Why aren't drinking some right now Jow Forums?
Why aren't drinking some right now Jow Forums?
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I read somewhere it prevents baldness (by lowering your testosterone level).
Side effects: suicide, depression
>artificial flavors
i don't want cancer
Don’t want to become a tranny
I don't think so boyo
that stuff is bottled poison of the worst sort
all those lebbit basedboys who drink it look balding
Kinda a meme, desu.
Master race indeed.
don't know about that particular drink, but studies show that people consuming onions based food have decreased percentage of baldness (I just read the title, not the study itself lol)
But it makes sense, if onions lowers testosterone, it will lower your chances of baldness (not 100% obviously, you are still a male ffs)
you kidding me OP? I keep the fridge in my cuckshed stocked with Onions and lagunitas IPAs.
this is a reminder that onions does not contain anything organic. and no, there's no "Soja" on it.
onions is advertising on Jow Forums?
All this really proves is,all gamers are fags.
s.o.y.l.e.n.t changed to o.n.i.o.n.s why?
Seltzer water in a can
because china moot is S.O.Yboy
because it will actually make my HRT less effective.
is that a joke? damn that's pretty funny
I drink green tea. It lowers testosterone so don't need s.o.y.l.e.n.t :)
>It lowers testosterone
why would you want to lower testosterone? It's responsible for drive and happiness in both males and females
>tranny taking estrogen hormone pills/shots also drinks onions
This is /x/ tier retarded shit.
It makes me feel like a cute little girl and I don't get any feelings of guilt while playing with my boipucci
You just posted this shit on /v/
well, I'll stick to my coffee then...
Is this onions stuff actually good, honestly thinking of getting some I really can't be fucked with cooking or any of that shit would rather just have an easy meal supplement, fucking wish people could invent some sort of way for humans to photosynthesize so I could just bask for a few hours a day under a UV light to retain sustenance.
no thanks
I do want to try Bear Squeeze, though.
don't experiment with food you fuck. we've been conditioned for millions of years to certain diets, and now you want to experiment with shit companies produce in unnatural ways
people like he should be a warning sign. And what's worse, he is not an isolated incident
They don't sell it in EU. I don't usually like all these meal replacement shakes, 'cause they usually taste like ass, wonder if Soilent is any better.
Nevermind phytoestrogens (Which do not have the effect of estrogen in the human body) this thing is bullshit for a variety of reasons
>the actually autistic dude which started this abomination made it in a dirty warehouse mixing bulk supplements from fucking amazon
>doesn't need to follow FDA regulations because technically it's a supplement, not food.
>the aforementioned warehouse had a roach problem
>his justification for the existence of this bullshit amounted to "cooking is so inefficient, it's just fuel" and "we gotta feed a lot of people in the future, this is more ecological friendly"
>first, taste and texture are nice, fuck off
>second, shipping calories thousand of miles with dense plastic containers is already an issue and every stupid process to extract micro-nutrients from actual food is a energy waste.
>living from lentils and some cheapo multivitamins produce the same effect, it's more ecologically friendly and it's cheaper
>meal prep is still cheaper, not time consuming and infinitely more tasty
>if you are too lazy to cook for some hours every sunday, just give a nice mexican grandma the recipe and 60 bucks, infinitely better
The norman bates vibe interview in question
I wish I was you bro, food is the only pleasure in life along with vidya and shitposting but I don't wanna get fat
>people think drinking onions can turn you into a tranny monster, shrink your dick, change your skin type, etc.
>but they dont think it can do something as small as preventing some baldness
Jow Forums truly is next level retarded
All things considered I think basedboys are the best sudden internet meme of the recent years... it is the gift that keeps giving not only genuine lolcows but also pristine Internet Final Bosses at its finest
The problem with diet supplements is that they are just that, a supplement a bonus, in no case it can replace a daily cooked hot meal, never no matter what, and that is exactly where all those entitled faggots fail when they decide, for some unknown reason, to base their daily diet on a supplement which is a bottle of flavored dirty water
>ready to drink food
>don't experiment with food you fuck. we've been conditioned for millions of years to certain diets, and now you want to experiment with shit companies produce in unnatural ways
Meanwhile you eat meat and milk from animals that get pumped full of hormones and all kinds of processed foods that are pumped full of flavour-enhancers and simple sugars.
