What the fuck happened?
No one talks about it anymore
What the fuck happened?
What is there to talk about?
AV1 killed it
Now just waiting for Intel & Nvidia to deliver AV1 hardware decoding
H264 rules all
AV1 is the future and is already rolling out on youtube
because everyone is busy using it? only loser like you care and talk about shit, chads just buy and watch
The problem of HEVC is that you can't mindlessly use it on movies and expect better results than h264. A lot of brainlets started using it without the appropriate parameters and the results were worse than h264, so they returned to that.
Besides, before the new core wars that amd started, HEVC was too slow for "normal" quad-core cpus.
It's used on broadcast 4k TV, on all iPhones for 4k, Samsungs, GoPros, etc..
Av1 is a meme that is used nowhere and you need an entire datacenter to encode videos at a decent framerate.
It's good for low to moderate bitrates, but next gen codecs for that area are already on the horizon.
For users, weaboos are autistic so they rather use h264 with twice the file size because if they miss a few detailed pixels they lose their shit and normies just download the first encode they find even if it's yifi-tier crap. For companies, they'll just use AV1.
uses too much cpu to decode. 264 looks the same at highbit rate and easier on resource. No one worries about diskspace these days
upload to youtube and let them transcode it for you.
which gpu supports av1?
Truth: You need an 8-core zen/6-core coffin processor for real time 1080p encoding and depending on the source you'll have to choose between the fast and slow preset which have about a 10% difference in efficiency. This does not include post processing done in order to improve compression efficiency further.
The good news is zen made that extremely accessible to the general public now and we should see it become more mainstream soon. Zen 2 will hopefully drive the price of the R7 1700 down to $100.
If anyone wants to test HEVC encoding performance on their PC, use this script on a 1080p video file and look at the FPS after about 5 minutes. If it hovers around 24-30 then you have "real time encoding". It also does basic post processing which is left out 90% of the time by dipshit encoders.
for %%f IN (*.mp4, *.mkv, *.webm) do (
ffmpeg -i "%%f" -filter:v hqdn3d=8.0:8.0:10.0:10.0 -c:v libx265 -crf 22 -preset slow -c:a copy "%%~nf_x265.mkv"
for f in *.{mkv,mp4,webm}; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -filter:v hqdn3d=8.0:8.0:10.0:10.0 -c:v libx265 -crf 22 -preset slow -c:a copy "out/${f%.*}_x265.webm"; done
You're welcome.
Not much to talk about. Fine as a content delivery mechanism (UHD Blu-rays, streaming services), shit for re-encodes since x265 is pajeetware unlike x264 and used to shit out bitstarved crap to save filesizes.
whooops, forgot to change loonix output to .mkv
People talked about the non-commerical/personal use so I just want to add in why the commercial side of things it's not being used. For H264, you only had to pay MPEG LA for that right and your company would be able to use it.
For HEVC, you now have to pay 3 pools PLUS companies individually who aren't part of those pools. This happened because the companies got greedy and felt like they didn't make enough with H264 licensing. So now trying to use HEVC or risk being sued for IP infringement is a huge risk no company will take with the situation as it is. I don't know of any company other than the companies in that picture who are big enough or have a good enough legal department to negotiate everything.
Which is why everyone is looking forward to something royalty free like AV1 that can beat HEVC without incurring the huge hassles. The paid codec industry in MPEG LA did it to themselves and have only themselves to blame.
Forgot picture. The industry now is trying to scramble back and get a new generation codec out called xvc out to compete with it being modular so that they can selectively use research from companies so it doesn't fragment into HEVC's situation but it's so far out that AV1 will gain steam before it can ship.
You'd be dead wrong, x265 excels in reducing video artifacting even when it's half the file size of x264. The 10-bit internal precision x265 encoder is also better than the 10-bit x264 encoding in heavily suppressing color banding across all bit rates which is why 4K HDR blu-ray uses it.
