Consider the following :

I thought that asking directly the technology enthusiasts from here would be a great idea, given that you seem more aware/awake than other communities on the internet.

Then arises the following question : how, or why, specifically, aren't you buying apple products or services? For such knowledgeable individuals, it's really strange to think that you wouldn't try to always enjoy a premium experience, known to be satisfying millions of users throughout the world. Have you ever heard proud iOS users complaining about security or privacy issues? Have you ever heard of advertisements being displayed on iPhones's lockscreens?
Have you ever heard about malware inside the app store? Exactly.

Same can be said about OS X. Apple produced software is relatively easy to use and can be of great assistance, particularly for adults with fulfilling jobs and compelling lives - the perfect piece of technology to improve their productivity and accompany them through their lives in a world which is constantly evolving. You don't want to be left behind. By giving a little amount of primary data to Apple, you give them the possibility to greatly enhance your lives in such ways that you wouldn't even think. Action and customization from your part are not necessary at all.

I don't need to mention how Apple's hardware is known for it's durability, beauty and popularity. By branding yourself as one of their customers, you broadcast a positive image of yourself to your surrounding acquaintances - sending them the message that you're a capable, rich and intellectual individual.

Can this much be said about Linux, Android or Windows users? Because in the tech world, you're probably going to be laughed at if you even dare to mention that you're a Linux user. The inconvenience, the clunky UI... A total unpolished mess that needs "ricing". Windows/Android users aren't free from some mockery, as well. Manchildren who can't separate themselves from videogames and using outdated software...

Attached: ja_setsumeishimasu.jpg (870x705, 330K)

Okay, this is quite epic right there.

lots of efforts for such a weak bait 1/10

>more aware/awake, such knowledgeable individuals, &c&c&c
>proceeds to only make arguments that apply only to the most casual of users
Pretty weak bait.

Attached: bait-24.png (625x626, 38K)


I'm more interested in knowing how exactly does an individual actually end up buying something from apple.
Like what combination of events would lead a person towards becoming such a fucking faggot holy shit.

Attached: 1503064021794.png (500x428, 68K)

Are you serious?

Saved in ~/Documents/Copypastas/ifag-arguement.pasta


>yet bumps the thread


Why so much frustration? You should try to answer what he said

too lazy to sage

Frankly, I like to configure my system down to the UI, some core functionalities, etc. I use Linux on a ThinkPad for that reason, as well as a rooted Android device, especially since both are cheap, reliable, durable, and are perfect for what I need and want.
A good tech enthusiast respects others' preferred hardware/software, but doesn't have to like it.

You have weakened your argument when you added the people factor into it, therefore your argument is invalid.

> Apple produced software is relatively easy to use
> By giving a little amount of primary data to Apple, you give them the possibility to greatly enhance your lives in such ways that you wouldn't even think.
> Action and customization from your part are not necessary at all.
> y branding yourself as one of their customers, you broadcast a positive image of yourself to your surrounding acquaintances - sending them the message that you're a capable, rich and intellectual individual.
> in the tech world, you're probably going to be laughed at if you even dare to mention that you're a Linux user.

Your argument all based on those following::
- Apple is a great - which is not that great - product
- But you need to sacrifice some things to gain:
- Relatively easy product to use.
- The efficiency that will help you get what you are aspiring for.
- The image you crave to have.
- The pseudo respect in your career.
- Then you excluded the other products by forcing your argument on them while covering it with some weak arguments:
- The Inconvenience... of what?
- the clunky UI. If the users of Mac were that intellectual - as you claim them to be -, then they will not take more than 20 hours to turn it to a neat interface.

Can you see why you use Apple now?

Attached: how_dare_you.jpg (450x337, 14K)

I bought a MacBook because i like Unix better than windows, but wanted to save time configuring Unix into a stable, acceptable state.

It's not for everyone. Basically my time and my skill were deficient so i supplemented it with money.

>u so smawt
>me amazed u no buy apul user-san
Stopped reading right there.

You are a good person. But you're heavily mistaken.

What are some unix things you do?

cd code

I generally enjoy having a functional command shell, and sane file system structures. I just find Unix more intuitive than windows.

I'm trying to teach myself emacs now, to give you an idea of how bad I am.

very long - read just enough to reach the word Apple.

Well first of all:
1. Overpriced, clearly and idiot test - price-line as same hardware is cheaper.
2. Locked in eco-system, with only development around media production.
3. Makes you gay

Enough reasons for me.

I've bought the Iphone 4s for some reason, before The Dude died.

None of those things are exclusive to mac.

Ill give you 2.5/10.
Its at least nice to the eye, and I am used to way less than this.

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