Why aren't you using XFCE? It's modern, highly customizable, low on resources, and isn't bloated like Gnome or KDE is

Why aren't you using XFCE? It's modern, highly customizable, low on resources, and isn't bloated like Gnome or KDE is.

Attached: 1516228247387.png (1920x1080, 316K)

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>isn't bloated like Gnome or KDE is
True, but still not as lightweight as LXDE / LXQt and offers similar features. LXQt is the patrician choice right now.

Attached: lxqt.png (1366x768, 505K)

Why would you need LXDE or LXQt if you aren't on a toaster? With XFCE, you don't have to make compromises.

Is there a direct Qt alternative to XFCE? XFCE is almost perfect except for GTK.

Because i like some desktop effect like exposé

because i like MATE better

Attached: 8b5.jpg (960x644, 49K)

Because non-tiling window managers are for plebes.

>He thinks he's a professional for spending 10 hours ricing his i3 install.

me too, thanks

But I'm not making any, user.
t. LXQt user

LXQT is buggy and definitely uses more resources than XFCE.

> modern
> GTK2
bad bait user

Attached: Dtn48dMU0AAMgUq.jpg (1078x1440, 235K)

gnome Shell uses 200-300mb per session
xfce uses 100-200
very usefil those 0-100mb right?

These figures are pants-on-fire inaccurate

>gnome Shell uses 200-300mb per session
That's only for the shell
It still depends on evolution-data-service, a few of Gnome setting daemons and tracker. All add up to at least 1.5 gigabyte.

> modern
> looks like windows 95

ok, next

>not using i3

Pick one. The point of LXDE was to be as lightweight as possible. Qt is just a burden.

You don't know what windows 95 looks like

Xfce works
GNOME lags
RAM usage is irrelevant

i am using xfce : - )

What's the >lightest DE that uses GTK3? I want to theme with CSS.

shitty multi monitor support mostly. there are a couple other annoying issues, too, like the 1px window borders, thunar's lack of per-folder views, ristretto doesn't handle folders with a ton of images very well, and i also wish that the taskbar had window previews ala win7/win10 or kde.

otherwise it's probably the most stable, non-jank DE there is. it's a terrible fucking shame that it's probably the least developed DE out there.

why would you run any of those except if you are mentally retarded. the entire gnome collection on my gentoo install takkes 350mb with all running gnome processes combined

gnome lags because you run it on a literal toaster. my 2007 laptop runs gnome 3.30 without any flaw. ram usage is not irrelevant in that gnome has 10000 billions of more features and is heavier but still marginally uses more ram than xfce. so either red hat are intellectual iranian magician or xfce devs are literal autistic down syndrome kids

>Why aren't you using XFCE? It's modern, highly customizable, low on resources, and isn't bloated like Gnome or KDE is.
But I am using xfce

you can apply the CSS anywhere and it will always take effect. try it out in for example kwin. also it even works with transparency and the likes but for that the program has to explicitly call some strange function or so before gui startup at least if you are outside mutter


I do...

Attached: scre.png (2560x1440, 774K)

Are you using lightdm or no dm?

fuck off probably a lxqt dev trying to get attention here, u will never get fund for ur shitty DE.

I like Window Maker

you build your own DE, not use some preset configuration that someone else designed for you

Attached: 2018-12-01-1543719370.png (1600x900, 971K)

For how long have you been using Window Maker?

Several years off and on, I switch between it and Fvwm2

I will when I will allow me to see the same thumbnails than Gnome or KDE.

Is there a good way to theme xfce to not look like flat butt ugly bullshit?

why wont you use Icewm?
it takes 16MB or something around those lines

Attached: icewm.png (640x480, 68K)

I use XFCE. I switched from LXqt because it wouldn't remember my default file-program associations.

I use it. It's nice.
if I'm not using it, I'm using a straight WM, like Window Maker or IceWM

I love IceWM. Shit's super comfy.

still too heavy for my old computers. I'd agree tho, xfce is legit the best DE.

1. xfce
2. kde
3. gnome
4. lxde (yeah sure lightweight af but lacks so much features its basically useless)

I thought that was Weird Al from the thumbnail

Because why in the fuck would anyone tolerate anything less Zen than Openbox?

Because fluxbox exists.

why people think RAM usage is so important? its only one of the things that mesures its 'lightweightness' modern low end computers have tons of spare ram with crap integrated gpu so who cares if it takes 2gb of ram...

Only brainlets fall for the "unused RAM is wasted RAM" meme.
The RAM your desktop environment uses is pure overhead.


this looks like something that would work really good with an older computer/laptop.

