/tpg/ - ThinkPad General

Previous thread: Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).

Libreboot-compatible models:
>T60 (check lcd), X60(s/t); X200(s/t. -s requires soldering), T400(s)/500; W500.

Modern models:
>X220/X230 - 12", 768p, cheap and light
>T420/T430 - 14", 900p, widely available, socketed CPU, both Coreboot-compatible (Ivy Bridge CPU support on T420); Quad Core Compatible, Old keyboard swap on *30 series
>T520/530; W520/530 - 15", 1080p, DTR, 32GB RAM on quadcore models, USB 3.0
>T440s - best price/performance ultra portable
>T440p/540p; W540/1 - Last Thinkpads with socketed processors, easily replaceable trackpad (W541 doesn't need trackpad replacement)

Upgraded models:
>X210 - X200/X201, i5 8250u quadcore
>X62 - X61, i5 5250u
>T70 - T60, i7 7700 hq
IPS displays, USB 3.0, m.2 x4, mini dp, no

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>The best TrackPoint™, great for those who type a lot or hate niggers swiping their fingers all over a touchpad
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support

>ThinkWiki - Info on ThinkPads & running GNU/Linux on them:
>BIOS logo booru:

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kissless virgin

Just got a comfy T420 and installed Noobuntu Unity on it.

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should i install funtoo on my x200 or my x131e

posting from my aging x230t.

New x1 extreme should be here in a few days.

thanks you too


so where would i go to buy a 3K screen for my W541 for the best price while also not getting scammed?

>built in amazon botnet

>repeating memes from five years ago as if they were true

*crack* *sip*
t42, now THAT was a laptop

Looks nice
What icon pack is that?
Also, are you from spain or latin america?

Neither, unless you're cross compiling, or the patience of a saint.

Aliexpress, carefully read descriptions and reviews.

x61 love

Attached: x61.jpg (895x597, 310K)

>768 monochrome display
why do you people do this to yourselves?

x61t best pad

Attached: x61t.jpg (535x378, 45K)

this look good?

Very nice. Any bubbles in the screen?

Having done exactly zero research on the W541, I really couldn't tell you. Just be sure you're getting the exact panel you want, and not one that's "compatible". That listing looks like it's for any random compatible panel they decide to ship out.

Yup, they just don't make 'em like they used to. Never had a single hiccup on my machine; ran like a TOP.

x220 + ips king of scene

king at being shit i assume

Attached: slut.gif (500x491, 376K)

Oh and I guess your a 16:10 shill? Oh yeah man that :1 difference is soooo big its real game changer.

Is it sips and thinkpads time?

Attached: IMG_20180818_234140811_small.jpg (2016x1512, 1.21M)

Having used an X220 for the last 6 years, I can assure you that it is.

None, the screen is in very good shape albeit a bit uncalibrated near the edges when using the pen but that's all.

>Only 1
kek your just a poser you tard.

Attached: 20181129_152820_HDR.jpg?width=313&height=560.jpg (313x560, 23K)

after crosschecking, that panel seems to be compatible with a bunch of other thinkpad models. i guess ill try it, they offer paypal anyways. if anything, ill just charge it back.

>drinking literal garbage

Its better than the aids riddled cum that you take from Tyrone.

If you only use Linux, it's a non issue anyway. Only Windows gives a fuck about the EDID whitelist.

wew lad

Do you love coreboot?

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Must be your small brain doing that to you. There is quite literally the smallest difference.

One sip is the equivalent of one hour of work in my shithole country, don't be hard on me man

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I imagine it would be, if you were fucking blind or do nothing but watch youtube on your laptop.

convince me not to get an E480

Y I K E S. Of course your small brain would even think about youtube. Keep your shitty botnet away.


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In my country we get paid in sips. I'm at 2/3 sips per hour currently but I'm hoping to get a raise to 1 or maybe 3/2 over the new years.

Nobody can convince you not to be retarded.

Compelling argument.

But why is it a retarded choice?

>calls other people retarded
>thinks there is a difference between 16:10 and 16:9
wew lad

Do the ryzen thinkpads run well on linux?

They're shittier than any X, T, or P series, and considering those don't exactly ooze the quality they used to these days, you may as well not get a ThinkPad if you go for anything else.

The utterly blind need not apply.

It's not the best thing around but it's decent...

Attached: Mikersoft+paynt+_b8b3c240e1ea918170c0a00e5249f795.jpg (957x621, 61K)

What's with the giant crucifix?

>be blind
>call other people blind

Which one of you is the fag with the illya sticker

Nothing like the effigy of a man being tortured to inspire academic excellence.

It's a Catholic college.

I had one of those. It was great until the hinges gave way and the screen couldn't support itself standing upright anymore.

1) Designed by the consumer division; not thinkpad division

2) No Military spec

3) Motherboard manufactured from another OEM

should i buy an x220 if I find it for under 100

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I know this is heresy for a lot of people, but I actually prefer the X201 and X240/50 over the X220/30.

