He installed Arch Linux

>He installed Arch Linux
>Show us something user!
What do?

Attached: 1540927332420.jpg (720x593, 226K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I would sage them.
I am also saging you.

Ew, user uses a thinkpad, that's gross.

arr rook same

*unzips dick*

bitch came asking me questions
where’s my car?

Attached: image.jpg (640x346, 141K)

Install gentoo

The only reasonable thing to show.

The one with too much makeup is the prettiest.

where's that ASCII terminal rick roll script when I need it

Attached: 1495445293535.jpg (1000x922, 60K)

[apu@apustaja #]Sudo Pacman -syu
bash: Sudo: command not found
[apu@apustaja #]sudo Pacman -syu
sudo: Pacman: command not found
[apu@apustaja #]sudo pacman -syu
error: invalid option '-s'
[apu@apustaja #]sudo pamcan -Syu
sudo: pamcan: command not found
[apu@apustaja #]sudo pacman -Syu
[sudo] password for user:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for user:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for user:
sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts

Attached: 1523295685153.jpg (908x666, 192K)

y-you okay?

What does sudo mean?

Ok you go.

Attached: D695D029-37F1-4C28-9584-A0D02A3D0182.jpg (2448x3264, 2.11M)

It is short for pseduo-intellectual due to the limitations of Unix naming. Every Unix command has to be four characters of less or it will override the system bus. It was named in honor of Linus Sebastian, who wrote it. It was a playful inside joke from his time at MIT.

kill $(pidof $0)

Attached: 1536812909107.jpg (657x527, 44K)

>what does sudo mean?
Shut up and do

maybe substitute user with root?
allows for a clear divide between user tasks and system maintenance while making it easier to check the shell history on both.
+ you get kool kids klub pointz for using a root shell

I see what you did there.

Attached: cao_cao.gif (320x200, 1.9M)

>ew it's covered in dandruff

>Ex gf on my Arch+Tiling WM system: "that's stupid, why's it so hard to use?"
Been using Arch as my daily driver for 5 of my 23 years and that's the only time a woman has noticed

Attached: 1543009990432.jpg (800x800, 333K)

>look, i have to type everything out before i do it! how cool is that ladies?

>haha okay, check this out!
sudo rm -rf

Attached: dring-xDDD.png (750x780, 77K)

sudo apt-get install gf

>Show us something user!
whip out dick. but then again, 'something' implies more than nothing, so might not work for you

> Sorry, try again.
Should've included meme answers.

That is actually cool. Just add syntax highlighting and you'll be the c0013st haxXx0r who penetrates Pentagon as easy as their vaginas, just by running an update script.



+1 karma

>show us something user
sudo pacman -Syuu
>omg user, you're so manly and courageous...

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-30-11-56-45.png (951x1706, 644K)



Here is comes!
*unzips dick*

>sudo pacman -Söy

$ make love
make: *** No rule to make target 'love'. Stop.

Attached: room.jpg (1280x622, 104K)

So relatable
All my keys are dandruffed

should have told her
>maybe you're stupid?

don't mind her, she's not worth your time.
i use arch btw



Attached: file.png (193x443, 188K)

that's because you weren't using i3 in tabbed mode like a chad who gets laid

i can see the rape allegations stirring

% ls
foot.c foot.h foot.o toe.c toe.o
% rm * .o
rm: .o: No such file or directory
% ls

Attached: 1540236337656.jpg (480x580, 26K)

$ touch girls


Attached: circlemadewithGIMP.jpg (720x593, 322K)

To me that looks more like light reflections than make up but does make up make you more reflective? I think it usually does so maybe that one does have the most.
But my guess is the one second from the right, closer to the camera.

i'd say first from the left is the cutiest

more girls.sh

Sorry I meant second from the right has the most make up, not the cutest.

I like the one popping out from the left or the one half cut off on the right.

good taste, user
I hope you'll find your goofy popping out from someone gf

These girls looks fine. Are these a photo of models or something? Not often do I find photos of a group of girls where more than three of them are these pretty.

Attached: would fuck.png (720x591, 656K)

B-but I configure my wm by altering the source and recompiling...

Attached: Suckless_logo.svg.png (1280x835, 6K)

>have really bad vision
>90% of the women I see are gorgeous to me
I'm dead serious.

One snowy December night we were making love. Her firm, sweating breasts heaved against my chest as her thighs tightened around my hips. As her back arched and her fingertips gripped my shoulder blades, I brushed her tousled black hair away from her ear and whispered
>I use Arch btw

Attached: 1543589070618.jpg (280x400, 56K)

this is interesting
not that user, but I've lost gf when I started using arch linux
causation doesn't mean correlation, r..right..?

it was a sad day

oh, whoops, it's vice versa


>Can't Unzip: Operation not permitted or Decompression Failed


I don't understand this criticism.
How often do you reconfigure your wm?

bash-4.4$ touch girls
touch: cannot touch 'girls': Permission denied
bash-4.4$ sudo touch girls
[sudo] password for admin:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for admin:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for admin:
sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts
bash-4.4$ reboot now
Failed to write reboot parameter file: Permission denied
bash-4.4$ suicide
bash: suicide: command not found

Ok but just a second, my xorg just crashed

What I want from it gradually changes over time so I'll start patching and configuring from scratch once every few months. Definitely my favourite wm.

Attached: manofculture.jpg (680x383, 29K)

>I'm leaving
>Please don't go
>I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same way anymore... We're still friends though, ok?
>Sudo please don't go

Attached: krage.jpg (1242x808, 36K)

unzip dick.zip

suck dick output

*htops fedora*

Attached: 20181124_050154.jpg (4032x1960, 1.92M)

Yeah, same here. Jow Forums is full of pigs

t. fellow pigs


those thots won't tell the difference.

Blondes are very generic looking desu.

Why do they all look the same? Nordics are digusting

Sad story incoming but it deserves to be told...
>Friends call, asks if i want to game with them
>buy newest fps, install, start playing
>Much fun with the lads
>Except our Linux friend. He couldnt play
>Weeks later go to funeral for Linux friend who killed himself
>He was having a rough time in the last month. We tried to reach out but he couldn't play with us due to Linuxfag
>Dedicate next match in game to him

Attached: DpQWncUWkAAkIvW.jpg (789x750, 70K)

Fake and gay

generic blond is my fetish

Why would you compress a 3 byte long file?

Superman do

Attached: lookat.png (800x600, 310K)

Attached: __.png (640x480, 8K)

$ htop


Attached: 1539388898709.jpg (565x425, 150K)

>*Opens terminal* *Nervously typing*
>"Neofetc: No such command found"
>"Hehe whoops" *adjusts glasses*
>"Packages: 450"
>"Wow user that's so hot, now show us your i3-gaps config file!"

>bash: dick: command not found

Lmao nice fucking ab genetics 10/10

sudo pacman -S freeciv


sudo pacman -Syyu

sudo apt-get install ababyinya-hoe -y

lilo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grub

# touch girls

>command not found: Neofetch

Boy, that will really impress them on Arch.

>Reboots computer
>Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs
>Scrambles to make another bootable usb
>Can't decide between dd and etcher
>Boots into live mode
>ls /boot
>ls /boot | grub -i .cfg
>ls /boot/grub
>ls /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>sudo nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>sudo update-grub
>Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs

Fucking made my blood pressure rise

tfw you got memed into using this dumbass distro

Attached: 713aa5a4e9b63806ed22dac5c844149d563938ca_hq.jpg (815x1024, 70K)

unzip: cannot find or open dick

not enough jepeg

Kek, needs more snapshots

Attached: 1537912879020.jpg (440x440, 58K)