>ITT: Unpopular Opinions You Hold in Tech

Apple was right to remove headphone jacks from their phones. I hope the next phone they release has no charging port at all either and hopefully either a bigger battery or is just thinner. Apple itself is still shit though. The future is wireless and other phones without headphone jacks are better.

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>no charging port
Agree, because they're the reason phones are so thick

>You shouldn't have an alternative: the bait
2/10 made me reply

Thin phones are for children. They should be thicc and fit one hand comfortably with a rounded back.

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>less features are better

linux is useless as a casual user desktop environment

Life is about human comfort user.
Imagine this: You get on a subway. Your phone automatically starts charging, kind of like connecting to public wifi works now. You get to work. It's still automatically charging. Your laptop works in any cafe, any workplace, even your car or home at all times and you've never once had to plug it into a charging port. All with no risk of damage to humans. Just remote charging, which is a step further from simple wireless charging. But we have to get rid of the cords first.

For a desktop, keep the wires. Everything else: nope.

The field of graphic design decided around ~2006 that instead of improving upon their already great foundation, outright dying was the next innovative move and it's been a slow rotting death ever since.

MacOS is my favorite Linux (desktop) distro.

RGB lighting is fine.

Open Source / FOSS people can be real assholes sometimes.

linux isn't a desktop environment user

read a book nigger

I don't mind not having stock android so long as the skinned ROM is good. (doesn't drain battery, gets updated consistently, etc)

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It's an unpopular opinion for a reason. But MacOS does everything I want Linux to do, is more consistent, and more reliable.

MacOS is the best Linux Desktop.

be honest, when's the last time this happened to you

OnePlus one (first smartphone) came with cyanogen os (not sure if that counts). I'm tempted to get a xiaomeme phone because miui looks interesting among other reasons.

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>All with no risk of damage to humans.
good fucking luck nigger, this isn't possible, you aren't crossing that large of a spatial distance without fucking destroying all the organics around
in this future scenario of yours everyone is a tumorous blob of cancer because high intensity radio waves are being blasted everywhere nonstop just to avoid plugging in electronics
can't wait for 5g :^)

Attached: that kangaroo charged my phone mate.jpg (1800x1200, 590K)

you know what I mean fagot

My opinion is exactly different - for casual user, the linux is better than windows. But i guess it depends on what you mean by casual user.

I would totally install linux on my grandma's computer she would use for sending emails, looking up recipes and reading news.

I wouldn't recommend it to my normie friend who just like to play some vidya after work, but don't care about the rest.

>mouses are for retards
>windows is a piece of shit
>macos is a piece of shit

Be honest, you only like it because it feels like a thick dick in your hand.

when you lose the headphone jack, you lose the ability to control your signals. digital means drm. enjoy your locked down future. you and other users have voted for it.

Smart appliances are cancer that provide very little convenience, yet they will not only decimate our privacy but also pose a massive risk to our critical infrastructures.

Tech that has enabled analytics to squirm its way into every facet of human existence has lead us to a point where every business is directly incentivized financially to do intelligence work in behalf of intelligence agencies, and that shit needs to be regulated heavily.

>when you lose the headphone jack, you lose the ability to control your signals. digital means drm.
Very true. Although in 2018, who still uses corded headphones outside recording studios?

People who aren't autistic

>convenience is autistic
Do you even know what that word means?

I think you mean people who ARE autistic.

Facebook is shit but zuckerberg did nothing wrong. He told evetyone what he was going to do with their data, and after giving it to him they have the gall to be upset.

Apple should release phones that you can't even charge. If you want to have a fresh battery you just go to the store and get a new phone. Then you sign in and it downloads all your phone settings and data from the cloud.

>zuckerberg did nothing wrong
>committed psych experiments on people without their consent
>nothing wrong

I do so I don't have to deal with charging the headphones.

I think it's more about price. I've been using mine for a year now and the battery has died on me only once.

With cheap headphones I get it, it's a drag (I had $40 ones that you'd have to charge every 8 hours). Bose's QC 35's last 20+ hours and are fully recharged in like an hour.

Who uses shitty tinny earbuds in 2018 with poor frequency response that rolls off under 200Hz and above 2kHz? Who uses shitty 8 ohm earbuds with an awful dynamic range in 2018?

Oh yeah. Apple does. I don't care how they shill their earbuds. The form factor places major limitations on the maximum audio quality you're gonna get out of those pieces of shit. These issues are inherent to any earbuds to be fair and while Apple probably will make some of the "best" on the market it's worth noting "best" is a relative term and you're really just comparing a shit to a shit with sprinkles on it.

And this isn't even getting into the battery shit.

multithreading is largely a waste of time
If you're interested in "technology" instead of working in an applied field you have autism

The push to get everyone to learn programming is purely to lower pay across the board for all workers in technology.

It is BSD based, not Linux based.

>user talks about headphones
>respond with an inane rant about Apple earbuds

The fact that you're concerned with that tells me you're a low-skilled tech guy and project your own view of tech onto everyone working in tech.

I'm not the least bit concerned about the efforts to teach people programming en masse.

