/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2018 General #12

After The Wall Edition

Previous thread: adventofcode.com/
>Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels. They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code. Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme.
You need to register with an account but you can appear as anonymous.

Private leaderboard join code:


People who are inactive for 5 days will be kicked, but other leaderboards can be made if desired.

Alternative leaderboard for those waiting for inactives to be kicked from the first:


Attached: letsalllovelain.gif (1005x742, 2.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the answer to question 6

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Brainlet filter soon

for me, it's Nim




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i wish i could join the Jow Forums leaderboard but i don't want my public github on there lol

have you gotten on the global leaderboard?

if not, there's no reason to even connect your github, might as well be user

Up and running

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>literally top 2000

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Ready and willing!

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Someone pick my language for tonight. Haskell, or PySpark?

It's 5am here and I just woke up.
real white man only ours who tf up???

>20 minutes

time to filter out all the brainlets

I can't wait for more string parsing monkey work then 5 minutes of actual problem.

Reporting in

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thread seems really slow compared to past three days. did yesterday drive people out or is this just gonna be the way it is on weekdays?

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>his language doesn't have a good regexp library
>he doesn't know regexp


I'm gonna read the question and go to bed. Would have been perfect if the questions come out at 11pm.

Everybody got bored of parsing strings. Matrix problems are gradeschool-tier math, nothing intellectually stimulating so far.

no, 293

The first filter happened, that's why this place is a desert


How is /ourguy/ doing?

Initial enthusiasm, but now realization it's 23 hours of down time.

I only know how to match, which I use for grep and such. I've never learned any regex that allows you to, for example, split matches into an array like people were doing in Python - but I'm guessing that's not regex, but just Python's extended functionality.

Listen up! This is Red Leader, there's 15 minutes until the problem drops boys! Now I need ALL LANGUAGES to report in and form up on my wing in attack position!

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Who here is a /6am/ boi?

I connected my github years ago and there's still a github link even if I set my name to user. Is there a way to get rid of that link?


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11th currently, 157 points down from 1st place
If I hadn't bombed day 1 part 1 so badly, I would be in 2nd or 3rd right now

Nope, captures are standard. Stick parens around a matching group and then you can reference it after performing a match.

match = re.match(r'#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+): (\d+)x(\d+)', line)
claim_num, col_idx, row_idx, width, height = (int(match.group(n)) for n in range(1, 6))

Haskell squadron reporting in and ready for anything


there is a "Link to github" button you can uncheck, just make sure to click save after you do it

how did you get so good at these? what did you say prepared you the most? did you go to a top cs school and had a bunch of mathletes and csfags?

>just started learning haskell a couple weeks ago
>too scared to use it because I'm scared the IO monad is going to rape me
>use python in place of it

based, keep the dream alive

i'm smart enough to go to the settings page, it's literally greyed out and uncheckable for me
unless I've gone full retard in some other way

Common Lisp reporting in.

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then it should be unlinked?

that is what mine looks like and my name does not link to my github in the Jow Forums leaderboard

Good luck desu, you carry our flag

it should be but I joined the private leaderboard and it was linked...
thanks for the help but I'll have to come back it after today's puzzle. time to ready up

Y'all got your prep ready?
t minus 8

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-04 05-51-27.png (1440x873, 77K)


from other thread..
I haven't put much thought into it honestly. I like to optimize sure, but I'm really going for speed. Off the top of my head, you could try to construct something like a QuadTree, sorting the input into temp file buckets, then run the algo over each bucket. This would only work if all the patches were small, and your buckets overlapped slightly. idk, I'm just spit-balling.

buckle up buckaroos
we're overdue for a brainlet killer

>not going to finish my food in time

Finally I fucking woke up at 6am for this shit
this better be good

brainlet filter part 2?

yesterday was still baby tier desu

Programming has basically been my main hobby since I was 10. Just about anything that shows up in one of these problems, I've written something similar at least once or twice. I also did ICPC-style contests all through highschool and college. The ICPC part is interesting because the problems I was best at there were the ones hardcore contest programmers consider "uninteresting", where the algorithm is basically obvious (no need to come up with some clever mapping of the problem onto max flow or DP or whatever) but is just annoying and tricky to implement quickly. Lucky for me, AOC consists almost entirely of that type of problem.

6am, represent!

gl, hf fa/g/ots

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i thought the first wall was yesterday? i was told they go easy on weeknights

Day 3 wasn't the brainlet filter.


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if you look at the global stats it sure look like a brainlet filter

>Please don't repeatedly request this endpoint before it unlocks! The calendar countdown is synchronized with the server time; the link will be enabled on the calendar the instant this puzzle becomes available.
Huh, this is new

seemed to have filtered some anyway

what was the brainlet filter last year? The knot hash question?

Fuck, beat me to it.

that's just a combination of interest dying down and it being monday

we won't know if its really a wall until idiots get smacked by it

You might think you're smart but you really are not.
You would still have to write a parser for the input. A real big boy like me reformats the input using his editor. That way I can get it to any form I like in seconds: arrays, lists, function calls, doesn't matter.

Day 3 was
See adventofcode.com/2017/stats

I don't really have any code prep besides basic file input, but I'm ready to work.

Attached: prep.png (4480x1440, 362K)

The recursive algorithms on trees, I think it was day 7.


my kokoro is going doki doki

do you have an older brother that does this too?

>if you're not waiting around to solve it on the clock like a codemonkey lapdog, you're a brainlet

fuck, I've always been an electronics hobbyist and only really discovered just how much I love this stuff over the last 9ish months. I'm doing okay, relative to Jow Forums at least, but I wanna get good.

its been 24 hours, nigger, if you aren't going to do it at some point the day it drops, then there's no point

day 3 spirals and day 7's graph problem

Nope, sorry

Funny, I've been getting into electronics recently and it's actually pretty fun

I'm so confused getting up early in the morning.

I think day 3 was accidental and this year we won't get a brainlet filter until saturday.

pip install dijkstra

knot hash i found easy to execute, it was just the prompt was kind of hard to digest


the chad pythonista

Good luck anons


How old are you now?




operator: 911 what's your emergency
user: FUCK

solved yesterday just in time for today's

Jesus christ. Another parseathon

>wall of text


WTF am I reading....

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wat in the fuck is this shit

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>can't even do day 2's challenge
am I gonna make it bros?