Attached: images.jpg (739x415, 40K)

wtf? on Debian is 600MB, try not being retarded

>low on resources, and isn't bloated

based, the future DE

yeah i bet you contributed loads to dwm

You can also use fluxbox
but it is really unpopular now

Attached: screenshot_zan.png (1600x1200, 776K)

XFCE looks too 2005-ish. Maybe when it gets ported to GTK3 I'll give it a install, but the developers are lazy as fuck though.

"modern" in 2003 maybe.

I don't think Xfce provides a way to save and automate window positions. KDE, as well as practically every stand-alone window manager, can make rules for windows based on name, class, role, type, etc. Replacing just xfwm could work, but xfce-panel has built-in logic that makes it play nicely with xfwm, so, you replace the panel as well. Then you replace various apps with more capable alternatives: mousepad with VIM or Geany, Parole with mpv or VLC, etc. Eventually, your Xfce desktop is nothing more than xfce4-session running autostart for an alien environment.

based on my experience


Oh, but I am using it.

Attached: scrot.png (1024x600, 676K)

> gnome has 10000 billions of more features

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>falling for the i3 meme
WM with no DE is so fucking autistic. Use real software, desktoplet.

you build your own dwm. it's just a template

I use KDR plasma because I don't parrot Jow Forums memes and realize that it isn't KDE 4 anymore. I don't mind using up 200 mb ram for more features and Qt. Also nice screen tearing faggot

On the flip side, I use Budgie because KDE isn't KDE4 anymore. KDE5 is an unstable piece of shit with every setting under the sun EXCEPT the ones you need.

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I do.

KDE 5.12 and above isn't unstable anymore. Can't remember the last crash I had with it.

Software I need doesn't support it.

Give me ONE good reason to use a DE

Good DE, but doomed to die due to GTK faggotry.
Jumped of the boat before I'm forced off.

>year of our lord two thousand and eighteen
>not using q4os with the trinity desktop environment

Attached: q4os.png (1280x1024, 138K)

this feels so close to being done
installed it last night and just couldn't get things to flow right and ended up switching back

how have you customised yours?

Not really. I just changed the clock and the taskbar size and that's about it. What problems did you have with it?

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I saw some screenshots of it looking much different. how do I customise it?

Basically you want to "sudo kcmodules --unlock" and then you'll have full access to theme settings in the control panel. There are Windows XP and 2000 themes out there. Just google it.

preach user. I want to be filling my ram with my workloads, not whatever the fags at the GNOME project think my ram needs to be filled with.

unironically better than xfce at this point, given all the gnome 3 cancer making its way into xfce, and the ugly defaults on debian.
mate still just werks with zero customization needed out of the box

I am, and it's incredibly homely compared to macOS.

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why havent you installed vala appmenu/topmenu?
also kde (subjective opinion) has better looks, riced or unriced

it screentears out of the box. you have to read like 100s pages of a linux manual to fix it

Attached: CX_BsCPUEAAhXwm-375x500.jpg (375x500, 38K)

Because my OS came with a much better WM (User32), DWM (dwm.exe) and DE (Explorer) than any of this shit.

No it doesn't

Under normal use (i.e. 0 interaction with xfce itself, only with programs running under xfce such as a web browser), it invariably freezes the entire OS (down to the kernel level - no panic, but all ttys magically stop existing) and refuses to ever start working again even through restarts of the computer.
Has been the case for at least 5 years.

Ooooohhh, been looking for this. Thanks user
XFCE is pretty nice tho, especially on my FagBook Pro

that looks nice though

The only problem though is the touchpad, I still can't configure it to my liking (feels like I'm handling a fucking tank sometimes), but I'm getting close to it. Surprisingly, internet is faster too on Mint compared to cuckOS

I use gnome because I like the workflow and it looks nice.

> windows like layout
ok kid

Its gtk that is the burden of all developers and users.
gtk2 will be deprecated someday and gtk3 is even worse for everyone.

If you set the Windows key as one shortcut, then Windows key + another key as another shortcut, using the Windows key + another key activates both.

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Because I prefer KDE as it doesn’t look like lipstick on a pig

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Christ wtf ever happened to fluxbox???

Plus you can replicate damn near any desktop in existence with it. Or take the parts you like and mix and match. It is truly the most Linux of all DEs.

Attached: Screenshot_20181205_213110.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

because linux is for niggers

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Sure hope you use TempleOS then.

Any good dark theme and Lightweight DE???

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because the licking screen is a filth


You install compton or enable Tearfree/novideo equivalent. That's it.

It's also very buggy and bloated.

XFCE and Arc dark are very popular.

very modern, reminds me of 2002