Disconnected from own body

Anybody else feel kind of completely disconnected from their own body?
Like being dead inside. You're still there, but you don't feel emotions and you always seem absent.

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You are your body.

Install gentoo on it

Looks like babby's first existential crisis.


But seriously user, are you OK? What's troubling you.

I'm serious here. I need to know if anyone else has had similar symptoms and what the solution was.
It would be great if I could just to a backup and reinstall of the "software" of my body.

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>are you OK? What's troubling you
I have dissassociation or something. Need to fix it.
Are there any known technological solutions?

Okay fine. Seek therapy. You're probably not mentally ill but having someone to talk to about your feelings is a healthy outlet. Even just talking to someone helps. Additionally get some exercise.

t. Someone also in therapy. I think about killing myself almost every day but I cant leave my daughter and wife by themselves.

Blessed are men, for they exist in milk.
Bless me, the writer, dead once and dead again.

I thought this thread would be shit until I saw this


>t. Someone also in therapy
>I think about killing myself every day

Sounds like therapy is about as effective as an unloaded handgun.
We need a real solution boys.


Oh I had to stop going to therapy because I lost my job with insurance and cant afford it on the open market. Now I'm just living with the pain. That's the American way right?

Now buy cheap whisky and drink it neat from a half to to 2/3rds full tumbler. Repeat until the pain goes away.

It's called body dissociation disorder. I had it for 6 months when I was scammed and given synthetic weed by some prick in London. The only thing that helped me was by doing active things and trying to minimize my use of dissociating acts like social media and video games. (Which I incidentally became worse at because of my condition). It was an awful experience, it felt like I was piloting my own body like a mecha or some shit whilst the real me was just sitting in my head.

I'm fully back in order now but because of the experience I wouldn't say that I'm the same as I was before. Sorry you're going through this, user. I know how terrible it is.

ego death?
its normal

but, are you kind to others?

>body is organic chemistry
>take external drugs
>face consequences

Drink lots of water too. That way you don't get such a nasty headache the next day.

Yeah I don't take drugs anymore, you don't have to tell me twice. I think the worst part is people who try to tell me that it was just "placebo" because they love their drugs so much.


Or possibly de-realisation.

You may be experiencing psychosis, which is treatable.

you know, there is the saying of "no love ever feels as your first". referring to the fact that you get used to emotions just like with everything else. you might just have matured and gotten used to a lot of things. and with that, your standard for stimulation has risen.

This shit is caused by fucking negs (negative entities).
When you die your spirit leaves your body. Some spirits get a kick out of tormenting the living.
I've interacted with beelzebub (lord of the flies).
This shit is no joke, you are on the forefront of the spiritual war against humans.
Even Jesus isn't powerful enough to clear these things from us.
We can beat these fucks.
Who do they think they are? It's like spiritual enslavement, they try to drive us to suicide. They killed Terry Davis.
I say we spiritually enslave them.

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alright stephen molyneux


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Have you tried pinging? Maybe your latency is too high so you're dropping packets

I... we are going to pwn their asses and free this world.
I've been far enough to encounter beelzebub already. I've pwned satan. They know my power and that's why they're scared of me. It's time to go even further and end their disgusting system.

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i've been this way for about 10 years now, honestly you just get used to it, i dont recommend talking about t with others because its beyond the scope of understanding for most people, how do you correctly convey the feeling of emptiness to others? that you dont even feel human anymore?

I go through my day like everyone else, and try to find small pockets of joy although i feel i just imagine theyre there, I havent laughed for real in these 10 years, everything i do is forced

I just live like im normal and hope that theres something on this earth i have left to do, make some impact on someone, because other than that i know im just a cog in the machine

I've never thought about killing myself, I figure I'll just keep living until something finally ends me, I dont fear the death thats coming

It is some solace to be at peace, for some who struggle with their emotions from day to day, not feeling anything would be a blessing, however I wish I could feel again, one always wants what he cannot have I suppose

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So many people like the OP are terribly messed up by these negs and instead of living epic lives, they live sad, pathetic lives worthy of extermination.
I've had enough. I've seen enough. I'm disgusted and we are going to fucking beat these negs.

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How pathetic is your life?
You should be living an epic life and doing things you enjoy rather than just wading through life, waiting death.
WTF kind of life is that? No way is that was God wants. It's unacceptable.

Get outside more(just for a walk or something).
Turn off the router in the afternoon and try doing things to entertain yourself(NOT video games).
Get a new hobby.
Use social media less and less.

Pathetic? maybe, Ive been a lot more fortunate in my life than many of my friends, but that brings me no happiness, Ive never gone hungry, never had to worry about where i would sleep, Ive done everything with my own two hands after my father died when i was young and mother lost her mind

I did all the normal kid stuff too, went to parties in college, experimented with drugs, dated a few girls, was popular enough, Ive got a decent job and a nice house, I've done everything society says an upstanding citizen should, but no where in that time have i ever been truly happy, or maybe I've never been happy at all

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stop being normal
you only live once