No he's not
My girl hormones just came in the mail
Muslims don't assimilate
Quintuple cringe
You literally live in a third world shithole and Singapore has the third highest ppp in the world.I don't want to make you feel emasculated, but if you have to be like that...
lol I'm mexican anyway and I only am attracted to white men
Don't pay any attention to them
We are gonna have a ranch somewhere far away from them
We will live a happy marry life
Says the third world shithole that lets America fuck them in every hole possible.
Muslims used to be 80% of the population here but they are now 15%, even lower than Atheists.
Why is it dumb, exactly?
Every single one of you has ditched tradition in favor of the tasteless Assmerican culture.
He maybe a poor drunk Slav but he could probably kick your ass
Overdose on those hormones, freak. Also please record it so I can laugh at your failure.