Zen 2 waiting room / intel bunker

older threads

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oh baby

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>Announced May, who knows when it's going to hit the market.
I don't want to wait that long.

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That shit is amazing to be honest, who would've thought we'd live to see entry level CPUs with six cores. Are we at PEAK future people?


Is it not female?

>AMDtards believing that unironically.
Is there something more pathetic than AMDtards?

I forgot her name



When is ces happening??

nooo. i dont wanna abandon my 2500k.

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nah we'll see eight cores be entry level soon enough

Goodbye 6600k.

8 January, so we'll soon see the validity of these leaks.
If they're real, AMD is going to completely dominate the market for the foreseeable future.

Just buy an Intel, idiot.

Ah, the jaded Intel buyer, a man who has given up.

I'm a little worried AMDbros ... what if it flops?

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Dude, I'm on 2600K since 2011 and even I'm going to get that 3800X. Get over it and man up. Fully accept the AWEMDSOME, truly become a #BETTERED human being.

They cost too much. I expect a 16 core for 300 bucks.

Just like gen1 Zen and Zen+ flopped, rrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiight...just look at this absolute disgrace of a AYYMD failure:


it will flopp.
imagine the latency on these chips with their stupid corelet design
I guess I'll have to wait for intel's 10nm CPU...

Then people don't deserve Zen.

What if? It will certainly flop. We are talking about AMD. They always flop because they are drunken Asian idiots not some serious workers like Intel. What an idiot.

>Still spreading fake data.
Typical AMDtard.

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>cost too much
Compared to what diamonds? Inshill charges close to $600 for 8 cores, your going to get 16 for a couple hundred bucks less that..

I bet you bought a 7700k

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Fake photoshopped shit. Try again AMDtard.

Wrong still using a i7-4790 because Intel processors are so good you don't need to update.



>Ignorance is your new best friend

Retardation is yours.

Hold in there, 2500K. Just a couple of months more.

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If true I'm buying AMD again for the first time since my Athlon XP 2400+ and Intel is dead.

>intel literally on suicide watch
1 y ago they were jewing people for 350$ for quidcores..

>Intel processors are so good you don't need to update.

At least Intel processors work. AMD processors ... not so much.

>Wrong still using a i7-4790 because Intel processors are so good you don't need to update.
Still on my I5-4400. But you gotta admit it's time to move on. It's a CPU for the same price as your last purchase for more than double the performance. It's certainly worth it.

I hope the amd fuckers won't make me buy a new motherboard and memories just to be able to run their new Cpus ....

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...wait...are you ACTUALLY Piednoel?

Do they?

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Only if your getting anything above 12cores sadly.

Nice attempt, sanjeet xinping,but you're not fooling anyone

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I fail to see that. My CPU is still better than anything AMD has shitted so far.

As EZ as just updating a BIOS and changing the stone.

>9 series requires a new motherboard
oh well, the 3700X will be compatible with a 1-gen AM4... right?

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>I fail to see that. My CPU is still better than anything AMD has shitted so far.
Are you delusional or just baiting?
t. Intel owner

Holy shit the intel shills in this thread

Are you aware that AMD has the same bugs too? They just lie if they said they don't.

>not 64 core Tamagotchi

AM4 and TR4 are fully supported up to Zen 4, but, unfortunately, some of the top tier new chips will be just SO ADVANCED AND POWERFUL that most of the gen1 and even Zen+ tier motherboards simply won't be able to handle them well, so, basically, what this means is that you CAN get 3xxx and even 4xxx Zens for gen1 and Zen+ boards, but only low and mid tier ones, since top tier dogs will literally CRUSH your boards, or at the very least HEAVILY CRIPPLE them features/stability-wise.

No i'm serious.Ryzen are just a waste of money for what? 8 cores noone uses anyway.

Just as I was planning to build a new PC

based AMD coming at it again

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Fake photoshopped shit. Your AMDtards are a sad pathertic bucnh

come on m8, you're not supposed to respond with a meme answer, your shitposting cover has been blown

t. goymer

I'm truly happy AMD is getting their shit together, is any of this going to trickle down into GPU's?