Commercially it's been somewhat of a failure but it's excelled immensely for personal use (AV1 still takes 1,000+ more resources to match x265 on the slow preset.
Make that like 3,000x+ if comparing to the fast x265 preset which is only about 10% less efficient than the slow preset.
So yeah, unless AMD releases 1,024 core 4ghz processors in the next few years for ~$100 don't expect any group to adopt AV1 any time soon.
>not using hardware decoding
Why talk about something with wide adoption? It's out there, it's the norm now, there's not much to discuss.
Speaking of hardware decoding (and encoding) this is AV1s biggest roadblock. Fine as a format and all but they gotta get CPU, SOC, and GPU manufacturers on board.
sorry I dont want to burn down my house
Hardware encoding SUCKS ASS. Even the highest end intel quicksync encoder is comparable to the ultra fast x265 preset which means you'd need about 8-10X higher bitrate for the same quality. So instead of cramming a 40GB UHD movie down to 4GB with the slow x265 preset you now need the same 40GB for the same compressed quality of the 4GB rip.
You're literally just lowering visual quality for the same file size.
it was DOA
h264 isd better at high bitrates and h265 has no place cuz it costs too much for those who would use it on low bitrates
nope, it killed itself. AV1 exists because h265 was never going to be.
Have you even used the latest x265 encoder? I've been able to cram 1080p movies down to ~1GB for better than yify quality. I can't do that with x264 even with heavy post processing and 2-pass encoding.
Hmm, Beatrice-raws is now encoding some things in HEVC. I guess I should look to see how their 16GB encode of Redline compares to THORA's 10GB one.
Is that only for HEVC quicksync encoding? Because I've found that H264 encoding on my haswell CPU at best quality settings seems to look better than NVENC and is closer to x264 software encoding (still not as good but close and noticeably better than NVENC).
I was considering upgrading to skylake or better for HEVC encoding support but if their HEVC encoding is that shit I guess there is no point.
This is clever. Can I fetch everything as AV1 using youtube-dl?
deprecated by AV1
someone will write a decent encoder eventually
Like they did with VP8 or 9?
x265 looks shit at 1080 or lower, any bitrate. It's tuned for high res 4k shit and that hasn't taken over.
vp8 and vp9 both have hardware implementations and some random did a proprietary software vp9 encoder that isn't garbage.
Don't. Just do a cheap 1700 build, see can be OC'd to 3.8-4.0 on a hyper 212, just don't crank it higher than 1.45v. Also yes coffeelake quicksync is cream of the crop (ie faster) but it's still on the ultra fast preset side of things so at best it's still going to require 8X higher bit rate than x265 on the slow preset.
Not on the latest encoder. Christ, why are you faggots still brining up pre 2.0 x265? We're about to reach version 3.0 with even better AVX2/SIMD multi-threaded efficiency and you faggots are still bringing up an old x265 encoder.
Multithreading just lowers encode quality.
Not with AVX SIMD, at least not as much as using SSE or worse. And that's even BEFORE you use an encoder with 10-bit precision.
Of course this by no means indicates you'll be able to crunch 1080p slow x265 on a 64-core amd rome server processor and churn video out at 200+ fps, we're still miles away from optimizing past 10-12 physical cores with x265 but at least the significant quality loss from 2 to 8 cores has been minimized.
Of course
>No one talks about it anymore
Nobody ever talked about it because there's no point talking about it.
It's a codec. Blu-Ray UHD uses it, phones use it, broadcast uses it. That's all there is to it.
Not that I use HEVC myself, my T60 wouldn't even get me 1 fps at 720p lmao.
That's not bad at all. I'm rarely above 5fps with x264 10 bit on an i7 4790.
>AMD A6 2ghz laptop
>1fps 1080p
Your rig is not meant for encoding.
Still an order of magnitude faster than vpx-vp9.
