Be cashier wagecuck

>be cashier wagecuck
>qt 3.14 walks up to my lane
>try to not act retarded
>everything goes fine
>tampons come through the conveyor belt
>dick gets hard

Attached: mdw.jpg (800x450, 60K)

heh, what would the neighbors think?

Grocery store life is shit, but so much fun.
So long as you're not customer service or a cashier

Tel us more about the conveyor belt please. Brand, model, rated power, max speed, etc. This is the technology board after all ....

based and redpilled desu


>the number one way to know if she is a roastie

Shouldn't you be on r9k or something?

>dem devil quads

Attached: b03c26fcaeeccec4ef06361e8e2b4a5d95a61e4180e0178f90510772428f897b.jpg (1296x2096, 764K)

Who is this semen demon?


Its a man in drag you brainlet.


Woah nice GET my dude!

Attached: ef416a371a1ba7a35f94fcea0977bc58_vice_670.jpg (640x406, 78K)

Fuck me I am retarded

Attached: ezgif-2-492a7ed28c40.gif (500x280, 1.01M)

Attached: masturbate.jpg (960x960, 70K)

Nice ass. What is his skincare regimen?

I too would like to know

Seconding this

Attached: 1466294746033.png (435x269, 5K)


Janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny janny
There, now you can delete the thread.

Were you on worldstar hip hop user ?

It's a regular on cuteboys over at 8 chn.

Find him and ask him, his pictures are up in a thread. That set I posted is up

Janny can't save you know, they're fucking dead or some shit

rip 4churn Jow Forums jannies