>go into CS
>"mandatory" facebook group for course
>don't join it because class rep has mailing list
>go to lecture
>no lecture
>similarly, go to exam
>no exam
>everyone was informed through facebook after they reached a unanimous decision with the lecturer
>call class rep out for not emailing it
>tells me to make a facebook account if i "want to participate"
why is not being part of the botnet so fucking hard?
Go into CS
can you not just make a throw away account?
That would be legitimizing the use of Facebook at all, for any reason.
I thought I could escape normies in CS as well, but it turns out CS nowadays has more normies than the optional fucking Business courses I took.
You sound like a bitch.
Propose an whatsapp group next time faggot
get a friend to tell you these things
Sounds like a shit school. You should see if you can stir some shit by claiming that forcing you to use facebook violates your rights and shit.
Talk to the department head, and say you don’t use facebook. They’ll straighten the prof out
This likely violates your universities TOS
that wasn't the question. also fuck you.
>literally owned by Facebook
They have one, but I'm not using that spyware either because I'm not a slave like you.
The course director is the one who instituted this
That's owned by Whatsapp as well. A mailing list using the university email would make more sense.
Had to make an account for my digital forensics class because we had to do an analysis of a Facebook account so I made a fake one and then Facebook told me to upload a picture of myself because of shady activity on the account but I had just used clip art when I signed up and it wouldn't let me unlock my account to tell it to stop spamming me with emails about account security every day so I had to make a filter and just block the emails.
>socially incompetent
you're not gonna get far in life
>not using datamining services run by shady American corporations
>social incompetence
Have people become THIS brainwashed?
just get qt to send u curated updates
>cs course
In what timeline? Its mostly normalfag gaymers and below average chicks
>go to CS
>student association has it's own web page
>page handles all events for the association
every course has it's own Telegram group
>mailing list has same info as the page
life is good
[spoiler]uni gave every freshman a Lenovo Thinkpad T480[/spoiler]
isn't this illegal? they can't make you use facebook to pass a class. sue the shit out of em
email is fine, cunt
They're collecting data on you whether you have an account or not. Even if you were thorough enough to make sure to block "Like" buttons on every site. If you have any friends with facebook accounts and they've synced their contacts, facebook probably has a shadow profile on you associated with your name and phone number.
Just create a throwaway account and delete it later. Use a pseudonym if you can. Resisting the botnet doesn't mean you have to act like an autist in your classes.
>not using shady services from shady corporations
Again, just how brainwashed?
>>go into CS
I am so sorry.
In Germany, at least at the university I study at, I got informed that I can't be forced to use any service where my data isn't exclusively hosted in Germany.
E.g. a teacher can't force me to use GitHub
I use tor most a good portion of my daily browsing in order to throw off marketers and trackers. I also use ublock and block all of those tracking buttons a lot of sites have. My phone is left at home and I only have it so family can call, and on it I also have a system-wide adblocker. Go fuck yourself you corporate cocksucker.
You seem like a fun person to hang around with.
If he had an mailing list that he said he would be using but didn't use, it's still his fault.
What kind of third world university doesn't have a mail service and campus website that provides you with information?
8/10 blog post
I know how you feel. They made me make a facebook for my dorm.
not op but i did this and its too much effort
I feel for you OP. Although I never had such a black and white situation, back in HS I was essentially forced to make an account if I wanted to participate in any sort of club (CS club similarly being the major offender) considering Facebook and messenger were their primary means of communication. I got left out of so much or didn't hear about rescheduling in Freshman year before I gave in.
Isn't stuff like this illegal? This doesn't happen in my uni
>Be a social outcast that refuses to join the social contract
>REEEE when they don't conform to you not conforming to what 99% of the rest agreed upon.
>"Why are they so wrong?"