That is a HUGE jump in encoding speed from slow to fast tho. Is the fast preset really only 10% less efficient than the slow one? Because if so I'm gonna start using my laptop to encode some bloated 720p chink toons I have, I wouldn't mind transcoding 1 entire season per night.
user was right then, recent x265 encoder is fucking based.
It's not possible, it's necessary.
>tfw on 250gb spinning rust
I'm amazed youtube puts up with it, must take like 10x more server resources to encode it properly.
>I'm amazed youtube puts up with it
They use the fastest profiles and disable most CPU intensive features. That's why youtube videos looks shittier than anything you personally encode.
it's more reasonable in asics than on cpu, vpx is also probly just a terrible encoder (for vp9). Even if you enable ultra-performance low-quality deadlines and shit it's pretty good quality though. VPX refuses to let me force higher bitrates and it's a hassle.
>10-bit HEVC encoding is FINALLY fucking working with just the -pix_fmt yuv420p10le param
>tfw encoding performance isn't halved when going from 8 to 10 bit internal encoder precision
God damn, took you guys long enough.
vpx is a shit encoder, period.
>open source EVE never
Fortunately xiph realized that libaom would a repeat of the same shit and started developing rav1e.
Just double checked, it's working Jow Forumsoys.
No one wants to run the equivalent of a god damn super computer to watch Big Daddy in 4K.
You stupid fucking nerds need to get laid already. god damn.
>t. yiffy encode consumer
bruh, even $20 wallmart phones have hw hevc decoding now
EVE seemed pretty shit too, just slightly less shit.
what is this about? I am using it all the time. It don't remember the last time I downloaded an x264 video
>weaboos are autistic
they're virgins with no interest in wamanz, they'll clear themselves from the pool gene.
when was the last time you downloadedd any video? it was probly some h264 variant.
libvpx was Google's pet project. They aren't the only ones involved in the development of aomenc and we already have a second non-commercial encoder available. That's more than we ever got for VP8/VP9.
Can you please fuck off with that shit? How many people have to tell you that you're ruining the image with such strong denoising before you finally get it?
>better than yify quality
YIFY encodes are garbage, so that's not saying much.
Just Waitâ„¢
How do you know? You purchased it, or are you talking about the reported numbers the developer advertises it with?
>I've been able to cram 1080p movies down to ~1GB
So you're not using a high bitrate. Yes, HEVC is great for low to moderate bitrates. However there comes a point where AVC starts being more efficient again (culminating with a much more efficient lossless compression). From my experience (anime Bluray remuxes) the turning point is around 7-7.5Mbps. So several magnitudes higher than what you're encoding your movies with to get them down to 1GB.
Well judging solely on the given numbers and the tests used it seems just as impractical for anything as vpx. Being the best at vp9 doesn't make it good.
ur wankblows command doesn't work on my machine padre
try saving it as a bat file then running it, iirc two percent signs of one is how to work around some goofy nuance between bat files and pasting the code directly
NO I WILL NOT YOU CUM BASKET, the point of this PP is to further optimize filesize to quality ratio. The thing you desperately WANT when aiming for 4GB 4K rips.
>inb4 you use 1.9 or 1.7 x265
second best girl
Nobody uses PS for scripts you dumb tech zoomer, we'll use .bat and .hs till the day we die.
Don't you see he pasted the command in PowerShell? It isn't just the %%, it's a completely different command language.
AV1 exists only because web companies didn't sign up for 3 separate patent pools that you don't even get to see the terms to until you sign an NDA.
Broadcast media still use hevc.
fuck powershell, this is why microshaft shoehorned loonix into windows 10
I don't use powershell, I just assumed microsoft didn't break compatibility with regular batch scripts. I gave them too much credit
Nvidia, AMD, Intel, and ARM are already part of the slliance. It just takes time
It's gonna take a hell of a long time then. x265 is already starting to optimize avx-512 code. Hope AV1 is doing the same.
x265 is a software encoder, I was responding to the guy wanting a hardware encoder. I don't think libaom-av1 is going to be optimized anytime soon
v2.8. It might take a bit until my repo's ffmpeg includes v2.9.
