An operating system shouldn't take that much space
Windows is Obese
Made in the USA
Yep. I have a 250GB SSD with Win10 on it that I used for gaming (literally just Win10 + Blizzard/SC2), I wanted to install another OS and was shocked I couldn't cut it below 220GB of OS bloat. It's obscene. Luckily Gentoo doesn't take much.
by h1b poos
You now you can actually delete most of it?
Now watch the lintard, who recompiles his kernel every night and has to spend 50% of his time fixing his OS, tell you that having the option to turn things off doesn't count because it's too much work.
>create a 40GB partition for Win 7 years ago
>later decide to install 10 on it
>have never needed to increase its size, even during updates
>10 currently taking 19.6GB
Granted, I don't have Office and disabled hibernation, but the retard in OP's image must be doing something wrong.
Don't be a winfag then.
>who recompiles his kernel every night and has to spend 50% of his time fixing his OS
Typical wincel ignorance.
>having the option to turn things off doesn't count because it's too much work
It doesn't count because you don't have it. Pic related, Windows comes pre-pozzed and you can only remove the things big daddy Microsoft lets you, even in the fucking enterprise version.
>b-b-but you can remove it from the command line and hope it doesn't come back after the next forced update, don't you lintards love the command line?
Great. A much saner user experience than, you know, only having what you from the get go and not having shit forced down your throat.
Games can be that size these days, your environment for playing games should at lease be allowed to have superior permission for space.
I've installed various windows OS's many times and never has it reached over 100 gig for the OS. 50 max.
>only having what you from the get go and not having shit forced down your throat.
Oh like an amazon app?
>ubuntu is the only distro
Starcraft is an acceptable gayme tbf.
>windows needs 200GB
Why is it when someone complains they broke Linux its user error but when they manage to fuck up windows it isn't?
>install windows version aimed to constantly beta test new bells and whistles on the public
>"wahhh, why is windows so bloated"
pic related: LTSC
After security updates too.
>still 17GB
You realize a base loonix installation, even for some middle-heavyweight distros, is under 8, right?
Yet it can't run any adobe win32 software well or at all and doesn't have nearly the same hardware compatibility. I'll use the WSL included if I want to rice the shit out of my desktop, thanks.
good but what are you gonna do about all the spyware?
>have had Windows 10 installed since day 1
>C:\Windows sitting at 11gb
>werks in my machine
90% of it has already been removed from the get-go, telemetry is set to basic, and I can mess around with the registry/group policy to remove even more and setup a pi-hole for max freetardness but it's good enough for me right now.
More like
>I broke my own installation
>this is drumpf's fault!
>Windows 8.1 with Bing 64-bit
Is this seriously the official name of the OS?
Windows 8 was a dark time for Microsoft, best not to talk about it too much, it's like the 90s for Apple but somehow worse.
>just keep a copy of every single version of every single library for the last 20 years
Microsoft knows windows only exists because of inertia and they're terrified if any cracks show up in application compatibility the whole house of cards will come crashing down. It is what it is.
Imagine stooping so low that you actively fabricate shit to make the other side look bad.
better start deleting shit
Fucking kek
In fact I just did that.
Am I one of the cool kids now Jow Forums? How many internet points do I get for pretending to be a freetard?
it is the free version that comes preinstalled
>kernel name
>Windows comes pre-pozzed and you can only remove the things big daddy Microsoft lets you, even in the fucking enterprise version.
Are guys really are this inept at computers?
? still about 15gb too much for my taste, but no where near the bloat you claim
literally proved his point lmao
Pleasantly surprised with mine.
>Are guys really are this inept at computers?
It's not that they're inept, it's the fact that they do nothing but cycle lies 24/7 and everyone ends up believing it.
Come to any lintard anti-windows thread and listen to the myriad lists they have of windows issues that, surprise, you've never experienced. Because they parrot whatever the last guy parroted from the lincuck who made the shit up to begin with. 30 DEs to choose from and they still can't get thumbnails in the file picker but why does that matter if Windows 10 has a 2 pixel difference in the height of the title bar between apps? That's the real issue!
How? Even with Dism++, no hibernation file I'm not even close to that
Based and checked
Is this a 32bit install?
you can only disable a handful of things in windows, and it doesn't even remove them, doing so doesn't free disk space
He is smart enough to understand that only a fool would claim that he has "beaten" a proprietary system like windows with off switches and group policy. Your only real chance is blocking everything at the router or similar level and hoping you've plugged all the holes and that no new holes will be made. Same goes for removing stuff.
>thumbnails in the file picker
I've thumbnails in my file picker just fine, thank you very much. Oh, and good job, as you've said, parroting whatever the last guy parroted.
>I don't know therefore no one knows, also I am incapable of using a search engine and reading documentation effectively.
