Is there a good alternative to """Hacker"""News that doesn't have as much flagging/downvoting bullshit?

Is there a good alternative to """Hacker"""News that doesn't have as much flagging/downvoting bullshit?

Attached: index.png (225x225, 1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The technology board on 4channel

At least theirs isn't as bad as Reddit's. You can't downvote posts, only upvote them, which just makes them appear at the top or closer to the front page.

I remember this one site but I can't but my finger on it. I think it was called or something.

>You can't downvote posts
People with karma above a certain threshold can downvote comments. And it's ridiculous because even a *single* downvote already starts greying out comments.

lobsters is somewhat decent.
at least I can found more programming related articles there compare to memenews.

On a related topic: Why do so few account-based forums/online communities use a transparent upvoting/downvoting/flagging system (i.e. you can see who did which of these)? Seems like it could solve some of the problems behind anonymous mob-voting. Is there some disadvantage?

how do you even get flagged on that site unless you're posting flambait shit like things that have to do with SJW stuff or women?

You'd be fucking surprised

Yeah but I'm not telling you because I don't want you tainting the discussion.

fake rating

Read some of the discussion here:

In particular, use showdead and scroll down to the bottom. I didn't know of showdead until recently and it's revealing.

OP wants
>good alternative
>the worst possible alternative

I'm not sure of any, sorry (full disclosure: I work at Google).

you can downvote if your karma is above 500, most of them are insecure ultra liberal pussies

Could it be

show your google pass with greyed out personal

hackernews is just Jow Forums for employed people.

this, its basically politically correct g for employed people.

during an interview for my current job I got asked how do I keep up with tech trends. I told them I browse HN.

It's too kafkaesque for me I'm afraid. Another tragedy of the commons.

If you're French

I have said many times on HN that downvoting shouldn't be possible without a reply, it's ultra faggotry when commies downvote comments that go against their religious ideology. Last time was when I pointed out that EU copyright directive are a bad solution to punish companies behaving badly because it just mainly hurts the users and not the companies themselves, but guess what a commie downvoted me immediately without offering an argument as a reply.

Pure cancer.

HN is only good to follow specific people, who never get involved in blogspam, political threads, who are experts in their field like the various ivy league professors on there and guys like pbsd. Otherwise it is just cancer

Absolutely this. Doubly so for flagging.

>who never get involved in blogspam
this is one thing I disklike about HN, they upvote a LOT of pretentious blogspam

HN is gay because it's a reflection of it's leadership. Faggot niggas playing in rainbow colored ball pits while they "code" and do the same shit that was proven non-profitable 20 years ago.

Attached: benevolent dictator.jpg (615x417, 54K)

Image reddit implementing such a system. Anyone who ever up voted something not far left would be destroyed. Open voting would just increase the mob mentality and virtue signaling circlejerk.


lobster the reddit clone but at least it's not reddit