Reminder that the TRUE editor rivalry is between vi and emacs. Stop buying into vim's WE WUZ revisionism

Reminder that the TRUE editor rivalry is between vi and emacs. Stop buying into vim's WE WUZ revisionism.

Attached: vi_man.png (400x288, 24K)

Well the only editor I use is nano. GNU approved and not part of a botnet.

ed is the original editor

Yeah now try to do any real programming with nano

>GNU approved

>not using ed
enjoy your bloat

Nano, NEdit, Kate, and KWrite are the white man's editors. Take your old, bloated, and difficult to navigate shitware and blow it out your ass.


Attached: Screenshot_20181205_110829.png (258x339, 45K)

I prefer nano

nano for quick text edits and writing
LaTeX for formatting
vim for everything else

I prefer sublime
because its simply sublime

pluma master-race reporting in..

I like emacs for orgmode, but I use evil mode keybindings.

I like the philosophy behind emacs but I enjoy the minimalism of vi and the keybindings for emacs are just pure SHIT.

True wizards use ed.

Vim is basically just a shitty emacs. Vi is meant to function as part of a larger system of programs, rather than emacs actually being that system itself (and being made with that in mind). All the "improvements" done to vi were done better already with emacs with vi movement.

The new onions editors have made the editor war irrelevant.

Vi-man, wo-man
Coincidence I think not

sublime text in vim mode for programming
vi for sysadmin stuff when I only have a console
everything else is NEET crap

Nano for retards, vi for normalfags, emacs for intelligent people.

Nixe argument for systemd. Init is just a part of a larger system, right?

Do one thing, do it well, retard

What the fuck are you talking about? My problem with Vim is that it's the exact opposite of that, and what vi is meant to be. A true "vi-improved" would be one that interacts with the system better and cleaner than vi, not something that tries to cram in all sorts of bullshit that shouldn't be there, because that's how you end up with a situation where it has a bigger C base than emacs.