with a real sensor this time
with a real sensor this time
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Now make it a thumb ball.
All thirty people on earth who use thumb ball mice would be so happy
does it ship to murica tho?
only chinese market now but a new intellimouse only for china sounds weird
it's probably only a chink exclusive like the mx518: logitechg.com
And we would buy 10 of them, 3,000 unit run. Xbox doesnt turn a profit either.
Just give it to me God damn it.
its filled with spyware
>gaming mouse
>180 turn macro
>dpi switch headshot macro
zoomer turd. it doesn't matter. it's an intellimouse with updated internals - the dream. not only for fortnite gaymers.
Yeah, no one ever needs macros for productivity, or DPI shifting for small scale database clicking on a 4k screen. 16,000dpi and 1Ghz polling rate is fucking butter.
Bet you need curved triple monitor to program hello world too, faggot
Bet you like using your yellowed plastic formerly beige tower on your 15" orange monochromatic CRT. Colossal fag.
Now if only they'd made this
>plug it in
>it fucking installs windows 10
This was the best mouse I ever got to use.
I don't care so much about muh sensors. If the new one is built like your pic, I might buy one.
>1Ghz polling rate
for what fucking purpose
it's not, it's like the other wmo