Have some fukken perspective kid.
>All things considered I think basedboys are the best sudden internet meme of the recent years... it is the gift that keeps giving not only genuine lolcows but also pristine Internet Final Bosses at its finest
I don't want to, also I don't buy anything through internet so even if I wanted the nintendo drink I wouldn't buy it
I live in Croatia. We do slaughter animals ourselves here. Also, our meat industry exports meat to rich arab countries because it passes their rigorous "halal" tests.
Also, don't eat that much meat anyways.
why the fuck would people drink calories instead of eating them
makes no sense to me
those shits are way harder to open than normal bottles
don't assume everyone is an ignorant obese american
drinking Coke is easier than chewing through chicken and rice
its way faster, i used to do it for all my meals and spent about 15 minutes a day total for all 3 meals including cleaning the bottles. I was never hungry, I was doing a lot of stimulants though and onions/joylent was the easiest thing to eat while on them.
what are you doing with your life that you dont have time to eat food
I dont get what you want to say but I wrote "s o y b o y s" when the site decided to write another word itself... I dont get it but here have a (you)
I'm not a capitalist bugman who wants to rid myself of the joy of having an actual meal in the pursuit of """productivity"""
doing stimulants.
I mostly just programmed, and studied. I got a fuckload of personal projects for my github doing it. The first 3 days of it are fucking gross but after that I would just zone out and fucking drink it as quick as possible. I mixed my own powder though, onions bottles are way too fucking expensive
onions is the opposite of capitalist
you can make a hell of alot of money selling gourmet food and now it's been reduced to generic cheap slop
that's not captialist at all
well if I heard that I'd certainly hire you
ty bb
Supposedly some people don't enjoy food and eating. It's weird af, but if eating is a chore then I guess I get it.
You can make a lot of money selling glorified protein shakes too, they're orthogonal ,markets.
You make more by selling real food
Fucking bullshit, it's porn that's the problem. Not so ilent. Pic related.
wtf is going on why yall talking about onions instead of onions.
side note: onions free huel master race checking in
>yfw Jow Forums will end up in history books as the entity that singlehandedly saved western civilisation and prevented Roman Empire 2.0
Jow Forums is merely a symptom of Roman Empire 2.0 (otherwise known as the USA)
I meant to say Fall of Roman Empire 2.0... Pol is creating a new generation of right wing people. Just look at Pewdie Pie having to pander to them to keep his subs going up.
No you don't. Food's pretty expensive, people prefer eating fucking Cheez Whiz over real cheese.
Eagerly waiting for zoomers to nuke humanity out of existence over youtube subscriptions.
Why do you want to drink soi?
so did I
all Jow Forums does is show how ignorant, arrogant and stupid Americans are
>Food's pretty expensive
yeah, for the consumer
I like antifreeze more.
Because it's banned from sale in my country.
Green tea is associated with lower mortality, better dental health and digestion. Generally the levels of circulating hormones have no correlation with athletic ability or psychology(outside of puberty that is), your body lowers estrogen to compensate anyway.
I mean you could live solely off onions, is it psychologically good to do so? Probably not, but it's classified as a meal replacement, not a supplement, for a reason.
It raises your estradiol levels, which can produce some feminizing effects. It does not reduce testosterone or prevent the conversion of excess testosterone to the dihydrotestosterone that causes male pattern baldness.
Oregon here. We also have Starbucks and rain. And queers for that matter. And taxes. Man fuck this place.
because a low test beta and that shit will turn me into a woman