Fuck you google

Fuck you google

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cucked again :(

Those hands are roughly the same size, probably gays.

Also why are you upset? I'm in an IR relationship right now and it's based.

OHNONONONONO hwite bois btfo by based Google

this is not consensual. this is technically rape by their own fucking rules.

Disgusting desu

This. Do the needful. If you are white, marry a PoC. If you are PoC, marry a white.

"It's according to Material Design color guidelines, goyim!"

>I'm in an IR relationship right now and it's based.
this is impossible, you're probably a leftist femoid trying to kill us from the inside

Fragility in action, there's zero need to be upset here

Fuck Google

Haha, imagine how smug the designer should feel.

degenerate race mixing

what if it is a witeboi and nigerina with a chimpanzee hands

finna be based

The best one was either black Beethoven or the black Founding Fathers.

Are you mad, White boys? Asian boys on suicide watch as well.

I hate niggers

i've always hidden google's daily nigger toasts

I mean, Achilles was black. And Spartacus. And King Arthur. And the Egyptians.

>using google botnet
Kill yourself phoneposter

I don't get it? It's just a guy holding a bag of coins...

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We welcome the diversity here in 4channel

>everyone immediately assumed it's a white girl and a black man
Stop lurking blacked threads you fucking cucks.

Wake me up when this era of half-assed virtue signalling is over.
>look, we're not racist, we made the criminal be white and the doctor black! the son wears a dress! look how progressive we are!
>marry someone for reasons other than you want to spend your life with them
Imagine having this shitty of an outlook on life.

why would any1 by triggered by that?


Imagine getting triggered by the mere sight of black skin

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I'm so sick of this shit. It's just all so tiresome.

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This. Jow Forumstards are obsessed with interracial porn, it's insane.

Imagine getting triggered by the mere fact of your race disappearing.

Reminder that killing all niggers would effectively end racism once and for all.

Once you realize you're watching beastiality it gains a unique kind of thrill.

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Why should I care about that

This is technically true

nippon cartoon "black" is not black

white guys should get laid more often then ;^)

The only people who get scared of this are literal cucks and incels.

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Yeah where's the nice and dry, desert landscape esque skin? The large, heavy lips? The beautiful brittle hair, mostly reduced to the sweet dandruff ridden scalp? The dark brown to black eyes? This anime shit is destroying my quainz

>being offended and triggered by something as simple as two hands being held together

"Haha, those darn liberals are always offended by little thin-- WHY ARE TWO DIFFERENT ETHNIC PEOPLE HOLDING HANDS?! I AM OUTRAGED!!!!! GU'_&#_#_7TVBI”

Two people from different backgrounds can't be portrayed hold hands without it being called virtue signalling. Great.

Keep Jow Forums cancer in Jow Forums.

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Sexy, love you Google baby. Sex me. Ahhh! Sexsex.

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This post is of extremely poor quality.

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top zozzle

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sometimes in animation it's done for contrast, obviously not in OP's case, but media does it purposefully for controversy

Here, fixed.

Attached: miss me with this gay shit.jpg (1080x1920, 212K)

Based and redpilled

Cringe and BLACKEDpilled

That girl is alrady a boomer