That's sad.
Kill yourself
>Win7 64 bit - 20GiB
>Xubuntu core - 5GiB
>not utilizing all the space
empty space is wasted space
He's probably the same kind of retard who complains that Chrome is using a lot of RAM, free RAM is wasted RAM.
That's the whole partitions btw. Windows folder is 14GiB.
>Having space to store other data besides your OS is wasted
>Having RAM for the OS to use is wasted RAM
Lol, just buy bigger disks bruh
just buy bigger HDDs you cheapskate
7 and 8 were better, windows gets fatter with each iteration
they've all been around that much
>Hurr durr treat the symptoms not the problems
>caring about 15 gigabytes of space when HDDs are 4000 GB
Minimalism circlejerks are bad in any form
>4TB hdd
Sorry but I would rather not put seagate in my laptop.
>he thinks Toshiba or Western Digital are any better
>couple of days of windows update
fucking kill it
Never had HGST fail on me, Seagate failed 4 times.
BS i put win10 on a 60gig ssd for my dad and he still has 40gigs free
That's because Windows is a real OS and Xubuntu is what you put on an old XP laptop to breathe new life into it.
Xubuntu doesn't even come with a paint tool. Give me a break.
Nothing wrong with current Seagates. Ironwolf series is very good.
He's justy repeating memes he heard on Jow Forums back in 2012, like 99% of Jow Forums
Barracuda 7200.14 ST1000DM003 here. 4.5 years and it just werks, no errors.
Actual install date is way earlier, because when there's a major update it creates a new Windows folder. Also have Office 2019.
is it big enough bruh
>text editor cursor still visible
64 bit. I have no clue why it's so small, I actually went into it expecting 30GB+.
The only thing I can think of is that I haven't activated Windows (still on the infinite trial) but as far as I know, all the stuff you're not allowed to do (changing wallpaper and shit like that) is likely there but not usable and I doubt it'd cause anywhere near the size difference between mine and other installs.
>text editor cursor
Windows Explorer basically displays it as a textbox that's read-only, allows you to select it so you can copy it and paste elsewhere. Feel free to try it yourself.
Seagate 7200.11 1.5TB drives all of them failed. Seagate 2x3TB drives, one failed ~1.5 year, other has only seen rare complete backups. Seagate's failures are not a meme.
>retard surprised when Microsoft makes their shit retard-proof
windows "backs-up" previous versions of windows in case you shut the computer off mid-update, download midget porn and get malware that fucks with system files, etc.
I use linux but retards have to be called out
>2007 hard drive
not the case today.
>implying the Gnutards on Jow Forums can afford hardware made this decade
enjoy your botnet 0day exploit ridden hardware, cuck.
>implying older hardware isn't full of known vulnerabilities that can be cracked by the NSA
Enjoy your NSA botnet, retard
>implying you aren’t
Mexico is fatter.
That’s placebo for retards.
>Why would you use linux when windows kind of works?
Why is everyone acting as if windows is the obvious default? I use linux because its more comfortable for me, and i totally get why some people would rather use windows. Whats the big deal?
Same country desu.
People with no personality define themselves by what they buy / use etc.
nah bruh, wass dat?
>Why is everyone acting as if windows is the obvious default
because it is you autist
I meant to reply to this one
>It just is, duh
Wow sure convinced me there, buddy. How come i didnt think of that?
stop fucking telling people about that.
Let's say you had to get somebody, who'd never seen a computer in their life, up to speed with basic computing to prepare them for their place in the modern world. Whatt OS would you honestly choose to prepare them with for day to day life (such as employment)?
it powers 90% of world's computers and comes pre-installed on them, of course it's a default OS, how the fuck do you fail to see this?
'Windows with Bing' was a special SKU sold for low end devices like netbooks. It was free or near enough to hardware vendors but didn't let you change the default browser in IE from Bing. Can't remember if there were any other limitations but that was the main one.
>internet in search
these are all unacceptable and getting harder and harder to remove some not even able to at all
>10GB in recycle bin
NOTHING in Windows puts files in Recycle Bin automatically.
Total size: 1.07GB
based ntlite windows 7
Of course windows is the default OS in that sense. What i was talking about is that "windows isnt as bad as its made out to be" and "its way more popular" are seen as legitimate arguments for only using windows. As if they are only trying to prove that we dont have a reason to NOT use windows, rather than giving us a reason TO use windows.
I'm fucking sorry, are you seriously telling me that fucking windows 10 will suck down hundreds of gigs of updates, and just leave them all over the fucking system? Does it not delete old downloaded updates or something?
Fuck, 7 installs clean on 20GB with space to spare, even 8 was fine with 16GB using WIMBoot.
I hardly touch windows machines, spare my trusty Vaio P, but even on that I run 7 with all updates hard blocked