Gonna convert a test clip. Give me some time.
That's the thing though, what's stopping intel from modifying risc-v or making an asic with AVX-512 support? Maybe intel will revive the xeon phi lines.
If HW x265 encoding can at least match x265 on the fast preset it will push people away from AV1 and it will become another daala.
Nothing is "stopping" them. I said it takes time not that there is a hold up. They could make an asic but I was thinking more along the lines of added functionality for QSV, NVENC, and VCE, not a stand alone device
>push people away from AV1
I don't think they care if "people" use it, the companies are going to use it because they made it, and it doesn't have royalties, like how youtube uses VP9, they don't need the public perception of VP9 to be favorable to use it, google just uses it because they made it and it is royalty free. They made it specifically to avoid paying royalties for HEVC.
powershell is the only sane way to touch the registry. That does not imply that registry is sane.
Gonna be hard to dodge royalties when you need to use 1,000x more resources for av1 or even 100 when it's heavily optimized. They can obviously just buy more resources but the power bill will be higher.
Anyway I want to wish AV1 good luck, I can understand not wanting to pay royalty fees when something better exists but pragmatism tells me mpeg will push hard with whatever comes after hevc.
>wincucks are FORCED to sysadmin with power hell
That's awful. Hope microsoft gives up and just switches to bash with their WSL.
Pretty sure the registry is there to stay, probly so much cruft that it's stuck forever like most windows subsystems.
>filtering anything other than broadcast sourced files in the year of our lord two thousand eighteen
>That graph
>When your entire CPU downclocks itself and the performance increase is only 4% on average.
How new is your ffmpeg build? Mines from 11/5 and 10bit is less than half the speed.
v 4.1 (not nightly) from november 25 i think
libvpx is still botched tho, lot of alt-ref errors on some things
ffmpeg has terrible defaults
better to set max bframes and turn on badapt which defaults to off (for some reason)
.\ffmpeg.exe -i .\Xplane_2018-12-02_14-28-18_zero-vis-jfk-landing.mp4 -c:v libx265 -crf 25 -pr
eset slow -x265-params b-adapt=2:bframes=16:ref=6 -movflags faststart -c:a copy -threads 0 .\out.mp4
get off my board faggots
Yeah even updated to 4.1 I get about 12 fps on 10bit while I get just a smidge over 30 fps 8bit.
When will there be actual deep learning AI encoders?
>encoders still shit themselves and die if you use too many scary math requiring b frames
>why don't we have 10 trillion if statements in our encoders too?????
I don't know. It's a mystery.
Hope you like decoding SD video at 10 fps on a $10,000 GPU.
Well that sucks, hope this improves on 3.0. If you're gonna go for a low file size with as much quality retention as possible 10-bit internal encoder precision is crucial.
>UHD Blu-rays use x265
horseshit, studio workflow leaks or gtfo
They use HEVC, yes, but a commercial encoder just like with AVC. Professionals don't use x264 or x265 to author discs. HEVC is not a bad codec but the encoder, x265, is.
Also rich of you to talk about quality when the only use of HEVC in preserving transparency is in keeping HDR metadata when re-encoding.
It's dead, jim.
HEVC was never able to replace h264 due to the insane royalty pool debacle, and now AV1 arrives which is better and royalty free, meaning it will become the new de facto standard video codec on the web, and thus everywhere given that streaming is how 99% of people will view video onwards.
>Gonna be hard to dodge royalties when you need to use 1,000x more resources for av1 or even 100 when it's heavily optimized.
Bullshit, about a month ago it was reported that AV1 had dropped to ~16x slower than VP9 with lots of optimization left to do including rewriting all the performance critical parts in hand-tuned assembly.