Well Jow Forums, i finally listened to you. I installed arch linux

well Jow Forums, i finally listened to you. I installed arch linux.

Now, what are some cool things to do on this? I wanna trick this bad boy out.

Attached: arch linux.png (399x299, 31K)

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install i3 and just use your computer for whatever you want.

i already did that, i wanna know some cool stuff i can add to arch


install Void Linux

Negro you just install whatever software you need to get shit done
The repositories have the latest everything
For example yesterday I installed libreoffice-fresh to open an old .ods file and it just werks

The same stuff you can add to every other linux distribution? I suggest:
st terminal.

Insert usb stick

wget debian.mirror.cambrium.nl/debian-cd/9.6.0-live/amd64/iso-hybrid/debian-live-9.6.0-amd64-kde.iso

dd if=debian-live-9.6.0-amd64-kde.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress

Restart and keep usb stick in, and follow the onscreen instructions

Install Gentoo

you overwrote my second harddrive, thanks


>not installing gentoo

Install LARBS work your way from there.

enable yaourt and download bloated AUR packages

Sad story for you guys
>Friends call, asks if i want to game with them
>buy newest fps, install, start playing
>Much fun with the lads
>Except our Linux friend. He couldnt play
>Weeks later go to funeral for Linux friend who killed himself
>He was having a rough time in the last month. We tried to reach out but he couldn't play with us due to Linuxfag
>Dedicate next match in game to him

damn user, that's really sad...

[spoiler]can we hit 5 you's, fellow gamers???[/spoiler]

kill yourself back to /v/ fucking retard

Some kind of firewall is kind of obligatory. I use ufw with sshguard because I'm too stupid to use iptables properly

Attached: WaterhouseJW_GatherYeRosebudsWhileYeMay.jpg (2216x3000, 2.5M)

kill yourself back to rebbit you fucking newfag

t. underage shitposter

The fact that you miss the irony in proves that you are in fact a newfag, newfag.

sudo apt-get cunt

pacman and AUR. That's all it's good for

You had corrupted his mind long age ago.

Attached: 1522130022633.jpg (1066x600, 64K)

now you can finally get your shit done

oh right, you dont do CAD, 3d modeling/rendering, gaming or any other productive effort on a computer

carry on, reinstall archlinux and *linux again and again, reconfigure your shitstem

now work as devops and use your capoiera rope to hang yourself

>Now, what are some cool things to do on this?
use your computer
what the fuck else are you gonna do with an os

>3d modeling/rendering
> gaming or any other productive effort on a computer

s/gaming/making\ games/g


dont forget the step where you have to go out and find all of your own hardware drivers and put them on the usb stick

keep practicing installing it until you can install it in 15 minutes like an arch pro