher fov than anything except the pimax
>bigger lenses
>modularity of front usb port for perhaps a leapmotion
>probably significantly cheaper than the vive pro
>probably wireless support.
You mean there actually are headsets with higher resolution than 1280x1440? Because my phone screen is 2560x1440 and I still have to use 2xAA.
>very niche, low-saturation market
>lower the price
>suddenly your market expands because more people can afford it
1500 shekels is pretty cheap senpai
Congratz on buying deprecated hardware?
You do know that thing is not even 10% of what the current oculus touch bundle is capable of since it doesn't even have positional tracking.
>require at least 3000$ of hardware to run
The age of technocracy is here.
Yes vr is a joke there should be affordable headsets not this niche crap.
Same reason vr died off before and 3dtv crap
I've bought a vive and it's no problem, the thing just fucking works.
I'm guessing it's a pain if shit fucks up, but you're buying from a literally dead company at this point, and if you're dumb enough to buy a headset now you won't need it to work for more than six months anyway.
>I think Rift is better
And the vive is objectively better by every merit.
Maybe that's just me, buying one years back and hardly using it, but using a fucking camera for tracking? What is this, a PS2 Eye Toy?
Vive owner, why anyone here is talking about buying a fucking rift right now is insane, the amount of buyers remorse they'd feel when valve's headset launches would be insane.
You could sell more products for less, and make MORE money, senpai
>R&D costs
- Screen
- Gyroscope
- Motion detection
Remind me where the R&D money went? Cause I don't see anything new here. All these things predate this century
>there should be affordable headsets not this niche crap.
There are, Oculus Go, Quest, Xiaomi Mi VR, HTC Vive Focus.
There's plenty of headsets for people who just wanna use it for porn and shit games, but considering that for full immersion we need to pump about 4-8x the number of pixels as a current $1k headset hooked up to $2k of compute power can do, just be happy with what you've got.
Trying to get good VR now is a fools errand, as PC's 3 years from now will finally be at spec with the original Vive, and by then we'll have a headset which will need PC's five years in it's future to run properly
So, if you want the best VR possible today, your only option is spending endless torrents of money
Just look at some of those numbers, how unimaginably fucking fast the hardware needs to respond, how insanely accurate the motor speed needs to be
This isn't R&D cost, this is AT COST.
This too 4k-16k or more foveated center focused rendering is what's needed.
Right now it's just a gimmick headsets also need to get lighter as well and the lack of wireless still is dumb
that's all valve's work though.
Don't buy it if you disagree with the price.
It's not that much money for me, so I bought one, who cares.
Rich people will buy it first, so they can continue their operations, then they'll mass produce things for the rest of you.
The same thing happened for computers.
>What part of "pro" don't you get? It's not meant for consumers, that's what the regular Vive is for.
Yeah, like the PS4 pro.
How much of the Vive do you think HTC actually manufactures?
>i can afford a $1500 dollar article
>that means i'm rich
You're this dishonest, or retarded. Probably both. There's a reason why you'll always be middle class scum.
Nah you've got it wrong. I'm wealthy, so THAT means I can afford a 1500 USD gadget.
But that doesn't negate my point. Like any new product, it's very expensive at first, then gets cheaper when the cost of initial R&D is absorbed.
Thinking of buying it in march 2019
You think there will be a better option by then, maybe a vive 2?
Inside out tracking need not apply
Not him, but I bought a vive out of idle curiosity. This isn't the "Takes out a $1k loan each year to buy the newest iPhone", it's "I wonder if they've actually managed to make VR decent yet, let's see, the Vive looks like it's the best around right now, maybe I'll give it a go"
The real factor is not using it, but also not bothering to sell it because the effort of selling it isn't worth the $1.5k
180 degree video is projected across a half-sphere, so you're only viewing a small area at a time. So you need a higher res than the display to fully saturate the pixels in the headset. Pic related.
>Maybe that's just me, buying one years back and hardly using it, but using a fucking camera for tracking? What is this, a PS2 Eye Toy?
Oculus tracking has come a long way since then. Other than the fact that the Vive can do larger play spaces, the tracking is on par nowadays. Regardless, I agree that it would be better to wait at this point.
All of it. Why do you think they partnered with HTC?
go suck some more chink dick
>And the vive is objectively better by every merit.
Except for every measurable one.
>but using a fucking camera for tracking? What is this, a PS2 Eye Toy?
Your vive has like 50 very low resolution cameras for tracking, it's like a whole bunch of crappy eye toy's taped together and also really expensive to make. I got an extra rift sensor delivered to my door last year for $70 cad all included and it came with a powered USB extension cable; at the same time buying a single light house for your foreverwaitingforknucklescontrollers headset was $200 and even meme peripherals for it were well over $100 each because they all need active cameras built in.
>Your vive has like 50 very low resolution cameras for tracking
They just measure the timing at which the light boxes hit the surface
They're not optical