PC Peripherals Thread

>never bought a gaming PC before
>relied upon bullshit clickbait articles to guide my purchases
Did I fuck up, /v/?

Attached: Screenshot_20181130-162301_Amazon Shopping.jpg (954x1616, 341K)

>inb4 gb2/v/ faggot
Posted this thread on /v/ and somebody told me to post it here. Should have edited my copypaste, sorry

I'm not a big mouse or kb enthusiast but even I know to avoid shit like that, jesus

What did I do wrong?
The RGB is mostly for my wife who likes pretty colors while playing vanilla Sims 4
What's wrong with the mouse?

youre paying a premium for stupid tacky gamer marketing

The keyboard is really more for my wife, but aren't gaming mice much more precise/tactile than a typical optical mouse?

Also, is the monitor OK?

could've bought a k120/lenovo keyboard+intellimouse for $50 and spent the rest on the monitor
you fucking retard

Attached: 1541481905810.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

The deathadder ia a steal at that pricr. I bought 2 more and have 3 rn. Meme mousepad is fine for 15 bucks. Is the monitor 144hz? And what switches in the keyboard? Reds are best for games

>Is the monitor 144hz?
>And what switches in the keyboard?

Thanks for the tips. The wife wanted a pretty keyboard, so I'm kinda stuck with what I have. Not sure I would've gotten much utility out of a better monitor, I only have a 1060GTX. It's not like I can pull off 4k gaming.

Also, thanks for the tip on the red lighting. I'll keep that in mind. I imagine it causes less eyestrain at night?

Red cherry switches lmfao not leds color. You from /v/ or Jow Forums?

/v/ lmao.
Sorry I misunderstood. Like I said, never built a gaming pc before. They're cherry red switches.

Yeah ur set. Go back to /v/ now i have officially justified your build

>ctrl+f "nigger"
>0 results
What made you think I came from that cesspool?

Thanks user, I won't sully your board with my presence any longer.

It depends on the technical specs. Gridsnapping, built-in mouse acceleration, etc.
You did for sure fuck up on the mouse because of one critical, essential feature
In the Logitech G502, there's a button that turns your mouse wheel into a fucking jet engine. Good luck doing pulling off sick 420 noscopes while powering a jet, faggot.

>did I fuck up
>hurr durr, I didn't fuck up because my wife has autism
what the fuck is the point of this shitty thread? Yes, you fucked up, you spend hundreds on dogshit. Now go back.

>razer mouse
You fucked up

>buying RGB anything

Learn to read retard. this monitor is 75hz. The ages old VG248QE is probably still more expensive than this due to 144hz.

>jelly of my dubs, trips, and big tiddy autismo waifu
Try not to sound so mad nex time, buddy

>offers criticism with no solutions
What's wrong with it?
What are some better options?

Oh fug, thanks for spotting that. I may be retarded. Cancelled that order, upgraded to the 144hz version (only $50 more)

Aside from the RGB, is that brand/model known to be reliable? Tactile? Responsive?

You went name brand, this is a hipster board. But you did fine, maybe go 1440p?

Or should I go for the 27 inch instead?
I know I ask my wife this all the time, but is the extra 3 inches really that noticeable? I wear glasses, so my FOV is limited as is.

Do you think I can run 1440p on a 1060 without framerate loss? I'd rather have a smooth framerate over a few extra pixels, but if you folks think my rig can handle it then maybe I should go for it?

Which one did you go for now? I'd also say 27" is pretty nice and in my opinion better than 24". I also wear glasses but my monitors are pretty far away. However they're 1440p. 1080p is not recommended at 27". So you're probably better off with a decent 24" screen.
no. i'm not even happy with my 1080ti in some new games.
Also touching the keyboard subject: Cherry boards will probably last you half an eternity. Even knockoff shit would be good enough. You can also use a K120 for 10 years easily. Just buy whatever is aesthetically pleasing to you.

Thanks for the advice, user. I'll stick with the 24" 1080p for now.

Also, what's so great about the K120? Isn't just another inexpensive membrane keyboard? Shouldn't I go for mechanical switches, since there's more tactile response?

Get a 144hz monitor with displayport from Acer. Cheaper and same quality (if not better) than Asus.

Thanks user, will do.

Is fine dont really need anything better if your just playing somewhat casually and having a good time with the bois

>Anything Razer
I rate you fucked up on the mouse. Cheaper and better build quality alternatives are out there. I myselve use Logitech but hey are even a neme these days. But dont take what a Jow Forums says, Razer is hit or miss, will either hold you a long time or break within a year. Still better options out there, gl on that part.

Eh, fell for the Ocerpriced meme, when yu get your next one get a clothpad from Steelseries or Logitech

If its your first, cant go wring with Mechanical.


Its a meme but hey does feel somewhat comfy so i cant complain.