He turns off his computer before going to bed

>he turns off his computer before going to bed

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does this THOT pay her taxes???

does echo mem > /sys/power/state counts as turning off?

she's cute

Attached: catgirldancing.gif (300x385, 3.92M)

i want to nakadashi cyan

israel must be destroyed

Honestly? I just wanna give my computer sentience and put it in a robot body.

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>he wastes electricity

I am going to fuck the gun

Of course I do, I want my pc to sleep as well.

Do not lewd the raifu

>Not letting your pc sleep at night

This. Let PC-tan get her rest, she worked hard.

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Just like I sometimes nut while looking at catgirls.

I would kick her teeth in

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People do this, unironically?

sudo shutdown -P 150
lets me fall asleep to fan hum in peace without wastin

Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it.

This, you put your pc to sleep when you sleep too. She works hard every day for (you)

Keeping your PC on for large periods of time hurts the hardware? I always shut down mine because of this belief.

Shutting it off and turning it on all the time fucks it up faster. Keep your hardware at a more consistent temperature.


How does her ears smell like?

No point wasting electricity even if it's only a dollar or two a day.

Like a cat.

>not going to bed with your laptop

How does a cat smell like?

why wouldn't I

Like a cat

the only reason to not shut off your pc is if you want those really high uptimes in your *fetch screenshots


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wasting electricity isn't cool

But overnight is when I get the best speeds for downloading chinese cartoons

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what the fuck is wrong with you

Cats as ambush predators evolved to be very clean to not give away their presence by smell. In short, they smell like nothing unless you literally bury your nose in their fur. Otherwise they smell like a cat.

>what the fuck is wrong with you
I'm just a dumb attention whoring anime pedo scum.

Dumb iphone poster.


I can't help it, I'm a digital hoarder
>with a total of 21TB of media, oh dear
Yeah, fair enough

Just download on your NAS then

>tfw my cat sleeps in the under-dryer drawer and smells like dryer sheets

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no, i watch anime on my friend's plex server. i dont have to download it and there's a bunch of good shit there. hes been adding to this server for years.

I turn my computer off to get up and pour a coffee.

as long as it boots up quickly, this is smart

So you're asking what's wrong with your friend, gotcha.

my friend is a neckbeard and there is definitely something wrong with him, but you should learn from me
seek out these neckbeards and get them to make plex servers

My pc doesnt run on server tier hardware

I have a different computer for that stuff. It's called a "server" and it's on 24/7 365 and uses way less power than my desktop.

i put my pc in the living room and seed propaganda 24/7

>In short, they smell like nothing unless you literally bury your nose in their fur
my british shorthair smells like incense when I bury my nose in its fur
I think it might be holy

Capacitors have a lifetime that depends on temperature, colder is better. Current CPUs and GPUs go through far bigger thermal changes between idle and load than powered off and idle.

Solder joints loosening from repeated operating temp / cold cycles was a problem until recent decades.

Current GPUs and CPUs idle at 30-40C, which is pretty close to room temperature
The big temperature changes are now between idle and load.

Imagine how much power we would save if we put our computers into at least standby mode. Imagine if everyone unplugged their peripherals that require power bricks like phone chargers and only left them plugged in when required. Imagine if powerstrips automagically turned themselves off when not drawing more than a few milliamps of current.


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who is this cat? I tried using google and found the greatest thing ever. Apparently the botnet can now recognize smug anime girls on Jow Forums.

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god i wish that were me

>he still bothers with jewgle images after they delisted every 18+ and social media site

MFW feeling conflicted over turning my PC off, due to it being referred to as "PC-tan".

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this was true in 1990. there are new types of capacitors now. upd8 m8

>He doesn't know that unused electricity is wasted electricity

Fucking die newfag. 6th post literally said it. hang yourself

Akshuly, load following power plants will slow down production while it isn't being utilized. Load following plants are less efficient.
So if you want to be green, you should only use electricity when there is surplus.

yes, but I wasn't paying attention, and apparently this paid off. By harnessing the power of the botnet I have managed to accumulate every smug anime girl in the history of mankind. Here have a smug anime girl

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Shutting off your computer is more like taking a bat to the head rather than sleeping. Human sleeping is more like low power/idle.

>he doesn't assert dominance over his pc

Imagine the smell

i hibernate so that everything in my RAM gets encrypted by luks. i do that everytime when i'm not in direct control of my computer.

>t. cat lady with a house that reeks of cat piss

>>he turns off his computer before going to bed
he doesn't turn his computer off when he's using it and back on when he's finished.

The standby LEDs on my case and monitors bug me when I'm trying to sleep

>turns off
No, i havn't done that in half a year.

I do however put it to sleep because why not it saves electricity and I like to pretend that it helps my hardware's life expectancy

I know this feel. My case has an obnoxious blue LED stripe that keeps blinking in sleep mode.

Only the motherboard and LAN port emit light when it's sleeping but it's enough to bug me

Fuck your cat

Being this stupid

You do know that you can pull the light out from the mobo right? nignog


but I like the light, just not when it's blinking every second.

This. That's why I leave my car running all night too

if you haven't saved that as lolionavibe.gif you don't deserve to have it saved

does no one else like, pay electricity bills?

ohhhh wait

can i have some?

The best answer

Who has the best reverse image search now?


Because I pay my own electric bill and of course you piece of shit neets don't know a shit about saving money and electricity.

good goy

Wait, I thought you were supposed to keep it powered off when not in use to extend it's life?

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in spring i can smell my male cat all across the house i can even smell how far away he is
maybe its the pheromons he releases to attract the females
where can i achieve this too? i want that women can smell me sexually

stop taking showers

costs like $9/month to idle at an overkill of 100w
it sounds like you're someone that doesn't actually pay their own bills

I turn it off because I don't want my house to burn down while I'm sleeping

Stop using old AMD Hardware.

Stop using intel and nvidia.

Stop using Linux.

Stop using windows.