If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question. *Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ %command% --help $ help %builtin/keyword%
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
Should I do it, install Linux? I've been thinking it over for more than a year, proprietary OS became so utterly disappointing - unfriendly, bloated and in some cases useless, with their phony service and app "markets" where startupers peddle their digital fart in a bag and want me to believe that this is a community. I'm not a programmer or an IT man, my occupation is arts, I work with multimedia, so perhaps I'm unable to notice these changes early on, on the other hand my intuition tells that something's going on globally and in corporations, something I can't accept anymore, just couldn't figure out what it is. I've been using win 10 and 7 for a couple of years since I bought a new PC that came with win 7, and after more than a decade with trusty XP they seem to be simply unnecessary "futuristic" GUI make-overs (the style of which I hate so much, terrible 7's Aero design that's not in any way prettier than Vista, and touchscreen-oriented sterile whatever in Win 10) with no radically new things I'd like to use, no desktop experience I enjoy or care about. With Mac it's the same story, except I don't even want to get a newer Mac. This pervasive "service/marketplace at home" philosophy seems to be everywhere now, yet from my point of view they have little to do with services or markets. This whole predicament's depressing, there's no communication between the big biz and users, those few honest public places of technology like universities are subdued or neglected, and the big brother of hi-tech knows what's good for me better than me. Perhaps you'll reassure me, there are some questions: 1) Is it true that free OS have no software outside of the admin world? How hard it is to work with multimedia and make art on a free system? 2) Is it true that Linux can emulate Windows through WINE but does it unacceptably badly? I'll need some Win applications 3) Is it true that the new Linux sound system, ALSA, is inferior to the older one, OSS?
Cooper Young
Didn't read but I'd like you to know that my opinion of you is still negative. You wrote whatever that is up there in an effort to waste my time and in some weird fetish way to satisfy yourself. I'm not sure if you're still wrestling with the fact that you have an extra chromosome or have come to terms with it and are lashing out. But one thing is for sure, you sure know how to write something I'll never read. You probably typed that whole thing out with your little dwarf thumbs. Incessantly tapping away at your cracked screen just to scrawl out a message that only the mentally handicapped that wrote it will read. I am absolutely appalled by the fact that this site allows for such people with blatant mental illness to post. It's not only a danger to the users but to society.
Easy command to check, courtesy of leddit: journalctl --since=2018-11-01 --grep="EXT4-fs error
Christian Wright
To answer your questions: 1) You can use Linux acceptably for creative work, especially if you work alone. GIMP, Blender and OpenShot video editor, etc. are fine for most creative tasks. However if you work with others who also use Adobe, Sony programmes and so on, you will probably have problems with compatibility. 2) WINE works but probably not for advanced/CPU heavy multimedia software like the stuff from Adobe and so on. It's better for simple Win32 business type apps, custom accounting software and whatever often runs fine under it. 3) PulseAudio is the main Linux audio system currently, though it might be replaced soon. Maybe on some technical level these systems are overcomplicated/unsatisfying but from the point of view of users -- including multimedia/creative types -- they're absolutely fine.
Ian Hill
Oh Jesus that looks bad. Hopefully this Kernel has not made it into major distro updates yet?
Ryder Long
>bug that fucks up the main and most widely used FS for anything Linux somehow makes it into the latest STABLE Who the FUCK is responsible for this? This is literally Windows 10 data wiping upgrade tier retardation