>No i'm serious.Ryzen are just a waste of money for what? 8 cores noone uses anyway.
Can you imagine being so desperate for attention you have to continuously lie

>8core +hav v.16 cores

I like my backup if the GPU died boys..

How probable is it that my 2x8 GB 3000 Mhz kit from 2016 will work fine on a X570 board?

I can't wait for the eventual reviews where is not even close the Intel CPUs. Jow Forums will be eternally BTFO and it will be glorious.

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Hopefully other people see that Intel can be challenged and decide to start their own business as well. When we can get anti-spyware hardware for a change, at least in the beginning until they're forced to created their own version of the ME.

This just creates more question. Is AM4 limited to only 2 memory channels or will newer motherboards accept 3, or 4channels? Raven ridge already demostrates the gpu cores are memory bandwidth starved and the issue is exacerbated in cpu intensive games when the cpu consumes a bigger portion of the memory bandwidth. I don't see the 15, 20 CU apus running any much better on dual channel memory again. It's probably also true for the 12 and 16 cores ryzens.

>can be challenged
>pretends to ignore that it took AMD more than 10 years to mount a comeback

May 1st is AMD's 50th birthday. If the leaks are true i think they'll release it then.

>less than a decade to equal and rival the biggest hardware monopoly in the world
Literal suicide watch...

it because of power reqs.. the new cpus exceeds the old power specs, i could see differnt manufacturers supporting differnt cpu's for differnt mobos..i mean if your mobo can juice it and the am4 socket didnt change, why not?

Almost certainly, tho you might need some higher end x370 for the 12c parts, because their power requirements will definitely be higher than the og r7s.
Plus if the 3rd gen r7s support quad channel memory, it'll be worth to invest on a newer board that also supports 4channel memory

Even if AMD is 10 times better, people will still buy Intel over AMD. I remember back when the a64 crushed the P4 people would still recommend and buy Intel. It will happen the same thing again.

>less than a decade
AMD was irrelevant since the Core 2 days user...

because intel makes superior CPUs
that's why they cost so much

>'dem FX 8350

9900k is 8% faster than 2700x... and zen2 has +15% IPC and +25% clock speed with more cores. Can you explain your reasoning how zen2 wont even be clock when zen+ is literally less than 10% performance difference?

It will, ignore the shills

Your X370 and X470 boards will become gimped potatoes if you use the 12 and 16-core parts just like how Z370 boards gimp 9th gen Intel CPUs

If you're using Gen 1 and Gen 2 Ryzen just wait for the 7nm+ launch to upgrade if you must insist, AMD is releasing yearly anyway and with a motherboard change a year

People buy Intel because they make better CPUs. Period.

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Man I wish AMD delivers. Most importantly I really hope Navi or whatever it's called isn't again shit.

>it's ok when AMD does it

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amd btfo lol haha look how much better intel is

Nice try AMD shill

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I don't believe any of this until the official release. If it's true though, I will buy 3.


>and zen2 has +15% IPC and +25% clock speed with more cores
I can pull numbers out of my ass too.

>AMD requires a new board because it's physically impossible to deliver power properly to a 16 core CPU on a board designed for an 8 core and still fully supports all non 16 core CPUs in the lineup
>intel requires a new board to run a 6% faster 4 core cpu
really activates the old almonds there

those numbers are reported by amd themselfs...

And inshit charged a grand for 8 cores 2 years ago yet the 1700 was around 300 bucks still. I hope they keep the same prices for all tiers like the past 2 gens.

delete this sir

Reminder that this pic is never wrong

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>Is AM4 limited to only 2 memory channels
Zen 2 was already confirmed to support up to 8 channels on TR and up to 4 on mainstream. New 5xx motherboards will be a sight to behold.

current board will probably support poorfag cpus aka r3/5/7, for the r9 you will likely need a new one


>people will still buy Intel over AMD

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Current boards will support the 8-core 3600X but everything higher will be AM4+

The 6600k was a shit buy even when it came out.

Can't be worse than current gen Zen, so if it flops will still have cheap Zen+ with decent performance.

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>where every Intel and Nvidia article gets shitposted on by AMDrones