What's the verdict?

What's the verdict?

Attached: 1366_2000.jpg (920x518, 31K)

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All shit.

2010 has the best logo

Using office 2010 with wine.

2003 best one

Has to be 2010 for me

>not using superior groff


glad the flat meme is dead

07 and 10 are bad. the rest are fine.

Why are they keeping change the logos? That makes the old folks crazy.

2018 looks like one of those cards you get at the hardware store when you don't know what color paint you want in your house

07 was familiar to use. 13 was the last good one.

Whatever the one is I'm using now... 2016? It saves all my shit to onedrive. I can type shit up at work and come home and it's all there seamlessly. Fuckin love it.

inb4 Google Docs.

Each one is uglier than the one before it

Tryhard Adobe logo

3 for logo

the chad 97

Attached: Word_97.png (384x376, 15K)


Did Microsoft already fire everyone working there in the early 2000s!?

I only use 03, tried 07 and it sucked donkey balls, are the newer ones as bad?


The 2010 one is for docx files. It used a different one for doc files, basically the one from 2003 but with a gradient.

2010 best logo
2013 acceptable
Everything else is shit.

2010 >>> 2007
It brings back UI customization, for one thing.
Also the equation editor isn't a broken POS

The new logo is as flat as can be tho

all shit, no joking, and you even pay for this shit

God, when is this flatshit fad going to die?

LaTeX master race.

>rounded corners
>more than two colors
It's not flat at all

why not?

Office. The absolute state of Jow Forums

>not using Office 2007 or 2011 on Mac
wew lads

Attached: office_mac_2011_icons.jpg (574x260, 50K)

RIP metro design, way ahead of its time.

>Office 2007
>on Mac

I don't give a shit about the icons, I want it to stop crashing when it handles a document larger than a gerbil's dick

2003 and 2018 have best icons

metro is shit tho, nothing about it was ahead of its time.

>inb4 flat meme

all designs start out flat for high contrast readability and MS failed even at that, not to mention any semblance of consistency

right, meant to write 2008 there.

2003 and 2018 looks good. 2018 looks like it has Stack Overflow logo behind W.

Gotta be 2018 or 2003 for me
2013 is definitely the worst

2018 is a cute icon (looks like it was made in the 1970s) but the 2013 logos are the ones that make the most sense, as in you can identify what they represent inmediately without any more info.
I can't find that new logo anywhere tho, not even the microsoft website.

Attached: microsoft_office_2013.jpg (1024x780, 94K)

Looks lit tbqh

Attached: 123445457.png (672x547, 220K)

wrong, too many gradients. 2013 is unironically the best design


This was on another thread. I think the new design is actually quite nice.

Attached: 1543547184078.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Better than flat box, but 2010 is bestlec.

me too, but they fail to let you know with ease what they're supposed to be, and that's a design flaw. The only ones that pull it off are outlook, powerpoint and maybe excel.


I don't understand how average users learn to use modern MS office. its such a convoluted mess of UI I try to avoid it. even outlook.com is crap

Attached: 1505804162759.jpg (463x438, 61K)

Are those the Electron versions that i have been hearing about? Wonder how they run

Attached: 1538404423534.jpg (600x600, 81K)

I'm not willing to give ms any money so I tried activating it with alternate methods but none worked. what did you do?

I think the 2018 font with the 2003 design would look pretty good.

seems like fuking shitfuck metro is finally dying. nice, after taking a needless detour for about 5 years, we can start going forward again in the UI department. still wondering why the fuck that was even necessary....

Typing using 2013 is a bliss

I use LibreOffice so I don't care.

Attached: zqlt9rvmzsoxqh8hrkoo[1].png (159x190, 5K)

I can't be the only one on Jow Forums who used office xp.

The chad 777

the ones after 2010: BOTNET

W-wait what?

Attached: SPQV5qF.png (1862x370, 563K)

2003 has the most soul

I'm still using Office 2003 'cause you can download it for free.

Metro was fine, modern was shit.

2010 > 2007 > 2003 > everything else

>muh minimalism
eat shit and die

same, used it since 2010
(used openoffice 2008-2010)

What version of Windows is this?

top kek
had never heard about this

Can we all agree that Microsoft has better UI design language than Apple


Nice. Terry would approve.

Get off Jow Forums and apply for a job, Luke

Office2003 is still the best.

>hey guys the yellow outlook icon is dated what do we do?
fuck you Microsoft. why did you change the fucking color??

Attached: basedpad.png (177x30, 8K)

i dont know what is this and i've had office since 97

tf is Y???

2019 Windows probably

also, round corners in the start menu tiles.

2018 looks good, but it doesn't give any suggestion about the program. But neither does 2003
2003 is even flatter than 2013 fucking kill yourself retards

the verdict is that logos don't matter.

Isn't Luke doing his PhD tho?

there's absolutely no reason to use them since we have LIbreOffice and vim+latex

Attached: 1585A5FD-F30C-42E9-8EE3-833702D48658.jpg (480x451, 54K)

>libbie didn't make it past the first round
Never forget.

LibreOffice looks so fucking shit, it legit bothers me.

Looks like someone lit themselves on fire. What a fucking stupid icon.

Word and Excel are two of the biggest and most complex programs ever created. Do you seriously think Microsoft would decide to rewrite them in a slower language for no financial reward?
You probably heard about their stupid cloud integration plugin which nobody uses. Some idiot posted a misleading tweet once about it.

At least when you look at Pages' icon you know it's a bloody word processor.

Attached: 1526722799431.png (630x630, 197K)

Why does Microsoft feel the need to change its icons every few years? Visual recognition is an important part of GUI design.

The only thing Microsoft has ever excelled at was making BASIC interpreters. Its UI / UX designs have always been and will always be nothing but a joke, and despite its stumbles Apple is still the king.

The last time I paid for Microsoft software and still the best

Because everything Microsoft touches is instantly seen as uncool due to its association with "work" and thus needs to be constantly rebranded to seem cool and hip


Logos that are just a letter are shit. They're boring, they tell you nothing about what the program does, and if you have too many, you get duplicate letters. 2013 and 97 are the only icons that tell you what the program does without any hideously outdated stylistic features like gradients with horizon lines. 97 looks old, but it's stylish as fuck. 2018 is too abstract to be recognisable as a document.

The new ones are looking pretty sweet. I especially like that they are containing the game shit in a single folder tile too.

Libbie was the only good looking one, and I hate furfags that shove their fetish in where it doesn't belong with a white hot blinding rage strong enough to power a jetpack.

>not using Office 2016 on Mac
wew lad

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-01 at 02.02.27.png (2428x884, 501K)

Anything past or before 2010 is garbage. 2016 in particular is a buggy piece of shit even on stable branches. Constantly fucks its own profiles up. 2007 (or maybe it was just 2003?) and earlier doesn't support multiple exchange accounts in one profile. 2010 is undoubtedly the way to go if you don't want to deal with garbage software.

Does anyone here use Excel on a daily basis? What are your thoughts? Is your office pushing for other programs (like Alteryx)? I work in public accounting, so it's essential.

downloading office 2019 for my mbp, what am i in for?

2013 is good. I liked 2007 too

Word:mac 2001 was very nice, the best of the 32x32 pixel generation.

Attached: 55.png (90x55, 12K)

I don't care about logos but in terms of the actual software 2007/2010 was the peak of MS Office perfection.

>I don't understand how average users learn to use modern MS office. its such a convoluted mess of UI I try to avoid it. even outlook.com is crap
Because it's designed to be easy to learn. The reason why it seems like a mess to you is because you've failed to adapt.