How the fuck does this happens?

How the fuck does this happens? uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo

Attached: tyl6nz0pfi121.jpg (1024x768, 124K)

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Detroit Become Human

Watch out user. Google doesn't like when people find their secret messages.

OwO-posting faggot perverts confirmed for being cancer.

Botnet confirms it.

Neural networks.

African languages (such as Igbo) are often so simple that words have to take on many different meanings in order to even make an attempt at keeping up with the modern world. As a result, you get shit like this when throwing it into a translate program.


>African language
>Having a definition for "sexual misconduct"

Attached: d1a2e29fd14ce6469e497e9dce328703.jpg (247x247, 5K)

Probably a suggestion from a user or something, I'm pretty sure you can submit translations for particular words/phrases to Google. If enough people submit the same thing for some obscure, nonsensical shit like that it will probably take it as valid and display it.

>remove the last owo
A person who does not want to be lonely can never be lonely and lonely
>remove the first owo
A fishing boat can not be rented so that a man can not sleep without a man


I feel like theres a way to abuse this feature


Attached: yes.png (663x237, 17K)

thanks botnet! this proves that OwO posting cutegang faggots are all cancer

Attached: poo poo.png (664x249, 18K)

Attached: kek.png (1308x226, 17K)


Attached: you.jpg (1031x652, 106K)

You can't make that shit up.

Attached: 2018-12-01_144355.png (1255x390, 24K)


Attached: kek.png (1292x245, 19K)

wtf i love igbo now

Attached: l.jpg (880x322, 50K)

Attached: 2018-12-01 14_46_50-Greenshot.png (2560x1440, 82K)

Ebyn inspect element bread.

Based African spirits confirm the 6 gorillion is a lie.

Attached: 2018-12-01 14_59_22-Greenshot.png (2560x1440, 97K)

You can test it yourself...

Attached: mom for rent.png (883x340, 36K)

it's called abstinence

>ooga booga is literally real

Attached: 1MNA.gif (480x270, 947K)

Then "what" mom?

Attached: f95.jpg (698x672, 24K)

Attached: not_so_funny_anymore.png (866x358, 40K)

Where is the problem?

Attached: a sudden turn.png (1030x273, 51K)

It is likely a neural network that just has to output something. So it just outputs some random shit it has looked at before.

>add a single uwu

Attached: image.jpg (652x937, 208K)

It's this. When you put noise through a neural network, the output is still coherent.

>the absolute state of igbo

Attached: file.png (641x527, 152K)

It's not wrong tho. I used to ride my bike in a mountain nearby and I came across a fat bitch that went hiking by herself and fucked her ankle. She recognized me from the restaurant I used to work (she knew the owner and went to eat sometimes) so I pretty much had to help her or she would talk shit about me. Shit sucked.

owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu

proof of 9/11

This language walks a fine line between fucking retarded and incredibly efficient

>the current state of machine learning

Why did the white oppressors stop them from developing their language?

Attached: 1501631622001.png (741x568, 29K)

>furries now have their own language

Attached: 65e.jpg (445x503, 29K)

anyone else think that black jew is getting uncomfortably close to the brown guy

>uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo bush hid the facts
>hijackers can not hide the facts
what did he mean by this

Attached: 3.png (1364x327, 25K)

This is my new favorite language.

Attached: 1542539578125.jpg (332x332, 13K)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-01-21-50-34~01.png (1440x1063, 85K)

kekus maximus

Attached: 1539184306536.gif (264x264, 1.64M)

nice knowing you user... suicide with 3 gun shots to the back of the head is a manly way to go at least...

What the hell kind of language is this

Attached: Screenshot_20181201_230213.png (626x157, 9K)

>white devils can't into glorious Igbo
owu awa owo owa owo owo owu

igbo is an ethnic subgroup what is found in nigeria and other parts of africa.

>taking a photo of your screen
Jow Forums

They're obsessed with human trafficking and hijackers, apparently

Nigeria's economy is (this is not a joke) 30% kidnapping ransoms.

I remember doing this with Mongolian a few years ago. It doesn't give out the same translations now of course, but they're still incomprehensible. I was waiting to use my screenshots.

Attached: hmmm.png (1054x257, 18K)

I have 2 more interesting ones as the rest are boring.

Attached: old_screenshot.png (528x163, 4K)

If it's not true and not a joke, what is our?

it was on NPR but I can't find the story

It's like when Jow Forums learnt how to speak somali.

it wasn't somali, I can't remember how it was called, but yeah that was a pretty fun thread

it was Ugandan

that's kind of deep

actually it was Nigerian Pidgin and the story was about translations to it being paid for with tv loicense money

I love you guys so much. Nowhere else can some weeb fuck turn weeb autism in its literal form into something genuinely hilarious.

Never change. Please.

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Why don't we be lonely together? ;)

I used to use Igbo translation for my d&d needs, you can make stuff sound pretty exotic with some liberties

There's a Google rewards app that basically asks you to either translate or correct translations of others
I've seen troll translations before

Hnnng. Who be dat?

Posting my all time favourite

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