How can I clone a SATA ssd to another SATA ssd
How can I clone a SATA ssd to another SATA ssd
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It's just bytes, unmount/offline the drives and copy.
Acronis True Image
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512
You are a bad person user
>not using /dev/random
thanks user I got a virus and it fucked my ass!
Congratulations on finally getting laid.
>not using /dev/urandom
nice! very nice
Ask David Copperfield to come to your house. H e really likes tapioca pudding, so leave a few around the place to make him feel comfy.
delete system 32
Fuck off, wangtard.
Why is it better than dd?
It's available only on Linux?
No, it's available on all Unix and Unix-like operating systems, which encompasses the majority of operating systems. Are you some kind of /v/irgin who doesn't use a good OS?
both of these. There's a literal fucking mountain of how to do it online.
>inb4 /sgt/
Khashoggi is not a US citizen; he's a US permanent resident you fucking libtard
>getting the tense wrong...
Prove that he is dead, libtard.
Fair call - guess he's living on an island in the Bermuda Triangle with Tupac, Biggie and Elvis then.
Fucken hell - being THIS invested.
I don't know who the other two are, but Elvis is dead. Way to have a non-argument, though, libcuck.
fuck off back to Jow Forums
xD gottem
>libtard, libcuck
m8, I'm a fellow Jow Forumsack and I've gotta be honest - you're making us look bad...
Well, worse than we normally look anyway.
I can't believe mainlanders actually say Australia as "Austraya". Fucking blacked morons.
Go fuck your cuz Tassiecunt. Or the ewe standing next to her in the paddock...
You're jealous that we are white and you aren't?
>he fucks sheep and family members
>is proud of being wh*Te
m8, I'd rather be an abo cunt hitting up strangers for a smoke than be a fucken Taswegian
Sums up the attitude of mainlanders pretty well. Enjoy mass immigration and Islamification. The whole incest joke started as a way for mainlanders to feel better about being mixed race, remember.
>The whole incest joke started as a way for mainlanders to feel better about being mixed race, remember.
Yeah, nah.
The whole incest "joke" started cause after they stopped killing Abos Tassiecunts started fucking their sisters and daughters.
It was on only after some Van Drongoland cunt said
>let's not lads, stick toy your cuzzies bloke
that you stopped...
Case in point...
Haven't you got some meth to go and smoke anyway cunt?
>Yeah, nah.
Stupid mainlander mutt vernacular.
>The whole incest "joke" started cause after they stopped killing Abos Tassiecunts
Yes, because unlike you poofs we were actually able to kill our abos. You clothe and feed them on your island.
>Tassiecunts started fucking their sisters and daughters
Literally just made up by mainlander mutts who were butthurt about being non-white.
Watching too much yankee TV, I see.
>typed 2 min after muh post
Cheers for the giggles cunt - it's always fun taking the piss out of you backwards cunts. Gotta go drop the dog off at the vets.
>it's always fun taking the piss out of you backwards cunts
You think it is progressive to be non-white?
> Gotta go drop the dog off at the vets.
Just shoot it and claim it on insurance. Once they've been fucked up once they're a money pit and they'll never work as well again. But it's probably your fault for letting it out of its cage.
What benefit does it have over dd?
who the fuck has ide hard drives in 2018?
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=4K status=progress
>but muh vindos
>majority of operating systems
Are you some kind of /v/irgin who doesn't use a good OS?
4K or 4k?
samsung has utility just for that, if you need to copy your system to bigger ssd
I didn't say that and you know it, retard.