What's the best web browser?

What's the best web browser?

Attached: Best-pc-browser-2018.jpg (2100x1500, 134K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They're all shit.

your mind

we had this fucking thread yesterady

chrome, duh

Qutebrowser. Only downside there aint no way of blocking youtube ads.

>we had this fucking thread yesterady (sic)
t. newfag

Vivaldi is Running a wicked game.

Von Tetzchner is BASED

Waterfox for PC and Brave for mobile.
Fuck niggers.



Chromium masterrace

Attached: Chromium_Material_Icon.png (520x520, 71K)




Attached: Chromium_Material_Icon.png (240x240, 21K)

app per website, user
this is 2018

We have this thread every day.

No. Links.

Attached: linksb.jpg (1049x488, 117K)

Firefox obviously

Chrome/Chromium or if you're an autist Brave.


God tier - Chrome, Chromium, Opera
30yo boomer tier - Firefox, Otter, Opera 12
Actual boomer tier - IE, Edge, Netscape
Brainlet tier - Safari, Torch and other browsers that no one has ever intentionally downloaded, Maxthon, everything in actual boomer tier
Autist tier - Brave, Vivaldi, any other unspecified Firefox fork, includes 30yo boomer tier
Turbo autist tier - Qute, IceCat, WebKit, Midori
Holy shit just end it tier - Lynx, Links, uzbl, w3m, Emacs, Safari (Windows)

Safari if you can get it, some other WebKit browser if you cant

My dick

:bind m spawn mpv {url}
:bind M hit links spawn mpv {hint-url}

Problem solved.

what is the one on the bottom middle I like the logo so I'm gonna switch to it


Torch. It's shit

Neck yourself


Protip: Qupzilla is based on webkit, comes with ABP preinstalled, blocks 3rd party cookies by default, and doesn't support fingerprinting. Captcha hates it though- perpare to click on lots of fire hydrants.

But since we have to pic some poison I go with Chromium on desktop and Brave on Android.

Qupzilla is dead, it is called Falkon now, and uses Qt WebEngine, which is a wrapper for chromium

Attached: 768px-Icon_of_Falkon_3.0.svg.png (768x768, 81K)

Why not chromium on android or brave on desktop?

>Only downside
Worthless piece of shit file upload dialogue with no previews. (Unless you run KDE, Cut den what's the reason?)

naked browser for android (・ิω・ิ)

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Where does AOL fall amongst this

there are only 2 browsers though, I prefer firefox over chromium

not him, but video starts playing automatically when you load the page, which would be the ad.

its sad how bad firefox has become

go back to /v/

>Chrome, Chromium, Opera
>Google botnet and Chinese botnet
>God tier

>Autist tier - Brave, Vivaldi
How is Vivaldi Autist tier but Opera not?

How de-Googled is Chromium compared to Chrome?
I'm a Firefox user but it gets consistently worse (who asked for pocket? who?), I'm on the verge of jumping ship.

Attached: 1544202806570.jpg (650x842, 88K)

Then use youtube-viewer or mps-youtube or even invidio.us

Firefox is the best browser

You can completely remove pocket you brainlet

Nowhere because all the users died

Botnet is a meme faggot
And Vivaldi is autist because the only functional shit it adds are autist shit like vertical tabs, plus it's slow so users are actively sacrificing speed for gay shit

But why is it there? Who uses it? Who asked for it? Why was time spent implementing it when the rest of the browser remains an obese mess?
Pocket itself is merely one isolated symptom of the canker afflicting Mozilla.

Attached: ksleepy.jpg (1920x799, 262K)

does anyone know the status of tab isolation in Firefox? Is it comparable to Chrome yet?

Chromium is 100% OS but you want even less phoning home to Google see github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium

>why is it there
Mozilla bought Pocket and thought it would make a useful addition to their browser

>who uses it
I use it. it is particularly useful to save articles to read later in a sane, text-only readable format without ads or shitty popups. It is also great because you can sync your saved articles directly to an eReader.

>why was time spent implementing it
I dont think implementing it would have been so time-consuming. all it really does is link your FF to your Pocket account and adds a button to quickly save articles

Attached: 1515666628189.jpg (640x624, 65K)


Chrome for normal
Firefox for Anime cause it has html5 player preload

Internet Explorer. It comes with every computer

>not streaming your anime to mpv

Attached: 89205.png (453x123, 10K)

But Vivaldi is the least horrible