Best skills 2018
Best skills 2018
vue js feels way too lightweight don't think it will stay popular that long
graphql is a meme right?
whatever happened to react and why is vue.js on top?
Move away from last years shit.
>Move away from last years shit.
yeah sure, right after I learned it. Why are javascript nerds retarded switching one library for another for no fucking reason?
I don't see any benefit of Vue over React
Its like JSON vs XML, nobody likes the all CAPS. Give me a js object.
More like buzzwords 2018
The corporate shills believe in buzzwords tho.
>burning glass technologies - proprietary and confidential
vue files are significantly easier to maintain/write than code spaghetti jsx with style object bullshit
where is cyber sec? seems way more important and relevant than half the shit on this list
What do they do?
>severless computing
The biggest buzzword. It literally just means using somebody else's server with "the cloud"
I literally don't even
>Burning Glass Technologies is an analytics software company that provides real-time data on job growth, skills in demand, and labor market trends.
fuck I hate corporation so much.
For all I care marketing and sales and everything and everyone involved in it can go fuck themselves.
God I hate being a project manager.
Why the green text?
because I'm quoting their official page
>I hate corporations
>works in corporation
Why not quit desu? Seek employment elsewhere?
sounds about right
At yes, time to learn GDPR development. Soon I hope my resume will impress hiring managers with at least two personal projects using GDPR.
Are you new?
>I literally don't even
Have a job? Yeah we know.
How is tensorflow way beyond deep learning?
Also, all these buzzwords as "skills". I can hear the indian accent from here.
As an ml researcher who started in 06 I hope we crash soon. I suspect we will begin to see seeds of doubt into the dl meme in 2019 as people learn that can't do fucking all with limited data.
>choices in modern society are essentially either work for a corporation or starve
>only corpses are allowed to have opinions on corporations, apparently
Fucking brainlets, I swear.
Just sell a startup bro