Kpop general #1304

squat edition

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i'm actually every poster here

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where you been?


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omo twinsies

i didn't think very far ahead
i don't know how many squats i have

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>omo twinsies

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they were twinsie images
what else was i supposed to do?

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>where you been?
Reading manga

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i dont know

what are you reading?

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>what are you reading?
That time I got reincarnated as a slime

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lol weeb

dwai then

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Go to bed Victor

no u

cute you

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Nah i'm good.

i will

any good?

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oh yeah reminder to organize your misc kp

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no you

you will dwai?
thanks, chingu

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opinion on IZ*ONE?

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>any good?
I like it, but it's not very serious. I dunno if you'd like it

no u

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i don't like them


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>you will dwai?
>thanks, chingu

>I like it

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good talk

that jennie appears to be worrying about it

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Cute Joe.

omo you finally got a keyboard, hey

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do any of you weebs know what song is playing over the first clip

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wait i think that's chinese. i was thrown off by it sounding like jpoop to me

how many more words do you know?

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it's ok it's progress

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post tzuyus1,jpg

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rest easy

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sleep tight

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why is she so smug bros

do you remember that guy showing up and saying he was convinced nancy was the most reddit idol because "reddit eats that sort of smug shit up" or something like that?
i do. good times

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we like smugs

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oh yeah lol
that was the melanated seulgi poster who once took acid and spammed the thread with gibberish for a few hours

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wording this

was it him?
i could never keep track of the americans 2bh

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yes it was him
i know because i never saw him say it, you were the one who told me about it and you knew it was him at the time
>i could never keep track of the americans 2bh
there's a browser addon called "extra flags for Jow Forums" that someone on Jow Forums made that gives you state flags for the americans i think.
you can use itif you know what states flags look like. yours looked like the british fascist party flag and california was this two headed bear but i don't know the rest unfortunately

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nooooo... byebee~

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huh, crazy
>extra flags for Jow Forums
omo, can i filter by the extra flags too?

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what are you up to chingu?

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no clue, i haven't installed it myself. you can try it though. going to use it for filtering smelly flyovers right?

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i was playing dark souls, but i stopped now
sleep soon
how about you?

you know what they say. if it isn't a coast it isn't worthwhile


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don't bully ohio..

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i've never heard that but it's not a very clever turn of phrase. it doesn't rhyme or anything. maybe it should be "if it isn't coast it's toast" or something
yeah well try and see if there isn't an easier way to do it first. that code is from 2017 maybe they've added the option in 4chanx or the extra flags thingy since then

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what're you doing?

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omo post more ears

>how about you?
listening to podcast and wowing

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well unfortunately it looks like when you install extra flags you tell it what region you're in so that i can broadcast it, so you can't see other people's regions unless they also have it installed. just looking at int it seems pretty dead too, maybe 1/30 or so posters are using it
looks like i'll keep having to suffer through the bad americans

what have you been up to on wow since you hit the cap on your warrior?

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a book? what book

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wooow holy crap how useless
i thought it worked via geolocation or something.

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can't track me down

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working on secondary proff and main, collecting old content stuff like tmogs and etc. i dont play wow that much actually.

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i guess it makes sense that there wouldn't be access to that sort of information in the api, but it's still disappointing

>i dont play wow that much actually.

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did they ever fix the issue from legion where if you got shafted by legendary RNG, you were outright blocked from doing stuff on progression?

obviously too late now, but that drove me nuts. ran more mythic+ than everybody in my guild but never got a single legendary until it was too late.

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your booo

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you're in ohio
yeah in hindsight i guess it wasn't too bright of me to think it could work that way. still, i guess you can still use it to tell who's a faggot who wants everybody to know about the special snowflake region he's in. i read something in the code that mentioned 'Iroquois". how annoying

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they didn't fix it because unless your guild was incredibly elite or a bunch of assholes bad legendary RNG didn't make even close to enough of a difference to get you benched over unless you were about to get the ax anyway, so it wasn't a problem
now most things are farmable but there's a moderate amount of RNG. If you're lucky you can get a nice boost but even with the worst of luck you wouldn't have any trouble getting into a mythic progression guild if you're a competent player. the same exact way it was in legion.

boo you

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excuse me.

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i mostly mean from like a cutting edge week 1-2 mythic clear, in which case it was rough since all the mail that dropped ended up going to other people that had good legendaries since they were pretty huge DPS buffs. they were deffo pretty elitist, lots of guilds on horde illidan are like that.

i was playing hunter so i was pretty replaceable unfortunately as the low DPS, just do the mechanics guy. got dropped after a bad run of mythic cenarius wipes.

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Daily reminder to praise Dubu.
Coffee time

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>only had 500 calories today
heck... time for bed, bye bant

good morning, right on time to take over my shift

don't get too rowdy while i'm gone

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