Just learned how to write out, "Hello, World!" in C++

Just learned how to write out, "Hello, World!" in C++

Attached: pp,550x550.jpg (550x327, 35K)

Now its time to back to c and learn pointers

What are pointers?

I can't tell if this is bait anyway

You can point to a certain place in memory and can either extract that info or extract the address in memory

Isnt that just a variable?

Yeah the variable is in some part in memory and so is the pointer itself, another part of memory. Its used as optimization essentially for repetivite tasks

Always remember

Attached: g-side.png (498x1480, 260K)

Cool. Now disassemble it, study it, figure out how it compiled to what it did, and then for good measure re-write it in assembly just to make sure you have a complete and utter understanding of what you actually compiled.

>hey what do you think of this meal I just cooked?
>your meal sucks and eating is for faggots


A miserable pile of secrets

Okay, but do you know what the code is actually doing? Can you explain how a string dumped into cout gets turned into text in a console?

what is the need for pointers if variables in other languages does it without pointers?
what is the benefit manually managing pointers vs doing it automatically?

You're conflating the concept of variables and pointers.

If you really want to understand the usefulness of pointers, go dig up some books from the 16-bit when true indirection was starting to be implemented in CPUs due to its necessity in writing more complex and flexible programs.

I misunderstood then
can you, then, briefly explain why modern languages doesn't have pointers anymore?

you don't need pointers with c++, you can use references

everything is kind of a pointer in "modern" languages

>just copy pasted "hello world" in c++
fixed it for you

>what is the need for pointers if variables in other languages does it without pointers?

>can you, then, briefly explain why modern languages doesn't have pointers anymore?
>modern languages
Modern languages are designed for stupid people but that's not important here. The important concept is abstraction. You can say that different languages operate on different levels of abstraction, the higher it is the easier the language. Performance is a main trade off in this case. Btw almost every programming language that's currently in use was created before 00, c/c++ ~80, java, python ~90, so they are "modern" solely by design that's changing over time.

>machine code -> ASM (low level platform specific)
>ASM -> C (high level, abstracts platform layer, os dependent)
>ASM -> C++ (high level, application dev focused, os dependent)
>C/C++ -> JavaVM(platform specific impl.) -> Java(high level, managed memory, os independent)
>C/C++ -> js engine -> JavaScript(very high level, platform agnostic)
>C/C++ -> python -> JavaScript(very high level, platform agnostic)

so, there's no need to fiddle with pointers manually in modern day of computing power we have?

no need if you are a coder

good for me then

I unironically hate "coding" and only do it so I can use more free software. Rather go fishing than type up giberish all day.
