They actually did it. They open-sourced it. MIT license.
WPF open-sourced
What is this and how will it help me rice my Gentoo system further?
Looks like a glorified XML parser to me
Still chained to Windows graphics subsystem.
Now MS own electron maybe changes electron to .Net Core runtime, TypeScript language and new GUI.
not cross-platform. no fucks given.
You're mistaken about the sheer power levels of autistic retards. They'll hack in OpenGL support within weeks, if not days.
hahaha linux shills are going to be mad. I anticipate a hard day for em.
They are opensourcing it so that autists can port it to linux for free.
That means someone can make windows 10 use WinForms?
How will this help wine?
The fuck is wpf?
>open sourced 15 year old crap that isn't really relevant any more
Based microsoft!
WTF is a WPF?
>tfw still rely mostly on GDI
GDI i don't understand WPF this thread is about
Not happening.
That's nice. Although Avalonia exists already, but maybe it will help them.
t. someone who likes wpf
But those will only whine and bitch (like they do it all the time)
Windows Presentation foundation. The thing that should have killed off Windows Forms, but doesn't, because all teachers only know Forms.
is Microsoft slowly going full open source?
I mean vscode, .net core ,sql server, now wpf?
came say this
mvvm master race. it will feel like 2008 once again, relay commands, dispatch invokers and xaml, oh xaml
WPF is never going to be cross platform so it's useless to me.
And because it's not that good.
This is good, once it gets ported over it will be easier to make cross platform app in .net core with wpf and windows forms.
The final brick in the .net core foundation.
It will never get ported you idiot.
If they can integrate it to wine-mono. I doubt anyone will work on it though
first things first
multiple UI render threads = battlestation software
Not even two weeks ago I asked on the ASP .NET forums whether there was anything on the radar for something like Blazor (aka XML in WPF) for NET Core on the desktop and they said no
then this happens
It won't happen.
Even if it did nobody would use it because people are too lazy. Nobody uses JavaFX(TornadoFX even though it is 100x superior to Electron.
>look up tornadofx
>imperatively define components
>into the trash.jpg
Declarative or bust. There's a reason why WPF enjoyed some popularity.
I can hope maybe they open source the zune next. That would be cool.
if you paired it with code from Wine, you'd have something
but I doubt anyone's gonna bother
WinForms is just really pleasant.
like, WinForms is basically the oldschool VB model, but with a real programming language behind it instead of VB
>Add dotnet overlay:
>Install dev-lang/mono
>Write XAML GUI description files by hand with the sheer power of God and autism
>BTFO Gnome and QT forever