Which are these earbuds? I just found them on a subway station

Which are these earbuds? I just found them on a subway station.

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They are from galaxy 8 Samsung phone.

They're cheap-o $10 buds you can get at any store that sells electronics.

Your asking for it

Cant you read, nigger? Akg earbuds, now look it up on google and find the exact model.

Incompetent fuck

dont be a cunt, hand them into lost property

give it back tyrone

This, got the same pair.

>Holding them

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Yeah these are the "samsung earphones tuned by akg" I think they also come with the s9

found headphones were always a jackpot for me before the days of ubiquitous chink multidriver earphones

i found a pair of phillips SHE3590 in tangled mess of cables and shit in a bush that obviously been stolen out of a car.

turns out they sounded great and were actually a wildly popular headphone meme. I rocked them from 2012 - 2016 i loved the shit out of those things

Well he can wash them with vodka and remove germs

Give them back Jamal

these come with like the s9 or 8 i think. They are surprisingly good.

hes jewish u anti semite

>found them on a subway station

earworms for sure

They do.

or you could not get them sticky and just use isopropyl

While squatting

Won't that break them?


they came with my note 8 and have lasted almost a year. They're really are nice for headphones that come with a phone.

The Samsung S5 ones were pretty great too, in all honesty.

you can legitimately buy those new on amazon right now for 11 dollars.

> doesn't know current prank of sticking earphone buds up own anus, then leaving earphone buds on trains for people to use

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If anyone else was as intrigued as I was.

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