Is telegram compromised? If it is, what else should I use as alternative?

Is telegram compromised? If it is, what else should I use as alternative?

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All non-free software is compromised because it does not protect you against its creator.

so what? telegram is foss

The servers are proprietary.

Wire,, RetroShare, Briar

It isn't.

wickr is what we use to buy drugs in here

It's created by Lubyanka and promoted through "digital resistance" shitshow. Now here in Russia everyone uses it thinking Durov won't hand their data over to the FSB. Those braindead puny roosskie fools. But if you're in the west and are Jow Forums-tier wannabe-nazi pooper it could be an option for you.

XMPP + OMEMO is the only solution.


So, whats a good, FOSS and freedom respecting multiplatform messenger?
But that uses your fucking phone number as an id, so that's kinda useless to start with.

telegram is definitely not foss
if it is, give me the server source code, let me compile it and run it on my own server

>Is telegram compromised?
We haven't seen any indication of that (quite the opposite).
Signal and Telegram are shit.
Wire needs play services to deliver messages and has google tracking on their android app.

never really seen that, so is it normie-proof?

It's almost identical to discord, so I'd say yes.

>identical to discord
OK, so I take this as a no. No one uses discord, besides gamer autists.


Attached: c640053b-ad32-43ee-a8d9-5baafe8784df.jpg (64x64, 1K)


>I take it as a no
Take it however you want. It's as easy to use as anything else. It's not tox or briar.

torchat - serverless chat and fastest file transfer

It's good for ISIS, it's good enough for the rest of us.


> register an account
> confirm an email
> 'hey we need to sure you are not robot'
> google_captcha.jpg
> fill first list properly
> captcha says try again
> fill second list
> try again
> third list
> try again
Enough already to drop this shit.

You'll have to be more concret about what "compromised" means to you.
Signal is nice.

If it needs to be secure in the sense of actually hard to intercept don't use messengers.

The fuck are you doing? It doesn't ask for a captcha at all. Are you trying to register over tor?

Well, from mobile for a Jow Forums comment it may go up to 10 captchas for me. Literally shit.

you should use your mom, as a fleshlight

Yes, good goy. Be sure to pick a new preferred messaging program at least once a week. That way we can confuse the normies and ensure everyone just keeps using Skype instead.

>wire botnet is good


>just pay 8€/month to chat

Is Riot P2P or at least end2end encrypted (verifiably)?
Also is Tox usable?

Signal, hands down best messenger

Tox is shit. I've tried and tried again to use it but it just feels like junk.

What do you mean exactly? There are several different clients so what is the problem?

Wire. Signal. Telegram. Riot. XMPP. Discord. Slack.

Fuck this shit, I'll just use Skype and Whatsapp.

How is Tox different from Retroshare?