What went wrong?

No jobs openings for Angular anymore

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meme of a meme
what did you expect?

all weebdevs should die

Vue came out and its just a better Angular.

says he on this website.

Angular is only used by boomer corporates

You mean to develop angular or to develop in angular?

Angular over-complicates everything. React is vastly superior

JSX is a fucking abortion.

What's wrong with mixing presention logic with business logic?

What's wrong with using gotos instead of functions?

Can't trust google. They might just abandon the whole thing one day without any notice.



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Angular got me a job at Google

A new flavor of the month framework came out.


What are you on about, shit's everywhere.

AngularJS is dropping because angular are fucking retarded faggots and called their new famework "angular", which is different from "AngularJS".

> preferring arbitrary pseudo DSL in the html file
are you sure you are not the abortion here?

At google.
Nobody else uses it. In fact, I argue that even google realizes that a reactive pattern is much superior - it's what they've adapted in their newest (Mobile App) framework, Flutter.

Well, Angular 2 has no JS, so it makes sense.

my point is vue isn't as popular as some people say. react is popular but it's an abortion.

I love Angular, but yeah, React is leading the FE right now.

I just hope it doesn't die.

This. It's a shit framework

AngularJS was an overcomplicated piece of shit, but when Google came out and said "fuck it, we're starting over" with Angular 2 instead of following the tradition of creating backwards compatible creaturas it really hurt them in popularity. Google's fame of dropping projects just because doesn't help either.
Regarding the present, since Angular 2 to now (Angular 7) the changes have been mostly backwards compatible, and the concepts to learn summarized to modules, components and how to mark something as a service; the boilerplate generation simplified to using Angular CLI too. It's really nice, and if you follow good practices of creating feature modules then the projects start looking similar, which is useful when bringing new people to an existing team.

Regarding job openings, I dunno. It depends on location I suppose? And in any case, if you become competent at React you shouldn't have problem getting a job at a Vue or Angular shop, they're all component oriented frameworks, as any strong team would care more about whether you're a competent developer *in general* rather than being pedant on whether you know the specific version of the specific memework they use.

>not weebsite
One! Job!

>falling for the webdev meme

version 2 and up happened, the literal autismo of idiots who need someone to hold their hand while writing js killed it

yep. they did that with go and google refine