Come home Jow Forums
Come home Jow Forums
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No thank you, I'm happy with gnome :)
I dont need shit to look pretty. I just need it to function. I have had a bare-bones XFCE desktop for years. I am already home
What the unironic fuck is that
tell me why this is better than openbox, tint2 and a well organized obmenu
t. zoomer
That serif font is disgusting
I love it.
gee, I wonder why people hated KDE for so long
if I'd want to see chemtrails I'd just take a look out of my window
>KDE 4
you aren't, though
does it run on a 512MB RAM 1 core VM?
Get with the times gramps
Actually it's KDE 3.
Probably, if you disable most of the background crap running on any normal distro. Don't expect to use a web browser though
I'm already there, user. TDE is peak desktop functionality combined with maximum comfy without wasting my system resources.
Yes, and it runs comfortably in that, too. You may also find pic related to be pretty useful. As the other user said, you probably won't be able to use a modern web browser with so little memory. You can run a few tabs in Chrome/Chromium in 1GB of RAM though.
Does this support Wayland already?
When will it?
>Does this support Wayland already?
>When will it?
Hopefully never.
Love it or hate it, X11 has a lot of good features and a lot of programs built up around it. Depreciating it in favor of hipster shit because retards are too retarded to tick a box to fix screen tearing is dumb.
What exactly is wrong with the X11 protocol that makes wayland need to exist instead of just rewriting Xorg?
Too complex and full of hack
>Come home Jow Forums
Correct: "Come home, Jow Forums.".
You da man user
Too complex for wayland brainlets. This is also the sort of shit that causes fragmentation in the open source community. A bunch of numales think they know better than 30+ years of industry standards so then we get shit like systemd.
Wayland developers are mostly X11 developers so they do know better
I assumed it was windows, glad it wasn't
>Wayland developers are mostly X11
>"the industry has been infested with inferior numale koders for so long that it's the norm now"
Thanks for reminding me.
TDE looks and feels somewhat like Windows XP and 2000 just with the general layout of things. I'd say it has a lot of improvements over those desktops though. Nothing really comes close to it. Every other modern desktop is shit.
surf with no javaniggers runs pretty good with a gig of ram
So does Chromium, even with JS. Obviously you'll need to stay under 10 tabs or so but it'll still run okay. The only reasonably up to date web browser I know of that'll run well on less than 512MB of RAM is NetSurf.