I hate Rob Pike so fucking much

I hate Rob Pike so fucking much.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 38K)

Care to extrapolate why? (10 marks)

Hate google for what it has done to him

I like him a lot.
He has that rare quality of being able to convey highly technical concepts while maintaining interest.
And works on genuinely interesting things sometimes.

Attached: 2wl0lc2urs8z.jpg (838x855, 80K)

This gets posted all the time and I legitimately don't get the point.
The quotes on the right are synonymous with that on the left.
Plan 9 is "what if I had to make due with nothing but a network connection" the OS.

Unix is a fucking timeshare mainframe system that you connect to with thin dummy terminals.

Upspin is probably 90% 9P.

he is absolutely 100% redpilled on software. pic related

Attached: PikeTrueRant.png (565x1511, 269K)

He works for Google.
He defends software patents.
Text editor with mouse chording?
Plan9 and Go have ugly mascots.
Plan9 is a shitty name for an OS, almost worse than GNU Hurd.
He dresses like a retard.
His head looks weird.

That's all I got.

>He defends software patents.
So far you have 1 mark.

ITT: seething brainlets who want to use C/C++/unix forever

I think you mean demerit.

Rob Pike

cute story, but it's built in now and who actually cares about a historical shell performance optimization

What's wrong with that exactly?

They're pretty much hipsters that ignore the bigger picture of underlying CompSci topics.

Like what?

Data Structures
Set theory
Applied linear algebra like computer graphics
Computational theory.

they basically worship all of these guys like Like and Ritchie while avoiding the fact that these people do not give a fuck about any of the niche archaic crap we talk about. They moved on, whereas we larp as 80s usergroup members.

same. He's such a tool

Attached: 62169F46-0609-471D-A582-EA17DFE9B812.png (838x855, 449K)

Arguing about how big the executable to return true should be is the Special Olympics tier of software engineering

Eh. I do think there's larping and hipster social signalling, but I also think that the negative comments people make about the "new" tech and video games makes me think maybe I'd be content working on a something inspired by old tech. Besides, I find it more comfortable and interesting than using Windows. Not too long ago I seriously struggled with even making a bootable flash drive; learning about Linux and UNIX actually helped me understand how computers work in the long run.

it's because Unix actually tried at being an intuitive OS while windows is hastily cobbled together crap made by people who just want money

I have to say my opinion of him dropped reading this.

If true is an empty file, that means it gets run by a shell. Every call to true means starting a new shell process, opening a file, reading the file, then exiting, which is slow as fuck. Making it a shell builtin is an obvious optimization. Even starting a C binary is faster than starting a shell process, although most of the time is spent creating the new process.

Why? golang is great.

You do lose portability with either a C binary or as a builtin.

it's not windows vs unix since those are both in the category of c/c++ brainlets, it's windows/unix vs lisp machines


C potability isn't even an issue now when nearly all computers run linux (which thanks to linus's aspergers have stable abi which allows relyable compat layers) and one dominant cpu arch/isa. That was not the case in times of unix and early plan 9.

Idk much about the things on the right but people probably praise them because they are elegant solutions to problems and things you could set up on your own computers.
He went from those to using monolithic proprietary trash like Mac OS and wishing he could do all his computing in the NSA/Cloud.

But even those are the same thing.
Unix and Plan9 where both proprietary projects that only saw public release years after the fact.

Plan9 is literally the 90's equivalent of "cloud computing".
It's like comparing OS X from the 00's to NeXT from the 90's.
It's the same exact thing but not as refined.

I can't tell if people are being serious or not anymore.

Regardless of your own opinions on the subjects, Rob's have never changed. At least not these opinions.

Also Mac OS is probably the only reliable consumer Unix system you're going to find today.
You're not going to be calling up SUN anytime soon.
Rob is a professional programmer, of course he's going to use Apple hardware with Mac OS.
Apple has shops all over the entire world and the best consumer policies out there.
You can be in guangdong china with a broken mac, find an Apple store, and walk out with a functioning one at no cost.

OS X is designed for that hardware, it's certified Unix and is maintained by not yourself which is a plus in most people's books.

Jumping back to the 70's, same deal.
Bell Atlantic/AT&T paid for and maintained their hardware, and funded the development of the OS for that hardware.

Attached: apple unix advert.jpg (1976x1202, 401K)

>Bell Atlantic
Wait that's a different company.
It's either "AT&T Bell Laboratories" or "Bell Telephone Laboratories" apparently.

What's up with faggoty old boomers dressing up like "hip" kids? If you're over 12 and wearing a get up like that, nobody is going to take you seriously.

Buy a fucking suit.


>the best consumer policies out there.
Thanks, I needed a laugh today. Not like they've been in the news lately for anything, right?

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Calling it lisp machines is slightly misleading. It's about objects (e.g. over files and linebased/structured text streams, message passing)

The problem with all those fancy object systems is network effects. You either have to get literally everyone in the world on board with a common object and binary format and architecture, or you have to serialize/deserialize everything that touches a NIC, a disk, an external peripheral, etc. and you're back in the domain where Unix thrives. The JVM and CLR/.NET are rough approximations of such worlds (as is Emacs), but they run best on Unix in the end. If you want distributed message passing systems, do it at the network level.

Rob Pike === Manolo Blahnik