I agree
but they seem to be very moddable so I'm thinking of giving them another chance.
The one I have is kinda beat up, good for daily use I guess but not for long term keeping

Don't get me wrong, they're fine systems, I've been using an X220 i7-2640M for the last 6 years. The screen resolution really grates on you (me) after a while, though.

colors annoy me more than resolution, but IPS screens seem to be cheap as fuck for it. I just wonder what the gamut is like

It's shit, but much better than the TN options.

I wonder how it compares to the AFFS x200 screens. Those are pretty fantastic

I bought a T480 for $700 :). Glad to finally make it out of the poorfag tier. Feels good to be on top.

A word of warning, I have an LG LP125WH2-SLB1 panel and it ghosts like a motherfucker if I leave anything white onscreen for any extended length of time.

Enjoy the shittiest generation of ThinkPads in the last decade, I guess.

this is what I would have gone for
Are there any other makes?

If you get a B3 I think you should be fine, provided I'm remembering correctly.

Is there any way to increase volume system wide on a X230 running Linux?
I've noticed it's real quiet.

that link seems to be B1
I might not even bother, it doesn't seem to look that much better

Attached: M2s7Evr.jpg (3629x2722, 859K)

How come?

The difference is almost night and day in person, but if you don't intend to use the machine much, it's probably not worth it.

Because people here love their X220's and 30's.

If I find one cheap in decent condition ill do it, would make a decent beater at least.

x220 king, but you need ips screen to rule the world.
do not listen core2duo frankenpad users


are thinkpads good machines for video editing? if so which model?
i have $400 to spend and im trying to not fuck this up

you can plug external monitor.

You can also plug butt. That does not make it an attractive option.

well that applies for every laptop
brb carrying my monitor

>8 years after 2010
>buying a plastic laptop

Plastic easy dissasembly.

>8 years after 2010
>buying a soda can laptop

i-is Jow Forums still running malware?
Is the tranny hater not shitposting anymore?
I have been afk for awhile.

For durability, these can be good, but don't toss out other laptops like Dell Precision & HP Elitebook w series or Zbooks.
I'd say try to get something with an i7-4810mq & nVidia K2100m.
I cant just recommend a W541 due to the different CPU/GPU options it has. Try to find a laptopthat has a Passmark for the cpu at least 7000, and for the GPU it can be 1000 or more.
If you're going Adobe route, nVidia will help with the CUDA cores bullshit, but perhaps ATI would be a better choice if you're going to go the Linux route. This is just a general recommendation, but consider eGPU routes if you're thinking of keeping this thing long term.

ok apple shill :)

I have this issue with a T420 and T430, I have to increase the sound to 130% in settings manually, because volume buttons will max at 100%.

Hope you like it a lot.

is there a big thinkpads with 8th gen intel cpus compared to ones with just 7th gen cpus?

I think you misunderstand: we all hate trannies.

>I have this issue with a T420 and T430, I have to increase the sound to 130% in settings manually, because volume buttons will max at 100%.
What settings though?

I don't actually give a single greasy fuck about trannies, I simply don't want to read about them or view them in a fucking laptop thread.

my T430s (said T430 earlier, my bad) is running LXLE, and under the sound settings, I go to output (I think) and it gives you the ability to go past 100%. I don't know of other distros, as some don't give this option, I think ArchLabs can do this as well.

I'd give you a more accurate post but currently my T430s is hour away from me.

Which is worse, pantsu/kneesocks near ThinkPads or bad dragons in battlestations?

What age did you grow out of the ThinkPad phase, Jow Forums?

i think both are bad. i don't really care about people's sexual deviancy but i'd appreciate if they kept it to themselves

when a laptop that classified as an upgrade from my current thinkpad was being sold regardless of price
so not yet

Thanks about the sound part!

>tranny hater
implying there's just one
telling you cocksuckers to get the fuck out isn't shitposting, and that queer spamming pics ate a ban for it on friday
you have multiple boards to spam your cancerous shit on so get the fuck off Jow Forums, you can get the attention you so desperately crave elsewhere without ruining comfy threads here

Can you fit X61t AFFS panel to X61(s)?

Although I have shitposted in the past, there was a point to where I was getting a bunch of replies to which weren't from people I was quoting from and just attacks. Got real nasty for awhile & felt that I didn't need to derail threads because of my trip triggered anti-trans shitposters due to linux coc.

iirc you needed to mod the LCD cable for it to work if you wanted the SXGA+ upgrade. It needed a twist or something.

fuck off cunt

Anyone using a 3rd party usb-c charger with a t470 ? Afaik not all are supported. Or should I play safe and get a lenovo one ?

I fucking love the display on this CF-29. Wish I could have this exact laptop with an i5 8GB of ram, an internal wifi card, and 300gb SSD. Would be the perfect laptop/self defence weapon.

Attached: 20181203_010151-1512x2016.jpg (1512x2016, 515K)

I might be confusing them with other MK variants but I think they made some with 1st gen i5's with that type.
Panasonic LetsNote look to be some very nicely made laptops but weren't really sold outside east asia or japan.

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>triggered anti-trans shitposters due to linux coc
>implying people only started hating you cunts after linux CoC adoption
no one cares how you wanna reason away the hatred directed at you stupid faggots
>I didn't need to derail threads
hmm I wonder if this might be connected to people telling you to fuck off and die.....
fuck yourself retard, get out

I said fuck off