An arrangement of sand

>an arrangement of sand

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What is development time

yes goym, inlel is better stop asking why

I'll give you 3000 years and all the sand you want OP. Make one

>an arrangement of elemental particles
>shitposts on my site


>shoots a collimated ultraviolet beam through $10M diffraction photomask at 99.99% pure silicon wafer
that will be $30 per TFLOP sir

>an arrangement of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
>thinks his opinion matters

Attached: npc intel.png (500x600, 197K)

>an arrangement of atoms

Look at these dudes being this emotionally attached to fucking consumer electronics.

>vibrations of energy
>has thoughts

Attached: intel train.jpg (1024x645, 93K)

It's dumb, but so is your post. Machines to make it, time and man hours to design it, and it's all built on decades of work if you consider this isn't their first CPU. I do think we should all be able to build some CPUs in our garage.

Created with hundreds of different specialized machinery costing up to millions each in a clean facility that cost billions to create an operate, only to output a small number of these chips daily.

actually operating the factory is cheap once you buy the equipment that's the only cost

that's why fabs make fuckloads of CPUs that no one ever buys and then end up on china ebay because it costs them 0$ to make stuff and 0$ for materials so they just make shit even if they have free time.

like nvidia prob literally sold Nintendo 50mil switch CPUs before even 1mil switch sold because they already made them in like 2014 when one of their fabs had some free time.

the only cost is RnD and buying a factory/renting time.

And you are nothing but an arrangement of carbon and water molecules. What's yet point?

Isn't there like doping chemicals and copper interconnect and stuff

don't' forget the cost of gold

>what are wages
>what are cost of production
>what is cost of design
>what is profit

Why would they even do this? The more cores you add per chip the shittier your performance per core is. No wonder they own 0.5% of the server market.

Anyone got the screencap from that "flattened rock we tricked into thinking" tweet?


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U're paing mr. Jewberg CEO income and all the lazy - non-productive managers bonuses first of all, so that's around 40% of it.. + all the advertising that's also around 10 - 15% of the price.

Then you're paying the salaries of researchers and third world workers that spent all their time and resources to craft those things and are the only reason it exists, but they receive peanuts because their income is taxed too.

>Literally linen stretched over an oak frame with shit smeared on top

Attached: 765758.jpg (300x392, 19K)

>>what is profit
Get the fuck out ancap scum

3rd world countries usually don't tax wages. specially low ones.


China does, India does, Africa does and that's where production goes on.

There's also few good countries like Israel that produce cpu's and they have taxes among the highest in the world. I think Israel is legit 50% of income.

I don't even understand why you replied that, It's like you felt you were right but had no idea - but instead wanted to insist on being right,, why don't you go check the data? You're a google search away.

I'm not a retarded ancap and I never will be. I just understand how our economy works because I'm not a brianlet.
ebin false flag though.

Fine. Go get yourself some sand and come back when you've made a worthwhile processor.

>an arrangement of deoxyribonucleic acid
>20 years in prison

Attached: 1542440922061.jpg (1437x1437, 904K)

>3000 years
shit nigga, i could probably do it in 200. learning the engineering side would take me what? 30 years? designing it by myself would take some 60 or so years i imagine, and actually producing one that work would take up the rest of the time

AMD's arrangment of sand is better than Intel's arrangement of sand though.

>op, arrangement of fat

>an arrangement of sand
>in exchange for an arrangement of wood or electrons
sounds fair to me

you'll pay for this, goy

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Attached: intel pasta.jpg (1000x1000, 231K)

this isn't sand,
this is advanced sand

Okay, you have no books to go off of. Have fun.

>it's just fucking carbon
>millions upon millions of dollars

Attached: Cullinan-I-Star-of-Africa.jpg (909x682, 66K)

don't move the goalposts, god-kun

diamonds really are stupid though

He didn't say he could have the instructions, he just said 3000 years.

At least they have some industrial applications for making very hard blades and drills.
But yes, valuing them highly because of artificial scarcity and they "look pretty" is dumb.

>because of artificial scarcity and because they look pretty
Welcome to life lad.

>it's literally paper
>somehow i can't use it as cash but other paper it's okay because it has different text on it

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>When you're so autistic you can't understand how something has an agreed upon value

>arrangement of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen is delicious
>change arrangement slightly
>it's fucking deadly.

user's actually contemplating it

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An ounce of gold is enough for 10s of thousands of CPUs, and it's not really needed nowadays.

The best part is that he thought he could use just use already existing knowledge to do it.

it was just a joke user :]

>engineers are volunteers

you've found the root of this recursive bullshit thread

>arrangement of molecules
>intrinsically worthless

I'd say that's some prime portman, but I know better.

intards and amdiots btfo. advanced anime devices for life

You mean every woman on Earth is dumb for wanting them and men are dumb for pandering to women just to wet their dicks.

You dummy. Things that are pretty and artificially scarce are worth money.

I recently bought my wife a diamond ring with huge diamonds on it. It was a few hundred dollars, why you may ask? Because it is made of artificial diamonds which are internally flawless but lack any value other than shiny. It is weird, imagine if we could create 100.00% gold reliably and cheaply but it had, by order of magnitude, less value than 99.9% gold because it was artificial.

揮 金 如 土

Stay mad BOIS

>because it was artificial
People place value on something being natural or real. Whether it be from it being higher quality (fake watches) to just the stigma behind the idea of it being "fake" (real vs man made diamonds). I think gold may retain value due to it being useful in practical applications all over.

>certain arrangements of sand are worth 2k

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What did he mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot_20181130-190940_Firefox.jpg (1433x1238, 129K)

>translating it like that

Attached: Capture.png (578x281, 20K)

>certain arrangments of electrons are illegal

>b-b-b-but it's shiny!

Attached: 98798.jpg (568x213, 56K)

>People place value on something being natural or real.
>those same people could never tell the difference

really makes U think

I sure love Jow Forums posting here all the time. Sure would be terrible if you all went back to your containment board or your gay nazi website

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all its good for is contact/connector coatings

lmao get a load of this butthurt libtard
fuckin trolled epic style

Even worse i voted for drumf the kike lover but still go back you braindead snownigger

>a combination of pixels

A highly ordered arrangement of sand. Entropy is a bitch.

Industrial grade diamonds are almost worthless. And the engagecuck diamonds magically lose 75% of the value the moment you sign the dotted line. If you ever score Jow Forums, buy or if she's wise to zirconia, another gemstone.