The reason I and many others are handsomely rewarded for our work is because only a tiny fraction of the population is both capable AND willing to do what we do. You see, it's not just
>anyone with IQ above X
>people with IQ BETWEEN X and Y AND a certain temperament
The smarter ones will go to med school or into hard sciences.

your first sentence defines autism user
literally no one cares about the frequency range unless theyre an ""audiophile""

hell i dont use earphones almost ever, have a qc25 for travel and status audio cb-1 for my desktop but ive been saving up for airpods

one more thing I have to remember to charge, can't wait for this wireless meme to die.

>can't wait for this wireless meme to die
Name one thing that once became cordless but isn't anymore.

>MacOS is the best Linux Desktop.

Stupid shitskin, MacOS is not a Linux nor does it run Linux binaries. It's BSD based. You can't be a serious user if you don't know the difference.

I like apple phones more than Android.
I've had 4 pixel 2 replacements.

>ITT: Unpopular Opinions You Hold in Tech

Ok dont know if they are unpopular...
Miss SUN Microsystems - think Java would be in a better place.
Miss Virgin pacific the airline, that airline seemed to care.
Fucking hate office 365
Miss being able to buy programs on disk. - look at how lazy devs are now.The patch is as big as the program.
Miss checkout chicks
Miss dot matrix printers.
Miss the computer counting my RAM when booting
Miss Sony laptaps
Miss CRT monitors
Liked sound cards and having to care about audio enough to buy one.
Miss AltaVista
Miss Blackberry
Miss going to Blockbuster and getting the very last copy of the movie I wanted.

sure there are more.

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So you want a batter that is charging 95% of the time? That's fucking retarded

>Apple was right

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That's a weird way to argue because most things have corded/cordless/combination versions available. I can't think of anything that doesn't still have both, probably exists but it doesn't come to mind.

>less features
FEWER FUCKING FEATURES, not less, you illiterate fucking mongoloid.

>The future
future is a spook
or rather it's whatever bullshit product will be peddled next

Calm down, kitten. No reason to get all all hysterical over it.

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

I'm fully aware that MacOS isn't Linux. But again, it does everything I need Linux to do. That's why I call it that.

>my ford taurus has four wheels
>this ford f350 also has four wheels
>my taurus is an f350

this is nigger logic

Children have poor motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination, so your argument is backwards.

>literally no one cares about the frequency range unless theyre an ""audiophile""

That's the most brainless inane comment I've ever heard. If your headphones cannot faithfully reproduce the entire frequency range humans are capable of hearing, from 20Hz to 20kHz then they're objectively garbage. Why would you use any headphones that significantly alter the spectral content of your audio? And I'm not talking about studio headphones whose frequency response might have little kinks in the upper or lower region by design. I'm talking about flat 6dB per octave roll off after above and below the mids. That's just insane. Not even audiophile ffs.

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If wirlesess audio is the future why is Apple using bluetooth audio codecs from 2004? Phones had bluetooth audio all along, the only reason bluetooth audio didn't overtake wired audio is because bluetooth audio is fucking garbage.

I had this opinion until I tried it
Year 2013, Nexus 5 (basically 2018 iPhone)
Wireless charging, wireless mouse, wireless keyboard, wireless display, running desktop Linux in a chroot
Wireless display lagged hard, tons of glitchy artifacts
Wireless keyboard got stuck repeating keys constantly
Wireless charging took 2-3 times longer
Wireless mouse was unusable with all the display lag

Wireless virgin just can't compete with the wired Chad
It never will
Wires keep pushing the frontiers of what is possible
So wireless will always be a sadly lacking experience
It's simple physics
There's nothing you can do about it

>I hope the next phone they release has no charging port
That "charging port" can also be used to transfer data or video signals, way faster than you could do wirelessly.

>hopefully either a bigger battery or is just thinner.
I know this may be hard to grasp for a mouthbreathing mongoloid like you, but the thinner you make something, the weaker it becomes.

>The future is wireless and other phones without headphone jacks are better.
Phones already had all the wireless capabilities they have today back when they still had headphone jacks.

>imagine wasting energy on gimmicky remote-charging garbage
>imagine keeping a li-something battery fully charged all the time
I imagined it, it was bad.

The word you're looking for is Unix.

I hate how kikebook gets the blame for all the fake news articles shared on their site. If stupid boomer fucks were capable of maybe doing a google search before sharing some conspiracy article full of outrageous claims then we wouldn't have this problem.

If a Taurus had a flatbed it'd fill 70% of the needs of an F350 for most people.

>Wireless keyboard got stuck repeating keys constantly
>Wireless mouse was unusable with all the display lag
Those are caused by your shitty product choices tho.

>has no charging port at all either and hopefully either a bigger battery

That is going to have to be one hell of a big battery

you really are a snowflake, arent you
absolutely no "normie" looks at the frequency range of any audio equipment when theyre buying it. if its clear enough and has "dank bass" it's a go for so many people you'd be surprised
that's why beats sold hella, it had "dank bass" and ofc it was endorsed by celebrities. same goes for bose, audio is super clear coming from shitty apple earphones that people think it's pretty great...

Plebs will eat shit if it's marketed right. No shit. Everyone knows this. Doesn't change the fact that earbuds are inherently garbage products whether they come from Apple or not.