Goddamn this is shit

goddamn this is shit.

Attached: download (5).jpg (260x194, 4K)

This. You can't even draw a circle in GIMP.

This shit is good.

Drawing a ellipse selection and filling it is hard indeed

I have no idea which features are winfags lacking.

That is a solid circle, not a circle.

Then don't use it. FOSS is about freedom.

>using a raster image editor for drawing stuff
Use inkscape or krita

Good enough for making basic memes quickly.

Attached: autismpowerstance.png (810x440, 379K)

>ellipse select
>stroke path
>ellipse select
>right click -> select -> border
>set line width

Nah, that's inkscape. Even a quick vectorization of pepe + clip mask can let you do a ton of memeing.

>excusing literal garbage
Stupid lintoddler

I don't even use WSL m8, just saying you're using the wrong tool for the job. Drawing with inkscape is like using an angel grinder to sharpen a pocket knife.

>complains about free software

entitled and retarded, I wonder if there's a word for that

yeah, (you)

retarded indeed

I do wish it has shape editing like PS.
Nondestructive editing is a blessing.

Why is Adobe never going to publish its suite on Linux anyway? Is it because they know GNUfats don't pay for software?

>angel grinder

Adobe products are basically spyware, i don't want that shit near my box


Small audience lots of work. It's the same for many games.
There's so many people who are proprietary hostile on Linux too. They make it such a hassle to get things working. Then there's also the static link everything advice people give. It's not how companies want to ship software usually.

But they said 201_ was the year of the Linux!!!!!!

Attached: kocCUDA.png (522x747, 116K)

Linux on the desktop is not gonna happen until the Linux community (see: Linux foundation with corporate sponsors) destroys much of what makes it what we like.
Not even major distributions like Ubuntu have sufficient feature stability. They gave up on gksu just recently iirc. Don't remember why.

That just won't do.

i honestly - and this isn't bait - wish that they just started copying photoshop. the user experience shits on gimp's.

entarded ?!
rentitlerd ?!

Newfags Can't Cicle (GIMP)

Attached: Sin nombre.png (1366x732, 144K)

Hijo de perra madre, solo has echo el circulo borroso. Usa inkscape.

Un circulo borroso sigue siendo un circulo.

Attached: youlosesirgoodday.jpg (625x468, 63K)

Layers, selection, and more are much more convenient in GIMP.

yeah ok retart, watch this

Attached: 1533088130347.webm (600x600, 2.59M)

it's SUPPOSED to be shit

Forgot to save that webm until now. Thanks for posting it again.

GIMP is an Adobe ruse to make an alternative to Photoshop so horrible people are willing to pay anything for Photoshop.

Can't prove me wrong.

no no, THIS is how you do it.

Attached: output.webm (658x422, 2.26M)

Photopea is the only viable alternative i found for not having a photoshp license. There is also krita, but i dont have the time to learn it. Also i only use this programs to do basic shit with images mantaining some quality.

>needing tools to draw a circle
Imagine developing arthritis at your mid 20s

Attached: Untitled96.png (753x512, 93K)

GIMP is the ultimate brainlet filter. Zoomers see it and recoil immediately.

>drag guide lines to point
>round brush size X
>click point
>eraser size (X-2)
>click point

reminder that every fag complaining doesn't use a rolling distro and is not using the latest version of Gimp

>tfw you sudo dnf remove gimp

Attached: 1544019088698.jpg (491x713, 16K)

Use paint.net

fuking brainlets cant even pythin console

the latest version is tolerable, it has unsharp mask and whatever

and white balance control

or is using windows, it doesn't notify you that there's a new version

I don't use it. I don't want it. I don't care that Linux desktop won't be popular. All the cool things you can do with it is because it is meant for high IQ people. Imagine having tons of 50 IQ wintoddlers dumbing down, locking down, and ruining the hacker's paradise.

The only problem i have with it is that, Save as, for some reason takes forever.